35 research outputs found

    Monogamous mating system and sexuality in the gobiid fish, Trimma marinae (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae)

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    The mating system and sexuality of the gobiid fish Trimma marinae were investigated in aquaria and by gonadal histological examination. The male to female sex ratio in the study aggregation was female-biased (14:27), and females were larger than males. T. marinae were monogamous because they established continuous pairs and spawned repeatedly with the same individuals. Observations of aggressive behavior suggested that the monogamous mating system resulted from female mate guarding. We also performed a rearing experiment to test whether sex change occurs in this species. As a result, none of the males or females reared separately in aquaria for 63 days changed sex. Additionally, gonadal histology revealed that mature fish had unisexual gonads (testis or ovary). These results strongly suggest that T. marinae is gonochoristic. However, immature fish had a bisexual gonadal structure, indicating juvenile hermaphroditism

    Two spawning seasons and mating system of the bastard halibut, Tarphops oligolepis

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