9 research outputs found

    Binding of the five multistate species of the anthocyanin analog 7- β -D-glucopyranosyloxy-4′-hydroxyflavylium to the β -cyclodextrin derivative captisol

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    The host-guest chemistry of the anthocyanin analog 7-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-4'-hydroxyflavylium (GHF) was studied in the presence of the β-cyclodextrin derivative captisol by stopped flow, UVevisible spectroscopy, flash photolysis, circular dichroism and isothermal titration calorimetry. The equilibrium and rate constants of the multistate of chemical species derived from the flavylium ion were calculated and compared with those in the absence of the host. A new procedure to obtain the host-guest association constants of the multistate (including the transient species) by superimposing the two energy level diagrams, in the presence and absence of the cyclodextrin, was developed. The results indicate that the magnitude of the association constants follows the order, trans-chalcone = cis-chalcone = hemiketal > quinoidal base > flavylium cation. The hydration equilibrium constant increases ca. 42 times in the presence of captisol as the hydration and dehydration rate constants respectively increases and decreases. The other equilibrium constants are modestly affected: the rate constants of ring closure and opening are significantly decreased in the complex and the isomerization rate constants increase in both directions. The quantum yield of the photochromic system in the presence of captisol is0.3, i.e. 3 times higher than in the absence of the host

    3-Deoxyanthocyanes : Synthèse chimique, transformations structurales, affinité pour les ions métalliques et l'albumine de sérum, activité antioxydante

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    This work deals with the chemical synthesis of simple analogs of anthocyanins, the main class of watersolublenatural pigments. Eleven flavylium ions with hydroxyl, methoxyl and beta-D-glucopyranosyloxylsubstituents at positions 4’, 5 and 7 have been prepared by straightforward chemical procedures.Moreover, the two main 3-deoxyanthocyanidins of red sorghum, apigeninidin (APN) and luteolinidin(LTN), have been synthesized in a one-step protocol. The physicochemical properties and antioxidantactivity are investigated for 3’,4’,7-trihydroxyflavylium chloride (P1), its 7-O-beta-D-glucoside (P2) and3’,4’,5,7-tetrahydroxyflavylium chloride (LTN). Owing to their catechol B-ring, they rapidly bind FeIII,AlIII and CuI, more weakly interact with FeII while promoting its autoxidation to FeIII. Following CuIIbinding, the pigments undergo oxidation. Aglycones P1 and LTN are moderate ligands of human serumalbumin (HSA) with chalcones having a higher affinity for HSA than the corresponding colored forms.The antioxidant activity of P1, P2 and LTN is investigated via two tests: reduction of the stable DPPHradical and inhibition of heme-induced lipid peroxidation (a model of postprandial oxidative stress inthe stomach). Aglycones P1 and LTN (especially in their colorless chalcone form) are more potent thanglucoside P2.Ce travail porte sur la synthèse chimique d’analogues simples d’anthocyanes, une classe majeure de pigments naturels solubles dans l’eau. Onze ions flavylium substitués par des groupements hydroxyl,méthoxyl et beta-D-glucopyranosyloxyl en positions 4’, 5 et 7 ont été préparés en utilisant des procédures simples. De plus, les deux principales 3-désoxyanthocyanidines du sorgho rouge, l’apigéninidine (APN) et la lutéolinidine (LTN), ont été synthétisées en une seule étape. Les propriétés physico-chimiques ainsi que l’activité antioxydante ont été étudiées pour le chlorure de 3’,4’,7-trihydroxyflavylium (P1), son 7-O-beta-D-glucoside (P2) et le chlorure de 3’,4’,5,7-tétrahydroxyflavylium (LTN). Grâce à leur noyau catéchol, ces pigments complexent rapidement FeIII, AlIII and CuI et ne se lient que faiblement à FeII tout en stimulant son autoxydation en FeIII. Suite à la complexation de CuII, les pigments subissent une oxydation. Les aglycones P1 et LTN sont des ligands modérés de l’albumine de sérum humain (HSA) et leurs chalcones ont montré une plus grande affinité pour la HSA que leurs formes colorées. Leur capacité antioxydante a été démontrée par le test de réduction du radical stable DPPH et par l’inhibition de la peroxydation lipidique induite par le fer héminique, un modèle de stress oxydant postprandial dans l’estomac. Les aglycones P1 et LTN (particulièrement, dans leur forme incolore chalcone) sont plus efficaces que le glucoside P2

    Analogs of Natural 3-Deoxyanthocyanins: O-Glucosides of the 4′,7-Dihydroxyflavylium Ion and the Deep Influence of Glycosidation on Color

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    3-Deoxyanthocyanidins and their O-β-D-glucosides are natural pigments abundant in black sorghum. O-glycosidation can perturb the acid-base properties of the chromophore and lower its electron density with a large impact on the distribution of colored and colorless forms in aqueous solution. In this work, the influence of O-glycosidation on color is systematically studied from a series of 3-deoxyanthocyanin analogs. The pH- and light-dependent reversible reactions of 7-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-4'-hydroxyflavylium (P3) and 4'-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-7-hydroxyflavylium (P5) were completely characterized in mildly acidic solution and compared with the parent aglycone 4',7-dihydroxyflavylium ion and the O-methylethers of P3 and P5. Except P5, the chalcone forms of the pigments exhibit a high cis-trans isomerization barrier that allows a pseudo-equilibrium involving all species except the trans-chalcone. At equilibrium, only the flavylium cation and trans-chalcone are observed. With all pigments, the colored flavylium ion can be generated by irradiation of the trans-chalcone (photochromism). Glycosidation of C7–OH accelerates hydration and strongly slows down cis-trans isomerization with the pH dependence of the apparent isomerization rate constant shifting from a bell-shaped curve to a sigmoid. The color of P5 is much more stable than that of its regioisomer P3 in near-neutral conditions

    Binding of the five multistate species of the anthocyanin analog 7- β -D-glucopyranosyloxy-4′-hydroxyflavylium to the β -cyclodextrin derivative captisol

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    The host-guest chemistry of the anthocyanin analog 7-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-4'-hydroxyflavylium (GHF) was studied in the presence of the β-cyclodextrin derivative captisol by stopped flow, UVevisible spectroscopy, flash photolysis, circular dichroism and isothermal titration calorimetry. The equilibrium and rate constants of the multistate of chemical species derived from the flavylium ion were calculated and compared with those in the absence of the host. A new procedure to obtain the host-guest association constants of the multistate (including the transient species) by superimposing the two energy level diagrams, in the presence and absence of the cyclodextrin, was developed. The results indicate that the magnitude of the association constants follows the order, trans-chalcone = cis-chalcone = hemiketal > quinoidal base > flavylium cation. The hydration equilibrium constant increases ca. 42 times in the presence of captisol as the hydration and dehydration rate constants respectively increases and decreases. The other equilibrium constants are modestly affected: the rate constants of ring closure and opening are significantly decreased in the complex and the isomerization rate constants increase in both directions. The quantum yield of the photochromic system in the presence of captisol is 0.3, i.e. 3 times higher than in the absence of the host

    Chemically Synthesized Glycosides of Hydroxylated Flavylium Ions as Suitable Models of Anthocyanins: Binding to Iron Ions and Human Serum Albumin, Antioxidant Activity in Model Gastric Conditions

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    Polyhydroxylated flavylium ions, such as 3',4',7-trihydroxyflavylium chloride (P1) and its more water-soluble 7-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (P2), are readily accessible by chemical synthesis and suitable models of natural anthocyanins in terms of color and species distribution in aqueous solution. Owing to their catechol B-ring, they rapidly bind FeIII, weakly interact with FeII and promote its autoxidation to FeIII. Both pigments inhibit heme-induced lipid peroxidation in mildly acidic conditions (a model of postprandial oxidative stress in the stomach), the colorless (chalcone) forms being more potent than the colored forms. Finally, P1 and P2 are moderate ligands of human serum albumin (HSA), their likely carrier in the blood circulation, with chalcones having a higher affinity for HSA than the corresponding colored forms

    Analogs of Natural 3-Deoxyanthocyanins: O-Glucosides of the 4′,7-Dihydroxyflavylium Ion and the Deep Influence of Glycosidation on Color

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    3-Deoxyanthocyanidins and their O-β-d-glucosides are natural pigments abundant in black sorghum. O-glycosidation can perturb the acid-base properties of the chromophore and lower its electron density with a large impact on the distribution of colored and colorless forms in aqueous solution. In this work, the influence of O-glycosidation on color is systematically studied from a series of 3-deoxyanthocyanin analogs. The pH- and light-dependent reversible reactions of 7-β-d-glucopyranosyloxy-4′-hydroxyflavylium (P3) and 4′-β-d-glucopyranosyloxy-7-hydroxyflavylium (P5) were completely characterized in mildly acidic solution and compared with the parent aglycone 4′,7-dihydroxyflavylium ion and the O-methylethers of P3 and P5. Except P5, the chalcone forms of the pigments exhibit a high cis-trans isomerization barrier that allows a pseudo-equilibrium involving all species except the trans-chalcone. At equilibrium, only the flavylium cation and trans-chalcone are observed. With all pigments, the colored flavylium ion can be generated by irradiation of the trans-chalcone (photochromism). Glycosidation of C7–OH accelerates hydration and strongly slows down cis-trans isomerization with the pH dependence of the apparent isomerization rate constant shifting from a bell-shaped curve to a sigmoid. The color of P5 is much more stable than that of its regioisomer P3 in near-neutral conditions