96 research outputs found

    Analytical Solution for the Current Distribution in Multistrand Superconducting Cables

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    Current distribution in multistrand superconducting cables can be a major concern for stability in superconducting magnets and for field quality in particle accelerator magnets. In this paper we describe multistrand superconducting cables by means of a distributed parameters circuit model. We derive a system of partial differential equations governing current distribution in the cable and we give the analytical solution of the general system. We then specialize the general solution to the particular case of uniform cable properties. In the particular case of a two-strand cable, we show that the analytical solution presented here is identical to the one already available in the literature. For a cable made of N equal strands we give a closed form solution that to our knowledge was never presented before. We finally validate the analytical solution by comparison to numerical results in the case of a step-like spatial distribution of the magnetic field over a short Rutherford cable, both in transient and steady state conditions

    Directed Reactions of C-Sulfenyl Halides with 1-Hydroxynaphthalene Derivatives

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    C-Sulfenyl chlorides react with 1-hydroxynaphthalene derivatives in nitrobenzene with the formation of sulfenylation products sulfenylation. Under the same conditions C-sulfenyl bromides furnish the products of bromination. In the presence of potassium perchlorate the reactions occurs place also in dioxane and acetonitrile with retention of different in reactivity patterns of isostructural chlorides and bromides. In the reaction with 1-hydroxynaphthalene 2-nitro- and 2,4-dinitrobenzenesulfenylbromides both afford the bromination and sulfenylation products in unsimilar ratios

    Engineering Education in the Context of Digitalization and Transition to a Green Economy (SYNERGY 2022 Conference Results Review)

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    The article summarizes the results of the plenary session of the international network conference “Engineering education in the context of digitalization and transition to a green economy – SYNERGY-2022” held at the Nizhnekamsk Chemical Technology Institute of Kazan National Research Technological University from October 13 to 14, 2022. The forum was devoted to the training of engineers in the conditions of digitalization and the transition to a green economy. It brought together representatives of universities and industrial enterprises of Russia and abroad. Among the participants were representatives of national research universities and supporting universities of PJSC Gazprom, state authorities and industrial enterprises of Tatarstan. It was possible to observe the work of the plenary session in real time via the Internet in all the main universities of Gazprom. The organizers of the event were the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP), the Association of Engineering Education of Russia (AEER), as well as the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Kazan National Research Technological University. Gazprom PJSC was the general sponsor. In total, the conference gathered more than 200 participants (120 online and 80 in person) from 15 universities in Russia, Germany and Kazakhstan. Representatives of 12 industrial enterprises spoke, 42 reports were made

    Morphological changes of the gastric mucosa in patients with duodenogasric reflux: relationship with acidity and helicobacter pylori

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    Purpose: to reveal the peculiarities of the duodenogastric reflux (DGR) impact on acidity and morphological features of the gastric mucosa in patients with "primary" reflux gastritis, as well as in cases of reflux gastritis in combination with H. pylori. Methods: 66 patients with chronic reflux gastritis were examined, 15 people formed a control group. All patients had gastric endoscopy with determination of the gastric acidity and concentration of bile acids. Biopsy material for histological examination was obtained from 55 patients, in 12 cases of suspected intestinal metaplasia additional histochemical (PAS and alcian blue) and immunohistochemical (cytokeratin 20, Villin, carcinoembriogenic antigen, MUC2, CD45) assays were performed. Results: the level of acidity in patients with DGR was higher (pH = 3.55 ± 2.3) compared to the control group (pH = 6.85 ± 1.34). Cases of DGR differed from the control group regarding the mononuclear infiltration (p=0,001), foveolar hyperplasia (p=0,001) in both antral and fundic parts of the stomach, mucosal edema (p=0,022) and atrophy (p=0,02) at the level of the antrum, and intestinal metaplasia (p=0,022) at the level of the body. In the presence of H. pylori infection, in addition to the abovementioned signs, infiltration by cells of acute inflammation (p = 0.005) was detected, which indicates an increase in the damaging effect of H. pylori infection in DGR. Conclusion: DGR may lead to "oxidation" of gastric contents. The effect of DGR leads to intestinal metaplasia of the body and atrophy of the antral part of stomach, chronic inflammation and foveolar hyperplasia. The presence of H. pylori boosts the morphological changes in the gastric mucosa caused by DGR.Цель: выявить характер воздействия дуоденогастрального рефлюкса (ДГР) на морфологические показатели слизистой оболочки желудка при «первичном» рефлюкс-гастрите, в том числе, в сочетании с H.pylori, исследовать связь ДГР с уровнем кислотности. Материалы и методы: обследовано 66 пациентов с рефлюкс-гастритом, 15 человек составили группу контроля. Всем пациентам проведена эзофагогастродуоденоскопия с определением кислотности и концентрации желчных кислот в желудочном содержимом. 55 пациентам проведено гистологическое обследование биопсийного материала слизистой оболочки желудка, при наличии признаков кишечной метаплазии 12 пациентам проведено дополнительное гистохимическое (окраска Шифф-йодной кислотой и альциановым синим) и иммуногистохимическое (определение экспрессии цитокератина 20, виллина, MUC2, ракового эмбрионального антигена, CD45) исследование. результаты: Уровень кислотности у пациентов с ДГР был выше (рН=3,55±2,3) по сравнению с группой контроля (рН=6,85±1,34). Из морфологических признаков при дГр значимо отличались от группы контроля мононуклеарная инфильтрация (р=0,001), фовеолярная гиперплазия (р=0,001) в обоих отделах желудка, отек (р=0,022) и атрофия (р=0,02) антрального отдела, кишечная метаплазия (р=0,022) на уровне тела желудка. При наличии инфекции H. pylori, помимо уже выявленных признаков, выявляется инфильтрация клетками острого воспаления (р=0,005), что свидетельствует об усилении повреждающего действия инфекции H. pylori при ДГР. Выводы: Воздействие ДГР приводит к «окислению» желудочного содержимого. Воздействие ДГР приводит к кишечной метаплазии тела и атрофии антрального отдела желудка на фоне хронического воспаления и фовеолярной гиперплазии. Присутствие H. pylori усиливает вызванные ДГР морфологические изменения слизистой оболочки желудка

    Исследование терапевтической эффективности тровентола у больных бронхиальной астмой и хронической обструктивной болезнью легких профессионального генеза

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    Respiratory pathology takes 15 to 35 % of occupational diseases and a half of them falls to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical efficiency and safety of troventol in workers of rubber industry and other hazardous fields and in agriculture workers suffering from asthma or COPD. The study involved 33 workers of hazardous industries of Moscow and 35 agriculture workers. Methods used included questionnaire, physical examination, spirometry, bronchodilating test, methacholine challenge test, peak flowmetry, measurements of NO in the exhaled air (NOexh) and total IgE level before and after treatment with troventol under the continuing hazardous exposure condition. The daily dose of troventol depended on the severity of the disease and ranged 80 to 240 μg. The therapy with troventol has resulted in improvement of cough from 1.6 to 1.2 score (р ≤ 0.05) and dyspnea from 1.12 to 0.8 (р ≤ 0.04). Asthma attacks ceased in 39.7 % of the workers. Number of the workers having normal Tiffeneau index increased from 36.4 to 48.5 %. Bronchial hyperreactivity reduced. NOexh became normal in 24% of the patients. The drug was generally well tolerated.Среди профессиональных заболеваний патология легких составляет от 15 до 35%, причем на долю хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ) и бронхиальной астмы (БА) приходится половина случаев. Целью исследования явилась оценка клинической эффективности и безопасности тровентола у работников каучукового и других вредных производств и сельского хозяйства, страдающих БА и ХОБЛ. Нами было обследовано 33 рабочих вредных производств Москвы и 35 работников сельского хозяйства. Использовали анкетный скрининг, врачебный осмотр, спирометрию с бронходилатационным тестом, бронхопровокационный тест с метахолином, пикфлоуметрию, определяли оксид азота выдыхаемого воздуха (NOexh) и общий IgE крови до и после лечения тровентолом в условиях продолжения контакта с неблагоприятными факторами. Суточная доза тровентола зависела от тяжести заболевания и составила от 80 до 240 мкг. На фоне терапии тровентолом интенсивность кашля уменьшилась в среднем с 1,6 до 1,2 балла (р ≤ 0,05), одышки — с 1,12 до 0,8 балла (р ≤ 0,04), приступы удушья прекратились у 39,7 % рабочих. Число рабочих с нормальным индексом Тиффно увеличилось с 36,4 до 48,5 %, отмечено уменьшение гиперреактивности бронхов в тесте с метахолином. У 24 % пациентов нормализовался NOexh. Переносимость препарата в целом была хорошей