182 research outputs found

    Effect of Side Groove Shapes on Shear Lips Formation of Aluminium Alloy 6061 using Finite Element Analysis

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    Aluminium alloy 6061 is known for its superior mechanical characteristics which include lighter weight properties, simple fabrication, and high specific strength of aluminium alloys. Hence, they are widely used to reduce the weight of vehicles as structural parts. Aluminium alloy 6061 is exposed to high velocity and various forces during an accident. Hence, understanding the impact properties of aluminium alloys is critical. This study investigated the effect of side groove shapes on the shear lip growth of aluminium alloy 6061. The shapes of the side groove in this study are V-shape, U-shape, and square-shape. By simulation using Abaqus software, the Charpy impact test was conducted to determine the shear lips ratio, energy absorbed, displacement and force. It was found that the V-shape side groove shape has the lowest absorb energy as compared to the U-shape and square shape. The low absorbed energy indicates that the behaviour of the sample test is in a fast-moving brittle fracture. Furthermore, it can be observed that the shear lips for V-shape and square-shape have the lowest ratio of shear lips when compared to the U-shape of the side groove. The smaller the shear lips ratio of a certain material, the higher it tends to reach brittle. In conclusion, when the shear lips ratio is low, it will tend to be low ductility of aluminium alloy 6061, the energy absorbed is low and the impact of the force is also low


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    Perkembangan teknologi internet khususnya sosial media memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap perusahaan garmen (perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang tekstil dan pakaian). Perusahaan berusaha menciptakan branding dan strategi promosi untuk membantu meningkatkan nilai jual produk, salah satunya adalah melalui media foto produk berupa campaign promosi. Dalam konteks ini fotografi fesyen adalah genre fotografi yang bisa digunakan untuk mengenalkan produk pakaian kepada khalayak ramai. Perancangan fotografi fesyen dengan teknik colored lighting pada kaos VISICI ini dibuat sebagai penyegaran pada visual katalog pada media sosial yang sudah ada. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan alur perancangan design thinking gagasan David Kelley dan Tim Brown yang terdiri dari tahap emphatize, define, ideate, prototype, dan test, hingga menghasilkan karya foto dengan tema colorful imagery yang menampilkan model menggunakan kaos VISICI. Hasil karya yang dibuat diharapkan dapat menjadi upaya menciptakan campaign promosi karena menampilkan konsep dan tema yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. Kata kunci: Fesyen, fotografi, media promosi

    The Analysis of Proximity Between Subjects Based on Primary Contents Using Cosine Similarity on Lective

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    In education world, recognizing the relationship between one subject and another is imperative. By recognizing the relationship between courses, performing sustainability mapping between subjects can be easily performed. Moreover, detecting and reducing any duplicated contents in several subjects will be also possible to execute. Of course, these conveniences will benefit lecturers, students and departments. It will ease the analysis and discussion processes between lecturers related to subjects in the same domain. In addition, students will conveniently choose a group of subjects they are interested in. Furthermore, departments can easily create a specialization group based on the similarity of the subjects and combine the courses possessing high similarity. In this research, given a good database, the relationship between subjects was calculated based on the proximity of the primary contents of the subjects. The feature used was term feature, in which value was determined by calculating TF-IDF (Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency) from each term. In recognizing the value of proximity between subjects, cosine similarity method was implemented. Finally, testing was done utilizing precision, recall and accuracy method. The research results show that the precision and accuracy values are 90,91% and the recall value is 100%

    Fatigue Behaviour of High-Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) Coated Steel by Finite Element Analysis

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    High-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying is extensively used in a range of industries. This is because it can reduce component wear, erosion, and corrosion. If mechanical qualities and fatigue behaviour are considered, the impact of the HVOF thermal spraying coating on the components can be contested. The major goals of this work are to investigate the fatigue properties of carbon steel coated with tungsten carbide-nickel and to use finite element analysis to investigate the fracture process of carbon steel coated with tungsten carbide-nickel. The fatigue test for these studies was conducted in ANSYS Workbench software, where the mean theory is set as Goodman theory. Specimens are modelled in SolidWorks software in a dog-bone shape. The fatigue test simulations are run with the 9 kN, 10.5 kN, 12 kN and 13.5 kN forces applied to one of the specimens' ends and fixed support applied to the other. Based on the result, the coated specimens can sustain longer compared to uncoated specimens, and the higher forces will reduce the lifespan of the specimen. The results also show that uncoated specimens receive more damage at maximum compared to coated specimens, and the higher forces will make the damage received by the specimen higher. For fatigue strength, the uncoated specimens have higher stress compared to coated specimens, and the higher forces will make the fatigue strength of the specimen higher. The result for the fracture shows that uncoated steel has the largest smooth region compared to coated steel

    Risk Management Analysis of Construction Projects on Time Performance

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    Project risk is an uncertain situation in a project so that it can lead to consequences that can hinder the achievement of the main project objectives. Risks to the project need to be identified and analyzed in order for the project to run well. The Hidayatul Qur'an Lissa'adah Islamic Boarding School construction project is a self-managed construction project that experienced delays in its implementation time based on the results of observations and preliminary interviews with the development committee. With risk management aims to identify and reduce the risks that occur in the implementation of the Hidayatul Qur'an Lissa'adah Islamic Boarding School construction project so that the project can be completed immediately. Project delays cannot be separated from the existence of several risks that cannot be avoided, but can be minimized by risk management. In this study, identification with the Cochran q-test was carried out on the risks to determine the risks that greatly affect delays in the project, then carried out an analysis of the risks that occurred with the saverity index and then carried out appropriate mitigation actions against these risks, so that the project could be completed immediately. Based on tests and calculations using the Cochran q-test and saverity index. The results obtained through this study are that there are 4 dominant risks in the medium and high categories, namely the risk of incorrect or incomplete design (11.39%), the risk of cash flow congestion (11.39%), the risk of problematic service providers (20.25 %) and the risk of the covid pandemic outbreak (31.64%)


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    Purpose of the study: This study aims to measure the effectiveness of using P.O.S.S.E strategy in the development of teaching to improve reading comprehension skills for sixth-grade students. Methodology: The procedure used is an experimental method based on Stratified Sampling which consists of 43 students divided into two groups – a control group of 21 students and an experimental group of 22 students- and a lesson plan was designed as a tool. Main Findings: The outcomes of the study indicated that the POSSE strategy has a positive effect on the development of reading comprehension skills over its five levels among the representative sample of sixth graders. Applications of this study: It is an essential reference in the development of teaching and training teachers to adapt to the P.O.S.S.E strategy for teachers, student educators. Novelty/Originality of this study: The result of this study is consistent with previous studies, which investigated the efficacy of POSSE strategy on the development of reading comprehension skills


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    QL Injection attacks are still one type of attack that often occurs in web-based applications. The causes and ways to prevent SQL Injection have been widely explained in various sources. Unfortunately, until now, SQL Injection vulnerabilities are still often found in multiple applications. Web-based application frameworks that already have functions to protect against attacks are often not used optimally. This is inseparable from the role of programmers, who often forget the rules for writing program code to prevent SQL Injection attacks. We conducted this research to detectSQL Injection vulnerabilities in source code using a case study of the PHP CodeIgniter framework. We compared this research with static analysis tools like RIPS, Synopsys Coverity, and Sonarqube. The tool we have developed can detect SQL Injection vulnerabilities that cannot be detected by the two tools with an accuracy of 88.8%. The results of our research can provide suggestions for programmers so that they can improve the code they write

    Research on Library and Information Science Services by Pakistani Authors from 2011 to 2020

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    The main objective of the current study is to quantify the research productivity in Library and Information Science (LIS) Services produced by Pakistani authors during the period of ten years from 2011 to 2020. The retrospective research method by applying the bibliometric technique has been used. The data of the publications on LIS Services by Pakistani authors has been browsed from various online and print sources. The selected bibliographic parameters of publications were inserted in Microsoft Excel-2016 for data analysis. The findings have been presented in tabular and graphic formats. A total of 1,258 documents were identified, contributed by 3,110 authors including multiple counts with an average of 2.47 authors per document. As a distinct name, a total of 858 authors were recognized and the share of international authors was slightly more than one-fifth (21%). About one-third of the total documents were published in the last two years of the study. Eighty-three percent of the documents were the results of research collaboration and the two-author pattern was found the preferred authorship pattern. The majority of documents (91%) were published as journals articles, followed by conference papers, book chapters and books. The highest number of papers were published in Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, followed by Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Sixty-four percent of the authors contributed in one paper each while 69 authors contributed ten or more than ten papers each. Dr. Rubina Bhatti, Dr. Kanwal Ameen and Dr. Khalid Mahmood were found the top-three most productive authors with 103, 94 and 77 publications, respectively. The introduction of LIS doctorate programs and the establishment of the National Digital Library of Higher Education Commission put a healthy impact on the growth of publications. There is a need to inspire the practicing librarians that they should come forward to contribute to the research progress to develop LIS services
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