85 research outputs found

    Toxic effects of dimecron to Labeo rohita Ham. fingerlings during acute and chronic exposures: histopathological changes

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    The exposure to the highest dimecron cone. (8 mg/1) resulted in severe histopathological changes in different tissues of Labeo rohita fingerling. Cell necrosis, cytoplasmic vacuolation and pycnotic nuclei were major abnormalities observed in liver tissue. The degeneration of glomeruli and proximal tubules, cytoplasmic vacuolation and focal haemorrhagic area were noted in case of kidney tissues. Major changes observed in intestinal tissues were degeneration of villi, disintegrity of mucosal layers, necrosis of epithelial cells etc. However, hypertrophy of cells and granulation of cytoplasm were major histopathological changes observed in fish at lower dimecron cones. (4 mg/1)

    Toxic effects of dimecron to fingerlings of Labeo rohita (Ham.) during acute and chronic exposures

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    The toxic effects of dimecron on growth, body composition and oxygen consumption of fingerlings of Labeo rohita were studied. Dimecron concentrations of 4 and 8 mg/l were used. Both acute (3-h) and chronic (15- 42 d) exposure schedules were followed. Compared with the control fish, both 4 and 8 mg/l dimecron treatment significantly suppressed weight gained in fish by 9.71% and 30% respectively during a 42 day exposure period. However, the length of fish was suppressed by 11.46% significantly only in fish group exposed to 8 mg/l dimecron. Similarly, the protein content was also significantly reduced in the above group of fish. The oxygen consumption of fish was elevated considerably, but not significantly in both group of treated fish (8.5% and 26.07%) during acute exposure. However, after 15 days of exposure the rate decreased by 18.98% significantly only in fish exposed to 8 mg/l dimecron. The threshold level of DO at low oxygen environment found to be slightly higher in fish at 8 mg/l dimecron. The survival time at the above oxygen condition was reduced during acute exposure (3-h) and that was extended during chronic (15-d) exposure

    Studies on geo-morphology, ecology and fish production of the 92 rivers of Rajshahi Division, Bangladesh

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    Geo-morphology, ecology and fish production of the 92 rivers of Rajshahi division have been presented in this paper. Fifteen rivers are dead and 11 rivers have severe erosion problem. Siltation has increased in 66 rivers and depth has decreased in 11 rivers. Sixty nine rivers are suffering from low flow conditions. Fish diversity has decreased in 20 rivers while fish production has declined in 75 rivers. A total of 31 fish species have extinct, 25 species are under threat of extinction and 43 species have low production. Siltation and pollution are the major causes of fish habitat loss. Recommendations are made to protect and conserve fish habitat and riverine fisheries of Rajshahi division

    Expression of Heterosis for Productive Traits in Bottle Gourd Hybrids

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    A study was conducted in bottle gourd to estimate the magnitude of heterosis for yield and its thirteen yield related components. Twenty one bottle gourd hybrids generated from 7 × 7 diallel cross (excluding reciprocals) along with their seven parents evaluated in a Randomized Block Design with three replication at at the Olericulture Division of Horticulture Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur, Bangladesh during 2018-19. Most of the crosses showed significant heterobeltiosis for earliness. The highest heterobeltiotic effect was observed in the cross P2XP7 and P4XP7. The best heterotic cross for fruit length was P4XP5. Maximum heterotic effect in respect of fruit number per plant was found in the cross P1XP6 and P4XP6. In terms of yield per plant the highest heterobeltiosis was shown by the crosses P3XP4, P3XP5, P4XP5 and P4XP7. In the overall analysis, both additive and non-additive gene actions were found important with predominance of the additive gene effects in the inheritance of bottle gourd

    Service delivery through mobile-government (mGov): Driving factors and cultural impacts

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    The mobile-Government (mGov) service system is conducted through an open network, and it is virtual. This service mode and pattern change inevitably necessitates a behavioral change in citizen attitudes and intentions. Nevertheless, this new pattern of service delivery through mGov has hardly been systematically investigated by any researchers. The objective of this current research is twofold. First, we attempt to reveal the sources of beliefs for developing intention toward the mGov (ITM) system. Then, as the second objective, we investigate cultural influence as the reason for a difference in consumer attitudes and intentions toward mGov. In this regard, the empirical study was conducted in Bangladesh and the USA, which have potential differences in the cultural traits listed by Hofstede. From our statistical analysis, we have identified the sources of beliefs for both Bangladeshi and USA consumers.We observed clear differences in sources of beliefs and their influence on attitudes leading to intention, which demonstrates support for our second objective which was designed to verify the cultural impacts on belief-attitude relations.We understand that these different sources of beliefs influence cognitive, affective, and connative attitudes toward mGov in different ways

    Structural and magnetization behaviors of Ni substituted Li-Mg ferrites

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    Magnetization behaviors of Ni-substituted LixMg0.5Ni0.5-2xFe2+xO4 ferrites, where x = 0.25, 0.20, 0.15, 0.10 and 0.00 synthesized by standard ceramic technology sintered at 1300°C in air for 5 hours has been presented in the present study. The bulk density and lattice constants of the samples found to be decreased with the increase in the Ni-content for the x values from 0.25 to 0.00. DC electrical resistivity has found to show highest magnitude at room temperature and decreases with further increase in temperature. Magnetization of the samples has been measured as a function of the field using hysteresis loop tracer at 30°C. It was observed that addition of nickel in polycrystalline Li-Mg ferrites plays an important role in modification of structural and magnetization characteristics

    Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Very Thin CoCr Films Deposited on Different Underlayers by rf-Sputtering

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    Very thin CoCr films deposited on different underlayers on glass disk substrates were studied by the magneto-optic Kerr effect, VSM, torque magnetometry and TEM selected area diffraction. Square or near square perpendicular loops were obtained from Co/Ti, CoCr/Au, CoCr/Al, CoCr/C and CoCr/Si films. TEM SAD study revealed that the crystalline structure is a key factor determining the magnetic anisotropy of the very thin CoCr films. In particular, the c-axis of the hep CoCr films which exhibit square perpendicular loops is perpendicular to the film plane whilst that of the CoCr films which exhibit a thin and flat perpendicular loop lies in the film plane. The texture of the very thin CoCr films deposited on different underlayers is mainly dependent on the structure and texture of underlayers. The relation between the structure of CoCr and its underlayers is discussed

    Composition, temperature and frequency dependent magnetic, dielectric and electrical properties of magnesium-zinc ferrites

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    Polycrystalline spinel MgxZn0.3Cu0.7-2xFe2+xO4, where x = 0.10, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30 and 0.35 ferrites (hereafter abbreviated as Mg-Zn) have been prepared by conventional double sintering technique. The samples were sintered at 1250°C in air for 6 hours. Measurements have been done at temperature and frequency ranges of 0 - 350°C and 0 - 500 kHz, respectively. In this work, some extrinsic magnetic properties such as Curie temperature, initial permeability, loss factor, quality factor, dielectric constant and resistivity of the samples have been studied. The Curie temperature and loss tangent of the samples decreased with increase in Cu-content whereas permeability, Qfactor, resistivity and dielectric constant have been noticed to be increased with the increase in Cucontent. The decrease in Curie temperature related to fact of weakening the strength of exchange AB interaction. Maxwell-Wagner type of interfacial polarization might have found correlated with the normal dielectric behavior of the samples, however no relaxation peaks were observed in the dielectric dispersion curves of the Mg-Zn samples in virgin state or doped state

    Content design of advertisement for consumer exposure: Mobile marketing through short messaging service

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    The success of mobile phone-based short messaging service (SMS) commercials as a tool of promotional marketing depends upon the wording, statement, language, presentation − in other words, the overall content of the message. If consumers are not exposed to the mobile phone SMS containing promotional offers, marketers would less likely to achieve any benefits by sending SMS to prospective consumers. This study is aimed to identify and empirically examine the critical variables that can attract consumers to open and read the advertisement on the SMS. To address consumer exposure, the study was designed on the conceptual paradigms of the UTAUT2 with the inclusion of three external constructs: personalization, self-concept, and trust. Through a consumer survey, this study found significant variations from the UTAUT2 to provide new constructs to capture consumer intentions for exposure to the product. By doing so, this study has developed and tested an extended version of UTAUT2, which is named as UTAUT-CEMM (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology of Consumer Exposure for Mobile Message). It revealed that consumer segmentation and target marketing is the most effective way to communicate with consumers through promotional marketing conducted by the mobile phone SMS. It also suggested that this promotional marketing is valuable only for highly reputable vendors/retailers

    Reformation of public service to meet citizens’ needs as customers: Evaluating SMS as an alternative service delivery channel

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    Citizens of different countries are now experiencing a newly invented service delivery channel to receive service from government portals. This study addresses whether a service delivery channel, based on mobile phones and provided through a short messaging service can be included in public administration to meet citizen requirements. The study further examines what factors are important to develop citizen perceptions of high value and effectiveness of this new service delivery channel. It also attempts to identify if culture has any effect on developing a positive attitude toward this service delivery channel. This study, through an empirical investigation among citizens in three countries - the USA, India, and Bangladesh, has identified that citizens are quite satisfied with this new service delivery channel use by the public service domain. The success of this delivery channel depends on the issue of segmentation. If public service providers can effectively segment the market based on time, location, and requirements, and can deliver the preferred message to concerned users with relevant and information that is easy to access and process, citizens will regard this service delivery channel as effective and satisfactory, and as competent as its private counterparts
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