5 research outputs found

    Modelling And Simulation Of Water-Based Hydraulic Hybrid Driveline

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    Typical hydraulic hybrid system vehicles depend on oil-based hydraulic fluid. Due to the natural concerns of environment and safety, promote the uses of the water-based hydraulic hybrid system. The main focus of this thesis is to investigate the potential of using water-based hydraulic technology instead of the current oil-based hydraulic technology. The main subject of this technology is in heavy commercial vehicles that frequently in a stop and go modes such as garbage trucks or delivery trucks that produce an immense amount of energy in a moment. The hydraulic hybrid driveline presented in this research is a series type, and the output of the driveline is connected to a Mitsubishi Fuso 6D34-0AT2 as a load to the system. In addition, the driveline is contained of hydraulic component (accumulator, hydraulic pump/motor) which serves to store and distribute power. HyspinAWS68 (mineral oil) was used as a pressure medium to create a comparison with water. This research includes an extensive study on the component modeling and simulation by using Matlab/Simulink and mainly based on the platform of Simhydraulics for the hydraulic flow and Simdriveline for the mechanical line. The focus part of modeling is primarily at 4 parts of the driveline which is system pressure, volumetric displacement, total accumulator volume, high-pressure accumulator pre-charge pressure. Based on the simulation, several data were collected such as time taken to fully charged, pressure, volumetric flow rate, torque, power, vehicle speed and also efficiency. The simulation result indicates that as one might expect that HyspinAWS68 has a higher performance of hydraulic hybrid driveline compared to water. This is due to the weakness of water properties as a pressure medium in terms of the density, viscosity, bulk modulus that causes a significant effect on the efficiency and performance of the hydraulic hybrid driveline. Several serious issues faced by water are internal leakage, pressure drop and also the capability to be compressed. In spite of this, the implementation of water hydraulic a potential response that required a depth study in terms of the properties and the component parameter to achieve the optimum performance of water-based hydraulic hybrid driveline. In future, experimental research on the performance of water-based hydraulic hybrid is required

    Simulation of Tele-Operated Electro-Hydraulic Actuator and Excavator's Boom

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    This paper, we present our study called TeleOperated Hydraulic Actuator which implying the usage of remote-controlled hydraulic system to control a mini excavator from a distance. Mini excavator comprises several motion mechanisms such as of swing, boom, arm and bucket. Simulation on the tele-operated electro-hydraulic actuator on boom mechanism has been conducted. The entire hydraulic system is modeled and simulate by using MATLAB software. The simulation result is discussed and described in order to analyze several system characteristics, given a certain working condition, within the simulation perio

    Application Of Water As Pressure Medium In Hydraulic Hybrid System

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    Typical hydraulic hybrid system vehicles depend on oil based hydraulic fluid. Therefore, natural concerns of environment and safety promote the uses of water-based hydraulic hybrid system. The main focus of this paper is to simulate the potential of water hydraulic technology in hydraulic hybrid system vehicle. This research will include extensive study on the mathematical modeling and simulation by using Matlab/Simulink to determine the value of torque, power and efficiency of hydraulic hybrid system and diesel engines. The simulation result indicates that the resulted value of torque and efficiency verify the good combination of water-based hydraulic hybrid system in assisting diesel engine. Therefore, this novel water-based hydraulic hybrid system will reduce the usage of diesel fuel that eventually create a new green technology

    Peranan pengurusan masjid dan ahli jemaah dalam mengimarahkan institusi masjid pasca wabak Covid-19 : satu sorotan

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    Masjid merupakan sebuah tempat berkumpulnya masyarakat umat Islam sama ada untuk menunaikan ibadah ataupun urusan-urusan lain yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan seharian. Pada asasnya umat Islam berkumpul di masjid sekurang-kurangnya lima kali sehari iaitu pada waktu solat berjemaah. Namun pada hari, dunia dikejutkan dengan penyebaran pandemik COVID-19. Penyebaran wabak ini turut menjejaskan aktiviti pengimarahan institusi masjid. Kehadiran jemaah di masjid pada hari ini bergantung sepenuhnya kepada SOP yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak berwajib. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memperincikan peranan serta tanggungjawab yang perlu diambil oleh pihak pengurusan masjid serta peranan ahli jemaah dalam menghadapi wabak COVID 19 supaya institusi masjid sentiasa diimarahkan seterusnya selamat dikunjungi oleh para jemaah. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif yang menggunakan reka bentuk analisis kandungan. Data dikumpulkan daripada analisis dokumen ke atas situasi semasa COVID-19 serta SOP yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak KKM dan diaplikasikan di institusi masjid kemudiannya dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan institusi masjid terus diimarahkan walaupun dengan SOP yang telah ditetapkan. Pihak pengurusan masjid dan ahli jemaah perlu mematuhi segala SOP dikeluarkan oleh pihak berwajib untuk memastikan syiar terbesar umat Islam ini terus diimarah walaupun pandemik COVID-19 ini masih belum pulih sepenuhnya

    Penilaian dos sinaran ke atas gonad dan tiroid semasa prosedur PET-CT

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    Gonad dan tiroid merupakan organ radiosensitif yang memerlukan pelindung sinaran untuk mengurangkan dos yang diterima. Walau bagaimanapun, pelindung sinaran tidak digunakan secara meluas dalam pengimejan radionuklid kerana ianya berat, kurang selesa dan boleh mendatangkan kesakitan pada tulang belakang. Oleh itu, penyelidikan ini dijalankan untuk mengetahui keupayaan pelindung sinaran gonad dan tiroid yang lebih nipis dan ringan dalam mengurangkan dos sinaran. Satu kajian telah dijalankan di Hospital Putrajaya untuk menentukan dos sinaran yang diterima oleh tiroid dan gonad semasa prosedur lengkap Tomografi Pancaran Positron-Tomografi Berkomputer (PET-CT) dengan dan tanpa pelindung sinaran. Seramai 6 orang kakitangan lelaki telah dipilih sebagai subjek dan data daripada 33 prosedur lengkap PET-CT telah dikumpulkan. Untuk setiap prosedur PET-CT, tiroid dan gonad subjek masing-masing dilindungi menggunakan pelindung sinaran berketebalan 0.5 mm model Mavig 615 (USA) dan Shielding International (USA). Cip dosimeter pendarkilau terma (TLD) digunakan sebagai pengesan dos sinaran.Purata radioaktiviti 18F-FDG yang disuntik ke dalam pesakit adalah 387 MBq dan purata tempoh imbasan adalah 9.224 ± 1.797 minit. Keputusan menunjukkan purata dos setara yang diterima oleh tiroid dengan dan tanpa pelindung adalah masing-masing 0.080 ± 0.033 mSv dan 0.078 ± 0.039 mSv. Purata dos setara yang diterima gonad dengan dan tanpa penggunaan pelindung pula adalah masing-masing 0.059 ± 0.040 mSv dan 0.061 ± 0.030 mSv. Pelindung sinaran berketebalan 0.5 mm tidak berupaya mengurangkan dos sinaran yang diterima oleh tiroid (p = 0.76) dan gonad (p = 0.79) akibat terlalu nipis untuk menahan sinaran bertenaga tinggi semasa prosedur PET-CT. Tiroid menerima dos sinaran yang lebih tinggi sebanyak 0.016 mSv berbanding gonad (p < 0.05) kerana kedudukan tiroid yang lebih terdedah kepada sumber sinaran iaitu 18F-FDG semasa penyediaan radiofarmaseutikal tersebut dan pesakit yang sudah disuntik 18F-FDG semasa prosedur PET-CT