158 research outputs found

    Magic Wavelength for Hydrogen 1S-2S Transition

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    The magic wavelength for an optical lattice for hydrogen atoms that cancels the lowest order AC Stark shift of the 1S-2S transition is calculated to be 513 nm. The magnitude of AC Stark shift ΔE=−1.19\Delta E=-1.19 kHz/(10kW/cm2^2) and the slope dΔE/dν=−27.7d\Delta E/d\nu = -27.7 Hz/(GHz ⋅\cdot 10 kW/cm2^2) at the magic wavelength suggests that a stable and narrow linewidth trapping laser is necessary to achieve a deep enough optical lattice to confine hydrogen atoms in a way that gives a small enough light shift for the precision spectroscopy of the 1S-2S transition.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Charged particle tracking with an array of Rydberg atoms

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    Charged particle tracking has played a key role in the development of particle physics, particularly for understanding phenomena involving short-lived particles precisely. As a new platform for high resolution charged particle tracking, an array of Rydberg atoms is theoretically considered. By detecting integrated phase shift between the ground and a Rydberg excited state due to the time-dependent Stark shift by a moving charge with the Ramsey sequence, a nonrelativistic charged particle can be tracked with a precision of ∼10\sim10 nm, with a potential of further improvement by an advancement in analysis algorithm. Although several technical limitations need to be resolved, the proposed scheme can lead to substantially higher resolution than the state-of-the-art silicon tracker for relativistic charged particles as well. Also, analysis here can explain potential decoherence in the quantum computation with Rydberg atoms induced by residual ions and cosmic rays.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Two-Color Magneto-Optical Trap with Small Magnetic Field for Ytterbium

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    We report a two-color magneto-optical trap (MOT) for ytterbium atoms operating at a low magnetic field gradient down to 2 G/cm where a conventional MOT using the singlet transition (6s^2 1S0 -> 6s6p 1P1) is unable to trap atoms. By simultaneously applying laser light on both the broad-linewidth singlet transition and the narrow-linewidth triplet transition (6s^2 1S0 -> 6s6p 3P1), we load and trap 4.0 x 10^5 atoms directly from an atomic beam at 700 K. In the two-color MOT, the slowing and trapping functions are separately performed by the singlet transition light and the triplet transition light, respectively. The two-color MOT is highly robust against laser power imbalance even at very low magnetic field gradients.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Multi-market competition, R&D, and welfare in oligopoly

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    We investigate a multi-market Cournot model with strategic process R&D investments wherein a multi-market monopolist meets entrants that enter one of the markets. We find that entry can enhance the total R&D expenditure of the incumbent firm. That is, entry can stimulate R&D effort. Moreover, the incumbent's profit nonmonotonically changes as the number of entrants increases. Depending on the fixed entry costs and R&D technologies, both insufficient and excess entrycan appear.

    Fast Compact Laser Shutter Using a Direct Current Motor and 3D Printing

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    We present a mechanical laser shutter design that utilizes a DC electric motor to rotate a blade which blocks and unblocks a light beam. The blade and the main body of the shutter are modeled with computer aided design (CAD) and are produced by 3D printing. Rubber flaps are used to limit the blade's range of motion, reducing vibrations and preventing undesirable blade oscillations. At its nominal operating voltage, the shutter achieves a switching speed of (1.22 ±\pm 0.02) m/s with 1 ms activation delay and 10 μ\mus jitter in its timing performance. The shutter design is simple, easy to replicate, and highly reliable, showing no failure or degradation in performance over more than 10810^8 cycles.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures; supplementary materials for shutter replication added under "Ancillary files
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