60 research outputs found

    Diagonalizability of Constraint Propagation Matrices

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    In order to obtain stable and accurate general relativistic simulations, re-formulations of the Einstein equations are necessary. In a series of our works, we have proposed using eigenvalue analysis of constraint propagation equations for evaluating violation behavior of constraints. In this article, we classify asymptotical behaviors of constraint-violation into three types (asymptotically constrained, asymptotically bounded, and diverge), and give their necessary and sufficient conditions. We find that degeneracy of eigenvalues sometimes leads constraint evolution to diverge (even if its real-part is not positive), and conclude that it is quite useful to check the diagonalizability of constraint propagation matrices. The discussion is general and can be applied to any numerical treatments of constrained dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, one figure, added one paragraph in concluding remarks. The version to appear in Class. Quant. Grav. (Lett

    Constraint propagation in N+1-dimensional space-time

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    Higher dimensional space-time models provide us an alternative interpretation of nature, and give us different dynamical aspects than the traditional four-dimensional space-time models. Motivated by such recent interests, especially for future numerical research of higher-dimensional space-time, we study the dimensional dependence of constraint propagation behavior. The N+1N+1 Arnowitt-Deser-Misner evolution equation has matter terms which depend on NN, but the constraints and constraint propagation equations remain the same. This indicates that there would be problems with accuracy and stability when we directly apply the N+1N+1 ADM formulation to numerical simulations as we have experienced in four-dimensional cases. However, we also conclude that previous efforts in re-formulating the Einstein equations can be applied if they are based on constraint propagation analysis.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Asymptotically constrained and real-valued system based on Ashtekar's variables

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    We present a set of dynamical equations based on Ashtekar's extension of the Einstein equation. The system forces the space-time to evolve to the manifold that satisfies the constraint equations or the reality conditions or both as the attractor against perturbative errors. This is an application of the idea by Brodbeck, Frittelli, Huebner and Reula who constructed an asymptotically stable (i.e., constrained) system for the Einstein equation, adding dissipative forces in the extended space. The obtained systems may be useful for future numerical studies using Ashtekar's variables.Comment: added comments, 6 pages, RevTeX, to appear in PRD Rapid Com

    Constraint Propagation of C2C^2-adjusted Formulation - Another Recipe for Robust ADM Evolution System

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    With a purpose of constructing a robust evolution system against numerical instability for integrating the Einstein equations, we propose a new formulation by adjusting the ADM evolution equations with constraints. We apply an adjusting method proposed by Fiske (2004) which uses the norm of the constraints, C2. One of the advantages of this method is that the effective signature of adjusted terms (Lagrange multipliers) for constraint-damping evolution is pre-determined. We demonstrate this fact by showing the eigenvalues of constraint propagation equations. We also perform numerical tests of this adjusted evolution system using polarized Gowdy-wave propagation, which show robust evolutions against the violation of the constraints than that of the standard ADM formulation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Constructing hyperbolic systems in the Ashtekar formulation of general relativity

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    Hyperbolic formulations of the equations of motion are essential technique for proving the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem of a system, and are also helpful for implementing stable long time evolution in numerical applications. We, here, present three kinds of hyperbolic systems in the Ashtekar formulation of general relativity for Lorentzian vacuum spacetime. We exhibit several (I) weakly hyperbolic, (II) diagonalizable hyperbolic, and (III) symmetric hyperbolic systems, with each their eigenvalues. We demonstrate that Ashtekar's original equations form a weakly hyperbolic system. We discuss how gauge conditions and reality conditions are constrained during each step toward constructing a symmetric hyperbolic system.Comment: 15 pages, RevTeX, minor changes in Introduction. published as Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 9 (2000) 1
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