58 research outputs found

    Effects of Assisted Reproduction Technology on Placental Imprinted Gene Expression

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    We used placental tissue to compare the imprinted gene expression of IGF2, H19, KCNQ1OT1, and CDKN1C of singletons conceived via assisted reproduction technology (ART) with that of spontaneously conceived (SC) singletons. Of 989 singletons examined (ART n = 65; SC n = 924), neonatal weight was significantly lower (P < .001) in the ART group than in the SC group, but placental weight showed no significant difference. Gene expression analyzed by real-time PCR was similar for both groups with appropriate-for-date (AFD) birth weight. H19 expression was suppressed in fetal growth retardation (FGR) cases in the ART and SC groups compared with AFD cases (P < .02 and P < .05, resp.). In contrast, CDKN1C expression was suppressed in FGR cases in the ART group (P < .01), while KCNQ1OT1 expression was hyperexpressed in FGR cases in the SC group (P < .05). As imprinted gene expression patterns differed between the ART and SC groups, we speculate that ART modifies epigenetic status even though the possibilities always exist

    Involvement of resistin-like molecule β in the development of methionine-choline deficient diet-induced non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in mice

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    Resistin-like molecule β (RELMβ) reportedly has multiple functions including local immune responses in the gut. In this study, we investigated the possible contribution of RELMβ to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) development. First, RELMβ knock-out (KO) mice were shown to be resistant to methionine-choline deficient (MCD) diet-induced NASH development. Since it was newly revealed that Kupffer cells in the liver express RELMβ and that RELMβ expression levels in the colon and the numbers of RELMβ-positive Kupffer cells were both increased in this model, we carried out further experiments using radiation chimeras between wild-type and RELMβ-KO mice to distinguish between the contributions of RELMβ in these two organs. These experiments revealed the requirement of RELMβ in both organs for full manifestation of NASH, while deletion of each one alone attenuated the development of NASH with reduced serum lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels. The higher proportion of lactic acid bacteria in the gut microbiota of RELMβ-KO than in that of wild-type mice may be one of the mechanisms underlying the lower serum LPS level the former. These data suggest the contribution of increases in RELMβ in the gut and Kupffer cells to NASH development, raising the possibility of RELMβ being a novel therapeutic target for NASH

    Anti-inflammatory effects of cold atmospheric plasma irradiation on the THP-1 human acute monocytic leukemia cell line.

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    Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) has been studied and clinically applied to treat chronic wounds, cancer, periodontitis, and other diseases. CAP exerts cytotoxic, bactericidal, cell-proliferative, and anti-inflammatory effects on living tissues by generating reactive species. Therefore, CAP holds promise as a treatment for diseases involving chronic inflammation and bacterial infections. However, the cellular mechanisms underlying these anti-inflammatory effects of CAP are still unclear. Thus, this study aimed to elucidate the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of CAP in vitro. The human acute monocytic leukemia cell line, THP-1, was stimulated with lipopolysaccharide and irradiated with CAP, and the cytotoxic effects of CAP were evaluated. Time-course differentiation of gene expression was analyzed, and key transcription factors were identified via transcriptome analysis. Additionally, the nuclear localization of the CAP-induced transcription factor was examined using western blotting. The results indicated that CAP showed no cytotoxic effects after less than 70 s of irradiation and significantly inhibited interleukin 6 (IL6) expression after more than 40 s of irradiation. Transcriptome analysis revealed many differentially expressed genes (DEGs) following CAP irradiation at all time points. Cluster analysis classified the DEGs into four distinct groups, each with time-dependent characteristics. Gene ontology and gene set enrichment analyses revealed CAP-induced suppression of IL6 production, other inflammatory responses, and the expression of genes related to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II. Transcription factor analysis suggested that nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2), which suppresses intracellular oxidative stress, is the most activated transcription factor. Contrarily, regulatory factor X5, which regulates MHC class II expression, is the most suppressed transcription factor. Western blotting revealed the nuclear localization of NRF2 following CAP irradiation. These data suggest that CAP suppresses the inflammatory response, possibly by promoting NRF2 nuclear translocation

    Vulnerable plaques and patients: state-of-the-art

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    Despite advanced understanding of the biology of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide. Progress has been challenging as half of the individuals who suffer sudden cardiac death do not experience premonitory symptoms. Furthermore, it is well-recognized that also a plaque that does not cause a haemodynamically significant stenosis can trigger a sudden cardiac event, yet the majority of ruptured or eroded plaques remain clinically silent. In the past 30 years since the term 'vulnerable plaque' was introduced, there have been major advances in the understanding of plaque pathogenesis and pathophysiology, shifting from pursuing features of 'vulnerability' of a specific lesion to the more comprehensive goal of identifying patient 'cardiovascular vulnerability'. It has been also recognized that aside a thin-capped, lipid-rich plaque associated with plaque rupture, acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are also caused by plaque erosion underlying between 25% and 60% of ACS nowadays, by calcified nodule or by functional coronary alterations. While there have been advances in preventive strategies and in pharmacotherapy, with improved agents to reduce cholesterol, thrombosis, and inflammation, events continue to occur in patients receiving optimal medical treatment. Although at present the positive predictive value of imaging precursors of the culprit plaques remains too low for clinical relevance, improving coronary plaque imaging may be instrumental in guiding pharmacotherapy intensity and could facilitate optimal allocation of novel, more aggressive, and costly treatment strategies. Recent technical and diagnostic advances justify continuation of interdisciplinary research efforts to improve cardiovascular prognosis by both systemic and 'local' diagnostics and therapies. The present state-of-the-art document aims to present and critically appraise the latest evidence, developments, and future perspectives in detection, prevention, and treatment of 'high-risk' plaques occurring in 'vulnerable' patients

    Body mass index and colorectal cancer risk : A Mendelian randomization study

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    Traditional observational studies have reported a positive association between higher body mass index (BMI) and the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). However, evidence from other approaches to pursue the causal relationship between BMI and CRC is sparse. A two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) study was undertaken using 68 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the Japanese genome-wide association study (GWAS) and 654 SNPs from the GWAS catalogue for BMI as sets of instrumental variables. For the analysis of SNP-BMI associations, we undertook a meta-analysis with 36 303 participants in the Japanese Consortium of Genetic Epidemiology studies (J-CGE), comprising normal populations. For the analysis of SNP-CRC associations, we utilized 7636 CRC cases and 37 141 controls from five studies in Japan, and undertook a meta-analysis. Mendelian randomization analysis of inverse-variance weighted method indicated that a one-unit (kg/m2) increase in genetically predicted BMI was associated with an odds ratio of 1.13 (95% confidence interval, 1.06-1.20; P value <.001) for CRC using the set of 68 SNPs, and an odds ratio of 1.07 (1.03-1.11, 0.001) for CRC using the set of 654 SNPs. Sensitivity analyses robustly showed increased odds ratios for CRC for every one-unit increase in genetically predicted BMI. Our MR analyses strongly support the evidence that higher BMI influences the risk of CRC. Although Asians are generally leaner than Europeans and North Americans, avoiding higher BMI seems to be important for the prevention of CRC in Asian populations

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    1)市販の漬け物は消費者の低塩嗜好と保存の技術の進歩により低塩製品が多く出回っており,たくあんの平均食塩濃度は4.60±0.85%であった。2)家庭で漬けたたくあんの食塩濃度は,長期保存に耐えるよう市販品より高い傾向にあった。低塩のものもあったが,それらは長期保存において味に問題があった。 3)食塩水に2日間漬けたきゅうり漬けでは,漬け汁となる食塩水の濃度が異っても,浸透した食塩の割合は一定であった。 4)食塩水にきゅうりを漬けた場合,食塩の浸透速度は漬け汁の食塩濃度により差があるが,いずれも漬け汁75~76%濃度になればそれ以上は浸透しない。 5)きゅうり漬けをおいしい濃度(1.5~2.2%)に漬けるには3%の食塩水に2~5日,4%の食塩水であれば1日漬けておくのが適当である。 6)梅漬けの食塩濃度は,1~3ヶ月間ではわずかしか変化しなかったが,干すと水分の蒸発により著しく上昇する。 7)家庭において漬け物は,「毎食必ず食べる」と「毎食ではないが1日1回は食べる」を合わせると,約半数の者が毎日食べていた。漬け物の食べ方としては,食べる頻度に関係なく食事の最後に少し食べるものが多かった。 8)梅漬けの1日の喫食量は,大梅の場合は1個,小梅の場合は1~2個が多かった。 9)梅漬けを「好き」と答えた者は43.9%でたくあん漬け等の「好き」60%に比べて好まれる割合が低く,集団給食時における漬け物の喫食率は,たくあん・きゅうり漬けが各々80%強であるのに対し,梅漬けは約70%と喫食率が低かった。 10)漬け物の喫食理由は,「好きだから」と「出されたからなんとなく」が合わせて90%以上あり,「食事の塩味がもの足りないため」という答えは極少数であった。 11)集団給食時における平均喫食量は,たくあん16.6g,きゅうり漬け,梅漬け(可食量)3.2gであり,それらから摂った食塩量は,たくあん0.81±0.51g,きゅり漬け0.23±0.06g,梅漬け0.33±0.07gであった。1食のうち,漬け物から摂った食塩量の割合は,3種の漬け物の中でたくあんの場合が最も高かった。 12)食事の食塩量と漬け物の喫食量との関係について,食事の食塩量が少ない場合に漬け物を多く食べるのではないかと考えたが,そのような関係はみられなかった。 13)きゅうり漬けの塩味嗜好についての官能検査結果では,3%食塩水に漬けたものが最も良く,その時のきゅうりの食塩濃度は1.56%であった

    シハン ソウザイ チョウリズミ ノ ショクヒン ノ リヨウ ニ カンスル チョウサ ソノ1 リヨウ ジッタイ

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    (1) 利用頻度は「1週間に1~2回」が、市販そうざいでは23.6%、調理済み食品では38.9%であり、調理済み食品の方が高かった。市販そうざいの利用頻度は、年代別では20歳代、就業状態別では専業主婦が高かった。調理済み食品については年代別、就業状態別いずれも、差はみられなかった。 (2) 利用する理由は「作る時間的ゆとりなし」が最も多く、市販そうざいは56.0%、調理済み食品は50.7%であった。 (3) 利用する目的は、市販そうざいでは「もう一品足したい」が53.0%、調理済み食品では「弁当を作る」が60.0%と最も多かった。 (4) 購入時の留意点については、市販そうざい、調理済み食品のいずれも、「製造年月日」「賞味期限」「食品添加物」の順であった。 (5) 利用法としては、市販そうざいでは「加熱する」が39.4%と多く、調理済み食品では「もうひと手間かける」49.3%と多かった。 (6) 市販そうざい38食品の食品別購入状況について、「手作りはせず全て購入する」は、うなぎのかば焼き、中華まん類が著しく多く、「購入しない」食品は、白飯、卵焼き、その他であった。また、寿司、お好み焼き、サンドイッチ、赤飯・おこわは、若い人ほど購入割合が高かった。年代別に比較すると、「購入する」割合は、20歳代の方が30歳代・40歳代よりも高かった。就業状態別、家族構成別では、それぞれあまり差は見られなかった。 (7) 調理済み食品27食品の食品別購入状況について、「手作りはせず全て購入する」は、中華まん類、シューマイ、ピザパイ、ラーメンの順に多かった。「購入しない」は、白飯、シチュー、ぞうすい、どんぶり物の具の順に多かった。年代別にみると、20歳代がよく利用しており、就業状態別、家族構成別については差が見られなかった。 (8) 個人別利用状況を点数化して判定した結果では、市販そうざいの平均は61.5±12.2点であった。点数の低い者の利用しない理由は、「味が好みに合わない」「添加物が気になる」であり、点数の高い者の利用する理由は、「調理することがめんどう」「作る時間的ゆとりなし」であった。調理済み食品の平均は46.7±9.5点であった。最低点の者は、市販そうざいも最低点であった。点数の高い者の利用する理由は、「作る時間的ゆとりなし」「家族が好む」であった。 (9) 市販そうざいと調理済み食品の両方で調査した食品(10種類)の利用度の平均は、市販そうざいが18.6±6.5点、調理済み食品は18.5±5.4点で、両者に差はなかった。市販そうざいと調理済み食品の利用度には相関関係がみられた。点数の低い者は、食品添加物を気にして手作りをしようと心がけ、点数の高い者は製造年月日や賞味期限を気にしながらも、味や簡便性から市販食品を利用していた。 (10) 夕食作りに要する時間と、市販食品の利用頻度とは関連はなかったが、上手な利用法とは関連がみられた

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    Development of an atmospheric Cherenkov imaging camera for the CANGAROO-III experiment

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    A Cherenkov imaging camera for the CANGAROO-III experiment has been developed for observations of gamma-ray induced air-showers at energies from 1011^{11} to 1014^{14} eV. The camera consists of 427 pixels, arranged in a hexagonal shape at 0.17^\circ intervals, each of which is a 3/4-inch diameter photomultiplier module with a Winston-cone--shaped light guide. The camera was designed to have a large dynamic range of signal linearity, a wider field of view, and an improvement in photon collection efficiency compared with the CANGAROO-II camera. The camera, and a number of the calibration experiments made to test its performance, are described in detail in this paper.Comment: 25 pages, 29 figures, elsart.cls, to appear in NIM-