46 research outputs found

    Dissipative hydrodynamic evolution of hot quark matter at finite baryon density

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    High-energy heavy ion collider experiments at RHIC and LHC have revealed that relativistic hydrodynamic models describe the hot and dense quark matter quantitatively. In this study, I develop a novel dissipative hydrodynamic model at finite baryon density to investigate the net baryon rapidity distribution. The results show that the distribution is widened in hydrodynamic evolution, which implies that the transparency of the collisions is effectively enhanced. This suggests that the kinetic energy loss for medium production at the initial stage could be larger. Furthermore, the net baryon distribution is found sensitive to baryon diffusion, implying that dissipative hydrodynamic modeling would be important for understanding the hot medium.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures - To appear in the conference proceedings for Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum X, October 8-12, 2012, TUM Campus Garching, Munich, German

    Pseudorapidity correlations in heavy ion collisions from viscous fluid dynamics

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    We demonstrate by explicit calculations in 3+1 dimensional viscous relativistic fluid dynamics how two-particle pseudorapidity correlation functions in heavy ion collisions at the LHC and RHIC depend on the number of particle producing sources and the transport properties of the produced medium. In particular, we present results for the Legendre coefficients of the two-particle pseudorapidity correlation function in Pb+Pb collisions at 2760 GeV and Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV from viscous hydrodynamics with three dimensionally fluctuating initial conditions. Our results suggest that these coefficients provide important constraints on initial state fluctuations and the transport properties of the quark gluon plasma.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Corrected Eq.(8) and all figures to agree with the corrected definition used by ATLAS, conclusions remain unchanged, added reference