43 research outputs found

    Development of a novel rheometric device for the determination of pressure dependent viscosity of non-Newtonian fluids

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    A new type of Rheometer has been designed based on hydrodynamic principles Hydrodynamic pressure technique is a relatively new and innovative technique for rheological studies of viscous non-Newtonian fluids. These principles have been extensively used for the last ten years for drawing and coating of strips and wires. The Rheometric Device consists of a rotating inner cylinder (shaft) in a fixed hollow outer cylinder. The complex geometry gap between the two cylinders is filled with a viscous non-Newtonian fluid. When the surface of the shaft is rotating inside the hollow cylinder filled with a viscous fluid, shearing takes place and hydrodynamic pressure develops the magnitude of which is dependent on the shape of the surfaces, the viscosity of the fluid as well as the shear rate 1e the speed with which the inner solid cylinder is rotated. The Rheometer has been developed to determine the Rheological properties of viscous fluid at pressures of up to 100 bar and a shear rate range of 500 to 4000 sec 1. Experimental procedure and methods have been outlined and a number of experiments have been carried out to determine the effects of pressure and shear rate on viscosity. Included in the work are measurements of the pressure with variation of the shearing speed and inserts. Three different non-Newtonian fluids, glycerine, and silicon with two different viscosities were used as the pressure medium. The experimental works were undertaken with glycerine keeping GO temperature at 18 ± 1 C and silicon at 25+ 1 C for shearing speeds of between 0 25 m/sec-2 0 m/sec. In the present study, theoretical models have been developed based on the non-Newtonian characteristics and a shear rate viscosity relationship was determined using the rheometer at different pressures by comparing the calculated theoretical pressure distribution with the expenmental results

    Reproductive Health Education in NCTB Curriculum and Text Books: A Critical Review

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    The Education Policy-2010, paved the way to introduce Reproductive Health (RH) as part of curricula of few selected subjects for the secondary school children in Bangladesh, which can be considered as a first step in the right direction. Consequently subjects like Physical Education and Health and Home Science has been chosen to incorporate some aspects of RH for the students of classes VI-VIII, and Science are for the students of classes IX-X. This article aimed to explore, examine and review critically to what extent incorporation has taken place and whether this has fulfilled the learning needs of the adolescent groups at the secondary level. Class/grade wise analysis revealed that topics, contents, narration of information, facts, examples, illustrations and use of language are aged and grade specific and need oriented to a moderate extent. However the lapses were observed in the use of language in describing contents and illustrations for the younger children (particularly for class VI) and other classes also. A more gender balanced approach should have been undertaken in the whole development process of curriculum and text books which incorporated RH as part of other subjects. Intensive teacher training program along with development of supplementary learning and teaching materials will be needed in order to provide right and proper knowledge, information and facts to these young learners and keep the safe from wrong information from wrong sources. For the students of 21st century knowing about Reproductive Health in broader terms and Sexual Reproductive Health is not merely a policy issue but a right also

    Heat transfer modeling of high expansion foam application for vapor risk mitigation of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) spills

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    PresentationThe consumption of natural gas is expected to increase significantly over the next few decades due to much less carbon dioxide emission per unit of energy, when compared to other sources like oil or coal. This has also been facilitated by availability of a large number of reserves and improvements in fracking technologies. Liquefaction of natural gas enables ease of storage and transportation because of a high ratio of liquid to vapor density, especially over long distances when constructing pipelines is economically infeasible. While presenting many advantages, there are several safety concerns involved in the handling of LNG. A spill of cryogenic LNG can absorb heat from the surroundings and form a vapor cloud which has the potential to ignite and presents an asphyxiation hazard. In addition, this vapor cloud can migrate downwind near ground level because of a density greater than air. The National Fire Protection Association suggests application of high expansion foam to mitigate LNG vapor risk. Foam blocks the effects of convection and radiation on an LNG pool and warms rising LNG vapors. Understanding the heat transfer mechanisms between the applied foam and LNG is important to quantify its mitigation effect and determine the amount of foam to be applied for effective vapor risk mitigation. This work aims to address some of the gaps observed in previous efforts towards heat transfer modeling of foam applied on LNG spills

    Correlation between single pre delivery symphysis-fundal height beyond 36 weeks of gestation and birth weight of newborn after delivery

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    Background: Accurate assessment of fetal weight is important for optimal obstetric management of labouring mothers. Among the methods of fetal weight estimation, symphysis-fundal height (SFH) measurement is inexpensive and non-invasive readily available simple and acceptable procedure of fetal weight estimation. On the other hand, high rate of low birth weight is one of the causes of high perinatal mortality in our country. Objective was to assess fetal birth weight by measuring symphysis-fundal height.Methods: This cross-sectional observational study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka from July 2017 to June 2018. Total 200 consecutive pregnant women of gestational age more than 36 weeks were selected as per inclusion and exclusion criteria. The fetal birth weight was measured before delivery of the foetus by measuring SFH and using the formula and was compared with actual birth weight.Results: Maximum (35.5%) pregnant mother were in age group 21-25 years followed by 29.5% in 26-30 years, 25.5% in 31-35 years and 9.5% in >35 years age group and mean age was 28.27±4.95 years. Mean weight of new born was 2.81±0.61 kg. Mean symphysis-fundal height 32.76±3.73 cm and maximum (48.5%) pregnant mother had SFH in 35-36 cm group, followed by 30.5% had ≀30 cm and 21.0% had 31-34 cm in this study. New born birth weight had significant positive correlation with symphysis-fundal height.Conclusions: Symphysis-fundal height has significant positive correlation with birth weight of new born

    Toward the Development of Post Covid-19 Gender Policy and Accountability Measures to End Modern Slavery in the Bangladeshi Garment Sector : A Policy Brief for the UK Government and Stakeholders

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    This policy brief is based on findings from the project ‘Toward the Development of Post Covid-19 Gender Policy Measures to End Modern Slavery and Exploitation in the Bangladeshi Garment Sector’. The project was funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) as part of the UK Modern Slavery Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC) call for research on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on modern slavery (AHRC grant Ref: AH/V009788/1).Publisher PD

    Mifepristone alone versus mifepristone-misoprostol combination regimen for management of intrauterine fetal death

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    Background: Early pregnancy failure is a common complication of pregnancy. If women do not abort spontaneously, they will undergo medical or surgical treatment in order to remove the products of conception from the uterus. Curettage, although highly effective, is associated with a risk of complications; medical treatment with misoprostol is a safe and less expensive alternative. Unfortunately, after 1 week of expectant management in case of EPF, medical treatment with misoprostol has a complete evacuation rate of approximately 50%. Misoprostol treatment results may be improved by pre-treatment with mifepristone; its effectiveness has already been proven for other indications of pregnancy termination. The study objective was to compare the outcome of Mifepristone alone with the Mifepristone- Misoprostol combination regimen for the management of IUFD.Methods: This was a Prospective clinical trial at the department of obstetrics and gynecology, Chittagong Medical College Hospital, Chittagong. From March 2016 (Actual patient enrolment started after obtaining ethical clearance i.e. March 2018) to September 2018.Results: A subjects delivered earlier than group B and the mean induction delivery interval in Group A is significantly less in comparison to Group B (p=<0.001). Out of 50 women, 2(4%) and 10(20%) women in Groups A and B required oxytocin infusion to establish good contractions, and completion of termination who regarded as a failure. In the mifepristone alone group, the success rate is significantly higher than in the combination group.Conclusions: The efficacy of mifepristone alone was found superior to that of the mifepristone misoprostol combination regimen in the present study.

    Fetomaternal outcome of pregnancy with COVID-19: a prospective study in a COVID dedicated hospital

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    Background: Given physiological changes in immunological, pulmonary, cardiac, and coagulation systems during pregnancy, pregnant women have long been recognized as susceptible demographic during infectious disease pandemics. Learning about pregnancy outcomes, possible issues, and neonatal health issues in babies delivered to COVID-19-infected mothers is crucial. Study aimed to analyze fetomaternal outcome of pregnancy with COVID-19. Methods: This was a prospective longitudinal study done on COVID dedicated to Sylhet Shahid Shamsuddin Ahmed Hospital, from January 2021 to January 2022. A total of 54 pregnant women admitted with confirmed COVID-19 were included in this study as per inclusion criteria. Results: In this study, most patients were in the 26-33 age group (37.03%), followed by 18-25 age group (33.33%) and 24-40 age group (29.62%). 50% were primigravida. SARS COV-2 infection occurred in 51.85% of pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, 35.18% in the 2nd trimester, and 12.96% in the 1st trimester, 53.7% of patients had a mild case, 9.26% had moderate, and 37.04% had severe symptoms. 12.96% of patients needed ventilation, while 5.56% were in ICU without ventilation but on HFNC. Two patients had 1st-trimester abortion, and three had pre-term delivery. There was one IUFD, ongoing pregnancy in five patients, vaginal delivery in nine patients, and cesarean section in 25 patients. Sepsis occurred in 3.7% of patients, and post-partum hemorrhage in 1.85%. Oxygen was needed for 37.04% of patients with severe pneumonia. Out of 54 patients, 88.88% recovered, and 11.11% died in the hospital. The number of healthy babies was 74.07%, while premature babies were 5.56%, and there were two perinatal deaths. Conclusions: This study concluded that pregnant women with COVID-19 infection are at increased risk of adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes however, a low risk of congenital transmission, and the neonatal outcome was good. The availability of ICU in critical conditions is needed for better pregnancy outcomes


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    The trustworthiness of qualitative data has been debatable, yet it has strong support from its supporters. However, the importance and worth of qualitative data cannot be undermined. This paper presents a critical review of the trustworthiness of the qualitative data. The degree of trustworthiness of qualitative research can be measured by ensuring the credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability of research design, process, and action. The guarantee of trustworthiness in qualitative research is more complex than in quantitative research due to its subjective nature. Many researchers and experts denied the generalizability of qualitative research. However, few researchers, like Guba (1985), developed a widely accepted model and strategies to ensure the trustworthiness and generalizability of qualitative research. Credibility is like internal validity in quantitative analysis and provides the actual data about the phenomenon. Transferability shows the degree of application of the research finding in other exact natures of context, people, groups, and settings. If the findings of one study are replicated in a similar population, condition, or context, then the findings are dependable. Neutrality is the degree of fairness of results consisting of purity of initial responses and bias-free

    Compositional Changes in Colostrum of Crossbred Dairy Cow

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    The research was conducted to examine the day-to-day variation in colostrum composition at the udder quarter level. For this purpose, a total of 3 Holstein Frisian crossbred cows were selected from Bangladesh Agricultural University Dairy Farm. Colostrum samples were collected both as mixed and separately from different teats. The concentration of major colostrum constituents (fat, protein, lactose, total solids, solids-not-fat, ash, pH, specific gravity) changed significantly (p≀0.05), the levels on day 4 were found similar to those of normal milk. The highest mean value of fat, protein, total solid, SNF, ash and specific gravity in colostrum was observed on 1st post-partum day as 6.02±0.70, 14.20±0.18, 23.88±1.25, 17.94±0.42, 1.03±0.05% and 1.05±0.00, respectively and later on, decreased as postpartum days advanced. Minimum average fat, protein, total solid, SNF, and ash content in colostrum was observed on 5th postpartum days as 3.75±0.11, 3.24±0.08, 12.00±0.20, 8.27±0.16% and 0.695±0.01, respectively. But lactose percent and pH showed an increasing trend from 1 to 5 postpartum days. Minimum average lactose and pH was observed on 1st and 5th postpartum days as 2.42±0.06%; 6.03±0.04% and 4.26±0.15; 6.30±0.04, respectively. The quality of colostrum produced by udder quarters was found significantly different (p<0.05). The rear quarters produced colostrum, which was significantly richer in fat, proteins, TS, pH compared to forequarters colostrum. The forequarters produced colostrum which was significantly richer in lactose, ash, SNF compared to forequarters colostrum. In conclusion, the results showed that colostrum composition was significantly changed up to 5 days post-partum

    Landmark-based morphometric and meristic analysis in response to characterize the wild Bhagna, Labeo ariza populations for its conservation

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    The landmark-based morphometric and meristic analysis of three different stocks from the Atrai, the Jamuna and the Kangsha of Bhagna (Labeo ariza, Hamilton 1807) were examined from a phenotypical point of view to evaluate the population structure and to assess shape variation. A total of 90 Bhagna (L. ariza) were collected from three different water bodies: the Atrai, the Jamuna and the Kangsha of Bangladesh during January, 2017. Ten morphometric and nine meristic characters were analyzed along with twenty-two truss network measurements. One way ANOVA showed that all morphometric, meristic and truss network measurement were significantly different (P<0.001) among three different stock of the fish. For morphometric and landmark measurements, the first discriminant functions (DF) accounted for 98.6% and 97.9% and the second DF accounted for 1.4% and 2.1%, respectively among group variability, explaining 100% of total among groups variability. For the morphometric and truss network measurements, plotting discriminant functions showed a well-separated clusters of the stocks indicating that the measurement were significantly different among three stocks. The dendrogram based on morphometric and landmark distances data showed two major clusters; the Atrai and Jamuna stocks in one cluster and the Kangsha stock in another cluster. High degree of variation was observed in morphological characteristics among three different stocks (the Atrai, Jamuna and Kangsha) of L .ariza due to their environmental variation and separate geographical location. The results of this study are very useful for proper conservation and successful management of L. ariza and also for the scientific community for the further research