4,281 research outputs found

    Performance of ultrawideband wireless tags for on-body radio channel characterisation

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    Experimental characterisation of on-body radio channel for ultrawideband (UWB) wireless active tags is reported in this paper. The aim of this study is to investigate the performance of the commercially available wireless tags on the UWB on-body radio channel characterisation. Measurement campaigns are performed in the chamber and in an indoor environment. Statistical path loss parameters of nine different on-body radio channels for static and dynamic cases are shown and analyzed. Results demonstrated that lognormal distribution provides the best fits for on-body propagation channels path loss model. The path loss was modeled as a function of distance for 34 different receiver locations for propagation along the front part of the body. A reduction of 11.46% path loss exponent is noticed in case of indoor environment as compared to anechoic chamber. In addition, path loss exponent is also extracted for different body parts (trunk, arms, and legs). Second-order channel parameters as fade probability (FP), level crossing rate (LCR), and average fade duration (AFD) are also investigated

    First Principle Calculations for Silver Halides AgBr, AgCl, and AgF

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    Density functional theory (DFT) coupled with ) method are carried out to calculate the electronic structures of AgX (X; Br, Cl, and F). The effect of hybridizing between 4d orbital of Ag element and the p orbitals of the X in the valence band plays a very important role in the total density of states configuration. The electronic structure has been studied and all results were compared with the experimental and theoretical values. The importance of this work is that there is insufficient studies of silver halides corresponding the great importance of these compounds. Almost all the results were consistent with the previous studies mentioned here. We found the band gap of AgX to be 2.343 eV, 2.553 eV, and 1.677 eV for AgBr, AgCl, and AgF respectively which are in good agreement with the experimental results.     &nbsp

    Non-Invasive Induction Link Model for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems: Pacemaker to Monitor Arrhythmic Patients in Body Area Networks

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    In this paper, a non-invasive inductive link model for an Implantable Biomedical Microsystems (IBMs) such as, a pacemaker to monitor Arrhythmic Patients (APs) in Body Area Networks (BANs) is proposed. The model acts as a driving source to keep the batteries charged, inside a device called, pacemaker. The device monitors any drift from natural human heart beats, a condition of arrythmia and also in turn, produces electrical pulses that create forced rhythms that, matches with the original normal heart rhythms. It constantly sends a medical report to the health center to keep the medical personnel aware of the patient's conditions and let them handle any critical condition, before it actually happens. Two equivalent models are compared by carrying the simulations, based on the parameters of voltage gain and link efficiency. Results depict that the series tuned primary and parallel tuned secondary circuit achieves the best results for both the parameters, keeping in view the constraint of coupling co-efficient (k), which should be less than a value \emph{0.45} as, desirable for the safety of body tissues.Comment: IEEE 8th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA'13), Compiegne, Franc

    Analytical modelling of the effect of noise on the terahertz in-vivo communication channel for body-centric nano-networks

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    The paper presents an analytical model of the terahertz (THz) communication channel (0.1 - 10 THz) for in-vivo nano-networks by considering the effect of noise on link quality and information rate. The molecular absorption noise model for in-vivo nano-networks is developed based on the physical mechanisms of the noise present in the medium, which takes into account both the radiation of the medium and the molecular absorption from the transmitted signal. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the communication channel is investigated for different power allocation schemes and the maximum achievable information rate is studied to explore the potential of THz communication inside the human body. The obtained results show that the information rate is inversely proportional to the transmission distance. Based on the studies on channel performance, it can be concluded that the achievable transmission distance of in-vivo THz nano-networks should be restrained to approximately 2 mm maximum, while the operation band of in-vivo THz nano-networks should be limited to the lower band of the THz band. This motivates the utilisation of hierarchical/cooperative networking concepts and hybrid communication techniques using molecular and electromagnetic methods for future body-centric nano-networks

    Analytical characterisation of the terahertz in-vivo nano-network in the presence of interference based on TS-OOK communication scheme

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    The envisioned dense nano-network inside the human body at terahertz (THz) frequency suffers a communication performance degradation among nano-devices. The reason for this performance limitation is not only the path loss and molecular absorption noise, but also the presence of multi-user interference and the interference caused by utilising any communication scheme, such as time spread ON—OFF keying (TS-OOK). In this paper, an interference model utilising TS-OOK as a communication scheme of the THz communication channel inside the human body has been developed and the probability distribution of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) for THz communication within different human tissues, such as blood, skin, and fat, has been analyzed and presented. In addition, this paper evaluates the performance degradation by investigating the mean values of SINR under different node densities in the area and the probabilities of transmitting pulses. It results in the conclusion that the interference restrains the achievable communication distance to approximate 1 mm, and more specific range depends on the particular transmission circumstance. Results presented in this paper also show that by controlling the pulse transmission probability and node density, the system performance can be ameliorated. In particular, SINR of in vivo THz communication between the deterministic targeted transmitter and the receiver with random interfering nodes in the medium improves about 10 dB, when the node density decreases one order. The SINR increases approximate 5 and 2 dB, when the pulse transmitting probability drops from 0.5 to 0.1 and 0.9 to 0.5

    Multiple Antenna Techniques for Terahertz Nano-Bio Communication

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    Using higher frequency bands becomes an essential demand resulting from the explosive wireless traffic needs and the spectrum shortage of the currently used bands. This paper presents an overview on the terahertz technology and its application in the area of multi-input multi-output antenna system and in-vivo nano-communication. In addition, it presents a preliminary study on applying multiple input-single output (MISO) antenna technique to investigate the signal propagation and antenna diversity techniques inside the human skin tissues, which is represented by three layers: stratum corneum (SC), epidermis, and dermis layers, in the terahertz (THz) frequency range (0.8-1.2) THz. The spatial antenna diversity is investigated in this study to understand MISO system performance for two different in-vivo channels resulting from the signal propagation between two transmitting antennas, located at the dermis layer, and one receiving antenna, located at epidermis layer. Three techniques are investigated: selection combining (SC), equal-gain combing (EGC), and maximum-ratio combining (MRC). The initial study indicates that using multiple antenna technique with THz might be not useful for in-vivo nano-communication

    Modelling of the Terahertz Communication Channel for In-vivo Nano-networks in the Presence of Noise

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    This paper focuses on the modelling of communication channel noise inside human tissues at the THz band (0.1-10THz). A novel model is put forward based on the study of the physical mechanism of the channel noise in the medium, which takes into account both the radiation of the medium and the molecular absorption from the transmitted signal. The derivation and the general concepts of the noise modelling is detailed in the paper. The results show that the channel noise power spectral density at the scale of several micrometres is at acceptable levels and the value tends to decrease with the increase of both distance and frequency. In addition, the channel noise is also related to the composition of the human tissues, with the result of higher channel noise in tissues with higher water concentration. The conclusion drawn from the conducted study and analysis paves the way for more comprehensive characterisation of the electromagnetic channel within in-vivo nano-networks

    THz Time Domain Characterization of Human Skin Tissue for Nano-Electromagnetic Communication

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    This paper presents an experimental investigation of excised human skin tissue material parameters by THz Time Domain Spectroscopy in the band 0.1-2.5 THz. The results are used to evaluate the channel path loss Nano-electromagnetic communication. Refractive index and absorption coefficient values are evaluated for dermis layer of the human skin. Results obtained illustrate the effect of hydrated tissue on channel parameters and provide the optimum distance, which can be utilized for effective communication inside the human skin

    Supporting quality indicators in the UK national health service

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    Quality indicators for performance management of the UK National Health Service have been introduced for general practitioners (GPs) in order to monitor if they are meeting their performance targets. Such requirements impose significant load to GPs’ everyday operations and any type of software solution that stores relevant information and addresses performance indicators can help GPs to justify their fundholding. In this paper we report on a way of incorporating the semantics of a set of quality indicators in a database schema that can fit any GPs' practice. We concentrate on indicators that posed problems when creating the database and we provide a discussion that justifies our design decisions
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