5 research outputs found

    Breaking the 3/43/4 Barrier for Approximate Maximin Share

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    We study the fundamental problem of fairly allocating a set of indivisible goods among nn agents with additive valuations using the desirable fairness notion of maximin share (MMS). MMS is the most popular share-based notion, in which an agent finds an allocation fair to her if she receives goods worth at least her MMS value. An allocation is called MMS if all agents receive at least their MMS value. However, since MMS allocations need not exist when n>2n>2, a series of works showed the existence of approximate MMS allocations with the current best factor of 34+O(1n)\frac{3}{4} + O(\frac{1}{n}). The recent work by Akrami et al. showed the limitations of existing approaches and proved that they cannot improve this factor to 3/4+Ω(1)3/4 + \Omega(1). In this paper, we bypass these barriers to show the existence of (34+33836)(\frac{3}{4} + \frac{3}{3836})-MMS allocations by developing new reduction rules and analysis techniques

    Improving Approximation Guarantees for Maximin Share

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    We consider fair division of a set of indivisible goods among nn agents with additive valuations using the desirable fairness notion of maximin share (MMS). MMS is the most popular share-based notion, in which an agent finds an allocation fair to her if she receives goods worth at least her MMS value. An allocation is called MMS if all agents receive their MMS values. However, since MMS allocations do not always exist, the focus shifted to investigating its ordinal and multiplicative approximations. In the ordinal approximation, the goal is to show the existence of 11-out-of-dd MMS allocations (for the smallest possible d>nd>n). A series of works led to the state-of-the-art factor of d=3n/2d=\lfloor 3n/2 \rfloor [HSSH21]. We show that 11-out-of-4n/3\lceil 4n/3\rceil MMS allocations always exist. In the multiplicative approximation, the goal is to show the existence of α\alpha-MMS allocations (for the largest possible α<1\alpha < 1) which guarantees each agent at least α\alpha times her MMS value. A series of works in the last decade led to the state-of-the-art factor of α=34+33836\alpha = \frac{3}{4} + \frac{3}{3836} [AG23]. We introduce a general framework of (α,β,γ)(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)-MMS that guarantees α\alpha fraction of agents β\beta times their MMS values and the remaining (1α)(1-\alpha) fraction of agents γ\gamma times their MMS values. The (α,β,γ)(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)-MMS captures both ordinal and multiplicative approximations as its special cases. We show that (2(1β)/β,β,3/4)(2(1 -\beta)/\beta, \beta, 3/4)-MMS allocations always exist. Furthermore, since we can choose the 2(1β)/β2(1-\beta)/\beta fraction of agents arbitrarily in our algorithm, this implies (using β=3/2\beta=\sqrt{3}/2) the existence of a randomized allocation that gives each agent at least 3/4 times her MMS value (ex-post) and at least (17324)/43>0.785(17\sqrt{3} - 24)/4\sqrt{3} > 0.785 times her MMS value in expectation (ex-ante)

    Randomized and Deterministic Maximin-share Approximations for Fractionally Subadditive Valuations

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    We consider the problem of guaranteeing maximin-share (MMS) when allocating a set of indivisible items to a set of agents with fractionally subadditive (XOS) valuations. For XOS valuations, it has been previously shown that for some instances no allocation can guarantee a fraction better than 1/21/2 of maximin-share to all the agents. Also, a deterministic allocation exists that guarantees 0.2192250.219225 of the maximin-share of each agent. Our results involve both deterministic and randomized allocations. On the deterministic side, we improve the best approximation guarantee for fractionally subadditive valuations to 3/13=0.2307693/13 = 0.230769. We develop new ideas on allocating large items in our allocation algorithm which might be of independent interest. Furthermore, we investigate randomized algorithms and the Best-of-both-worlds fairness guarantees. We propose a randomized allocation that is 1/41/4-MMS ex-ante and 1/81/8-MMS ex-post for XOS valuations. Moreover, we prove an upper bound of 3/43/4 on the ex-ante guarantee for this class of valuations

    Simplification and Improvement of MMS Approximation

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    We consider the problem of fairly allocating a set of indivisible goods among nn agents with additive valuations, using the popular fairness notion of maximin share (MMS). Since MMS allocations do not always exist, a series of works provided existence and algorithms for approximate MMS allocations. The current best approximation factor, for which the existence is known, is (34+112n)(\frac{3}{4} + \frac{1}{12n}) [Garg and Taki, 2021]. Most of these results are based on complicated analyses, especially those providing better than 2/32/3 factor. Moreover, since no tight example is known of the Garg-Taki algorithm, it is unclear if this is the best factor of this approach. In this paper, we significantly simplify the analysis of this algorithm and also improve the existence guarantee to a factor of (34+min(136,316n4))(\frac{3}{4} + \min(\frac{1}{36}, \frac{3}{16n-4})). For small nn, this provides a noticeable improvement. Furthermore, we present a tight example of this algorithm, showing that this may be the best factor one can hope for with the current techniques

    Fair and Efficient Allocation of Indivisible Chores with Surplus

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    We study fair division of indivisible chores among nn agents with additive disutility functions. Two well-studied fairness notions for indivisible items are envy-freeness up to one/any item (EF1/EFX) and the standard notion of economic efficiency is Pareto optimality (PO). There is a noticeable gap between the results known for both EF1 and EFX in the goods and chores settings. The case of chores turns out to be much more challenging. We reduce this gap by providing slightly relaxed versions of the known results on goods for the chores setting. Interestingly, our algorithms run in polynomial time, unlike their analogous versions in the goods setting. We introduce the concept of kk surplus which means that up to kk more chores are allocated to the agents and each of them is a copy of an original chore. We present a polynomial-time algorithm which gives EF1 and PO allocations with (n1)(n-1) surplus. We relax the notion of EFX slightly and define tEFX which requires that the envy from agent ii to agent jj is removed upon the transfer of any chore from the ii's bundle to jj's bundle. We give a polynomial-time algorithm that in the chores case for 33 agents returns an allocation which is either proportional or tEFX. Note that proportionality is a very strong criterion in the case of indivisible items, and hence both notions we guarantee are desirable