373 research outputs found

    Electrode Potential Dependency of Single-Cell Activity Identifies the Energetics of Slow Microbial Electron Uptake Process

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    Electrochemical measurements have been widely applied to study microbial extracellular electron transport processes. However, because electrochemistry detects not only microbial electron transport but also other reactions, background signals comparable to or larger than microbial ones hamper the identification of microbial electrochemical properties. This problem is crucial especially for the detection of electron uptake processes by slow-growing microbes in low-energy subsurface sediments, as the environmental samples contain electrochemically active humus and mineral particles. In this study, we report a cell-specific stable isotope analysis to quantify the electrode potential dependency of anabolic activity in individual cells for identifying the electron uptake energetics of slow-growing bacteria. Followed by the incubation of Desulfovibrio ferrophilus IS5 cells with isotopic 15N-ammonium as the sole N source on electrodes poised at potentials of -0.2, -0.3, -0.4, and -0.5 V [vs. standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)], we conducted nanoscale secondary ion mass spectroscopy (NanoSIMS) to quantify 15N assimilation in more than 100 individual cells on the electrodes. We observed significant 15N assimilation at potentials of -0.4 and more 15N assimilation at -0.5 V, which is consistent with the onset potential for electron uptake via outer-membrane cytochromes (OMCs). The activation of cell energy metabolism was further examined by transcriptome analysis. Our results showed a novel methodology to study microbial electron uptake energetics. The results also serve as the first direct evidence that energy acquisition is coupled to the electron uptake process in sulfate-reducing bacteria that are ubiquitous in the subsurface environments, with implications on the electron-fueled subsurface biosphere hypothesis and other microbial processes, such as anaerobic iron corrosion and anaerobic methane oxidation

    Isolation and Characterization of Human Gut Bacteria Capable of Extracellular Electron Transport by Electrochemical Techniques

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    Microorganisms are known to exhibit extracellular electron transfer (EET) in a wide variety of habitats. However, as for the human microbiome which significantly impacts our health, the role and importance of EET has not been widely investigated. In this study, we enriched and isolated the EET-capable bacteria from human gut microbes using an electrochemical enrichment method and examined whether the isolates couple EET with anaerobic respiration or fermentation. Upon the use of energy-rich or minimum media (with acetate or lactate) for electrochemical enrichment with the human gut sample at an electrode potential of +0.4 V [vs. the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)], both culture conditions showed significant current production. However, EET-capable pure strains were enriched specifically with minimum media, and subsequent incubation using the δ-MnO2-agar plate with lactate or acetate led to the isolation of two EET-capable microbial strains, Gut-S1 and Gut-S2, having 99% of 16S rRNA gene sequence identity with Enterococcus avium (E. avium) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae), respectively. While the enrichment involved anaerobic respiration with acetate and lactate, further electrochemistry with E. avium and K. pneumoniae revealed that the glucose fermentation was also coupled with EET. These results indicate that EET couples not only with anaerobic respiration as found in environmental bacteria, but also with fermentation in the human gut

    Proton Transport in the Outer-Membrane Flavocytochrome Complex Limits the Rate of Extracellular Electron Transport

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    The microbial transfer of electrons to extracellularly located solid compounds, termed extracellular electron transport (EET), is critical for microbial electrode catalysis. Although the components of the EET pathway in the outer membrane (OM) have been identified, the role of electron/cation coupling in EET kinetics is poorly understood. We studied the dynamics of proton transport associated with EET in an OM flavocytochrome complex in Shewanella oneidensis MR‐1. Using a whole‐cell electrochemical assay, a significant kinetic isotope effect (KIE) was observed following the addition of deuterated water (D2O). The removal of a flavin cofactor or key components of the OM flavocytochrome complex significantly increased the KIE in the presence of D2O to values that were significantly larger than those reported for proton channels and ATP synthase, thus indicating that proton transport by OM flavocytochrome complexes limits the rate of EET

    Pathologic and Radiographic Studies of Intrahepatic Metastasis Hepatocellular Carcinoma; The Role of Efferent Vessels

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    The efferent vessel of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and the mechanism and pathogenesis of the high frequency of intrahepatic metastasis in HCC has not yet been clarified. Three hundred ninety-three resected specimens of HCC were examined for tumor thrombosis in the portal vein and the hepatic vein: 231 tumors ≤5 cm in diameter were examined for the relationship between mode of tumor spread and tumor size. Efferent vessels in HCC were identified by direct injection of radiopaque material into the tumor in 23 resected liver specimens and by percutaneous infusion of radiopaque media into tumor nodules in 8 patients. The mode of tumor spread in HCC progressed from capsular invasion to extracapsular invasion, then to vascular invasion, and finally to intrahepatic metastasis. There was a strong statistical correlation between the presence of intrahepatic metastasis and portal vein thrombosis (p<0.05, R=0.998). Radiopaque material injected directly into 23 resected tumors entered only the portal vein in 17 tumors and into both the portal and hepatic veins in 6 tumors. In all 8 patients with unresectable lesions, radiopaque media injected percutaneously into tumor nodules flowed only into the portal vein. These findings suggest that intrahepatic invasion by HCC may occur through the portal vein as an efferent tumor vessel

    Angle-resolved photoemission study of MX-chain compound [Ni(chxn)2_2Br]Br2_2

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    We report on the results of angle-resolved photoemission experiments on a quasi-one-dimensional MXMX-chain compound [Ni(chxn)2_2Br]Br2_2 (chxn = 1RR,2RR-cyclohexanediamine), a one-dimensional Heisenberg system with S=1/2S=1/2 and J3600J \sim 3600 K, which shows a gigantic non-linear optical effect. A "band" having about 500 meV energy dispersion is found in the first half of the Brillouin zone (0kb/π<1/2)(0\le kb/\pi <1/2), but disappears at kb/π1/2kb / \pi \sim 1/2. Two dispersive features, expected from the spin-charge separation, as have been observed in other quasi-one-dimensional systems like Sr2_2CuO3_3, are not detected. These characteristic features are well reproduced by the dd-pp chain model calculations with a small charge-transfer energy Δ\Delta compared with that of one-dimensional Cu-O based compounds. We propose that this smaller Δ\Delta is the origin of the absence of clear spin- and charge-separation in the photoemission spectra and strong non-linear optical effect in [Ni(chxn)2_2Br]Br2_2.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Promotion of Seeded Berry Setting on the Clusters of 'Pione' Grapes by Cane Pruning and B9 Spray on Prebloom Clusters

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    1.短梢せん定方式で栽培した‘ピオーネ’では,多くの無核果が着粒するが,これらは有核果に比べて著しく小粒になる. 有核果の着粒を増加させることを目的として,開花前の花穂に対するB9散布と,長梢せん定方式への切換えを行ってみた. 2.B9散布により,有核果及び無核果の両方の着粒率が増加したが,長梢せん定にすると結実した果粒の有核果率が高まり,ともに果房あたりの有核果粒数が増加した. 3.開花期前の胚珠及び胚のうの初期発育は,短梢せん定樹でB9を散布しない花穂のほうが早く進行したが,開花期においては,B9散布区及び長梢せん定区のほうが,完成した胚のうを持つ正常胚珠の比率が高かった. 4.花粉管の胎座下部への伸長及び珠孔から胚のう内への到達は,区による差がなかった. 5.山梨県内で‘ピオーネ’を連年長梢せん定し,B9散布も行っている経済栽培園では,さらに多数の有核果粒が着生していた. この場合も,開花日における正常胚珠の比率が高かったが,花粉管の生長には差がなかった

    Increased CD69 Expression on Peripheral Eosinophils from Patients with Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome

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    Background: Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is an uncommon, non-IgE-mediated food allergy. We recently described a significant increase in fecal eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) after ingestion of the causative food. However, little is known about the activation status of circulating eosinophils in patients with an acute FPIES reaction. Methods: Surface CD69 expression was assessed by flow cytometry on peripheral eosinophils from 5 patients with FPIES before and after ingestion of the causative food. Fecal EDN was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: No eosinophil activation was observed before ingestion; however, a significant increase in CD69 expression on eosinophils after an acute FIPES reaction was demonstrated in all of the patients. There was no significant change in absolute eosinophil counts in the peripheral blood. The levels of fecal EDN increased on the day after ingestion of the causative food in all patients. Conclusion: These results suggest that circulating eosinophils as well as eosinophils in the intestinal mucosal tissue are activated in acute FPIES reactions and might be associated with systemic immune events in FPIES. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.Embargo Period 12 month