24 research outputs found

    Feasibility and accuracy of fetal echocardiography at routine 11 to 13 weeks 6 days ultrasound performed on unselected obstetric population in a tertiary maternity centre with high patient turnover

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    Background: Congenital heart defects (CHD) remain the most prevalent congenital malformations, with an estimated prevalence of 6-8 per 1000 live births. Routinely, fetal echo is performed around 18-22 weeks among high risk cases. A dedicated early fetal echo (EFEC) performed by experts between 11-16 weeks is emerging as an excellent screening tool among high risk cases. However, feasibility of obtaining such cardiac views during routine Nuchal Translucency scan by trained obstetricians, is yet to be known as there is limited time available with high patient turn over. Present study aimed to know the feasibility and accuracy of EFEC in unselected obstetric population in a tertiary maternity centre with high patient turnover.Methods: This was an observational cohort study from March 2015 to April 2017 at a tertiary maternity referral hospital. Singleton pregnant women undergoing routine 11-13+6 weeks scanning (NT scan) were recruited in the study including both high and low risk pregnancies. Possibility of obtaining 4 basic cardiac views within this limited time was assessed.Results: A total of 180 early fetal ECHO’s were performed during the course of this study. The 4-chamber view (79.44%) of the heart was the easiest parameter to visualize. RVOT (28.88%) was the most difficult view to be obtained. Complete visualization of all the cardiac views was possible in only 34 women (18.88%). The visualization rates of the cardiac views improved as the gestational age increased. TVS was essential to obtain cardiac views in 5 cases out of 138 (3.6%) in 12-13+6 scans. Whereas, TVS was essential to visualize cardiac views in 34 cases out of 42 (80.95%) between 11 weeks to 11 weeks 6 days. A total of 7 cardiac anomalies were detected during this study. There were 3 major and 4 minor cardiac malformations. Out of the 3 major anomalies, 2 were AVSDs which were diagnosed by EFEC. Minor defects were undetected.Conclusions: It is feasible to get the basic cardiac views in the limited time available to perform NT scan among unselected obstetric population in a tertiary maternity centre with a high turnover. Gestational age of 12 weeks and above seems to increase the accuracy. TVS is a useful adjunct throughout 11-14 weeks scan

    Obstetric and neonatal outcome among women presenting with reduced fetal movements in third trimester

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    Background: Reduced maternal perception of fetal movements allows early identification, timely evaluation and intervention for fetuses at risk of adverse outcome. The primary objective of this study was to assess the pregnancy characteristics and outcomes of pregnant women presenting to hospital with reduced fetal movements (RFM).Methods: Prospective observational study, recruiting all women with singleton pregnancy at or beyond 28 weeks of gestation presenting with a subjective perception of RFM from April 2015 to December 2016. Maternal characteristics, antenatal risk factors, management pathways and perinatal outcome studied.Results: 47% belonged to high risk pregnancy. Among high risk women, although only 39% showed poor BPP at the first presentation, 58% were delivered irrespective of their gestational age, out of which 32.75% had poor neonatal outcome. Among low risk who had >2 episodes of RFM, 50% had poor neonatal outcome. 7% among high risk pregnancies and 18% among low risk, presented with RFM within 48 hours following steroid prophylaxis.24% of high risk women showed liquor volume abnormalities as compared to low risk (6.3%).Conclusions: Significant proportion of those with RFM belonged to high risk pregnancy. Among high risk group, there were high rates of stillbirth and poor BPP at the time of admission when compared to low risk group. Due to early approach to the hospital and timely intervention, significant women with abnormal BPP had good perinatal outcome. All those fetuses who were delivered on first episode of RFM in low risk group did not show evidence of compromise at birth, probably indicating unnecessary delivery. More than 2 episodes of RFM even among low risk group seems significant as good number of fetuses were compromised at birth. Steroids prophylaxis for the fetal lung maturity causes transient changes in BPP, hence unnecessary delivery should be avoided especially those among low risk pregnancy

    Ovarian Pregnancy following Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection and Embryo Transfer: A Case Report

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    Ovarian pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy following ICSI-ET, and the diagnosis depends on the physicians suspicion and experience. Preservation of ovarian tissue during surgery is of utmost importance to preserve fertility. We present a case of ovarian pregnancy who had a successful treatment preserving the ovary

    Will women’s choice of position in first stage of labor affect labor process?

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    Background: Controlling the process of childbirth has disabled the parturient to embrace the most spontaneous position of delivery but constricting her to assume a recumbent position. Objective of this study was to study if alternating comfortable maternal positioning i.e., recumbent and alternative position have any influence in the process of labor, type of delivery, neonatal well-being.Methods: Study conducted an observation study on term pregnant women. Study inclusion criteria included all term pregnant women. Exclusion criteria included multiple pregnancies, preterm patient, severe pre-eclampsia, and eclampsia, preterm premature rupture of membranes, sever intrauterine growth restricted fetus. The measured date were maternal general characteristics, duration of labor process, type of delivery and neonatal outcome. Patients were divided into two groups. Group A - if they spent more than 50% in a recumbent position and Group B - any other alternating position.Results: A total 250 women were equally included in this study. The demographic characteristics were matched in both groups and found no significant difference. In the process of labor, Group B had a difference of 1 hours as compared to Group A and the rate of cervical dilation was also faster in Group B. Both of these variables were found to be statistically significant. However, there were no significant difference in the terms of type of delivery and neonatal outcome.Conclusions: The ancient practice of recumbent position during labor is to be discarded as alternating maternal position during the process of labor may a positive influence on the total duration labor. However even though it may or may not have an influence on the other outcome such as route of delivery and neonatal outcome, it is best to encourage women to move and deliver in the most comfortable position

    The comparison of USG measured cervical length in pregnant women with previous induced abortion versus those who have not had an induced abortion

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    Background: The majority of women who undergo induced abortion are young and of low parity. Hence, it is desirable to look for any association effects of induced abortion with future reproductive outcomes. In this study, we aim to compare ultrasound measured cervical length in pregnant women with previous induced abortion versus those who have not had an induced abortion.Methods: This was a prospective observational study performed at tertiary care hospital. Total of 400 patients were recruited, divided into two groups. Patients with an induced abortion in previous pregnancy were included as cases and those with no history were taken as controls. Cervical length was measured by transvaginal ultrasound in all participants at 11-14, 18-22 and 28-32 weeks. Pregnancies were followed up to note incidence of spontaneous preterm delivery, preterm pre labour rupture of membranes (PPROM), threatened preterm, and second trimester miscarriage.Results: Authors have found that there was no significant difference in the cervical length of pregnant patients with or without a history of prior induced abortions.  In our study authors found that mean cervical length at 11-14weeks, 18-22 weeks, and 28-32 weeks was 3.47±0.126cm and 3.48±0.195cm; 3.44±0.296cm and 3.49±0.182cm; 3.36±0.477cm and 3.42±0.310cm respectively among cases and controls. However, there was a demonstrably increased risk of spontaneous preterm delivery, PPROM and threatened preterm in patients with a history of prior induced abortion.Conclusions: Authors conclude that previous induced abortion increases the risk of threatened preterm, PPROM, spontaneous preterm delivery in the subsequent pregnancy. But, this risk is not predictable by measuring cervical length as the mean cervical length remained the same in both the groups

    Incarcerated foreign body in the vagina of a postmenopausal lady

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    Vaginal foreign bodies retained for long duration are uncommon in present day scenario. When a female presents with recurrent foul smelling vaginal discharge, foreign body should be suspected. Here is a report of foreign body in the vagina of a postmenopausal lady

    Transverse limb defect: a case report

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    Transverse limb defects are a relatively rare problem (3.5-6.9/10000 births) with a fairly low prenatal detection rate (55%). The possible etiology for this condition could be as part of a genetic condition or amniotic band syndrome. The detection rate can be improved with the use of careful anatomical survey during anomaly scan. In this case report, transverse limb defect was detected in the second trimester.

    Use of glycosylated HbA1c and random blood sugar as a screening tool for gestational diabetes mellitus in first trimester

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    Background: GDM cases go unidentified with inadequate screening methods in first trimester which in turn increases the maternal and neonatal morbidity which is preventable. The purpose of the study was to find out a cut off level for HbA1c and RBS at first trimester for screening Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).Methods: Observational study on pregnant women in a tertiary care teaching institution. Early screening with HbA1c and RBS at booking visit and followed up to second trimester GTT at 24-28 weeks. Pregnant women were divided into 2 groups based on GTT results. Pregnant women with overt diabetes and multiple pregnancy were not included in the study.Results: Out of the 151 subjects, 76 cases were diagnosed with GDM while the other 75 were found to be non-GDM by following the 75g GTT approved by IADPSG. According to our study optimal cut-off for HbA1C was found to be 5.496±0.48 %, as it gives a sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 55.3%. Optimal cut-off for RBS was found to be 112±0.77 mg/dl, as it gives a sensitivity of 35.55 and specificity of 94.7%.Conclusions: Glyco Hb A1c and RBS can be used as screening tool for the diagnosis of GDM.  The likelihood of having GDM at a cutoff of Glyco HbA1c 5.5% is 1.8 times and RBS level 112mg/dl is 7 times in pregnant women

    Correlation of placental histomorphology with doppler velocimetry in preeclampsia and IUGR and their perinatal outcome

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    Background: Though numerous placental ischemic changes are described in relation to placental insufficiency, universally accepted criteria are unavailable till date leading to under or over reporting. Present study is an attempt to define standardized grading system for placental dysmorphology and correlate it with Doppler changes. The objective was to study placental histomorphology in preeclampsia and IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction), to correlate the placental histomorphology with multivessel Doppler findings and their perinatal outcome in preeclampsia and IUGR.Methods: Prospective study was done over 2 years, 64 antenatal women with preeclampsia and/or IUGR were recruited, their multivessel Doppler measurements were recorded and placental histomorphological changes were studied post-delivery which were graded as either low or high grade placentas considering degree and number of ischemic changes observed.Results: Out of 64 cases, 33 (51.5%) cases had low grade changes and 31 (48.5%) had high grade changes. Out of 33 patients with low grade placentas 24 (73%) had normal Doppler, 20 (65%) out of 31 high grade placenta had abnormal Doppler. Placental histomorphology correlated well with Doppler abnormality (Coefficient of Kappa test). Syncytial knots>50%, presence of hypermature villi, infarcts, fibrin deposits were significantly associated with abnormal Doppler. High grade placenta group had significantly poor perinatal outcome (Chi square test).Conclusions: We formulated a grading system of placental dysmorphology in preeclampsia and IUGR which correlated well with clinical Doppler abnormality and perinatal outcome. Further studies are warranted to develop preventive strategies aimed at specific high grade placental changes seen in pregnancies with abnormal Doppler and develop strategies to improve perinatal outcome.

    Maternal sepsis- an audit in a tertiary care center in South India

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    Background: Objective of this study was to audit the cases of maternal sepsis and analyze their maternal and fetal outcomes.Methods: A retrospective analysis of cases of maternal sepsis was undertaken for one year. Cases were taken as infection with fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, low oxygen saturation, high or low white blood counts and clinical or laboratory evidence of organ dysfunction and were analyzed. Demographic profile, gestational age at the time of diagnosis, organisms & their sources of infection was noted. Maternal outcomes of abortion, preterm delivery, need for intensive care unit (ICU) / high dependency unit (HDU) stay, blood and blood products, surgical interventions for the control of infection, culture-positive rate, source of organism, antibiotic usage and maternal mortality were analyzed. Fetal outcomes of early fetal demise, preterm birth, intrauterine death, stillbirth and term birth were studied.  Results: There were a total of 2327 deliveries, with 2333 live births during the study period. Twenty-two cases were diagnosed with sepsis, of which 17 survived, and five died. The incidence of maternal sepsis was 9.4/1000 live births & maternal deaths were 22.7%. Ninety percent were in the age group of 21-39 years, 68% were referred, 59% were post-delivery. Fifty nine percent of women who survived, and none of the women who died had medical co-morbidities. Respiratory tract followed by genitourinary tract were the most common source of infection, though culture was negative in 54.5% of the cases. The organisms grown were varied, with Escherichia coli (3/10) contributing to 30% of the culture positive cases. Spontaneous abortion and preterm delivery were 18% each, 36% required surgical intervention, 81% required ICU and 64.7% HDU stay. Seventy-seven had live birth.Conclusions: Maternal sepsis is an evolving preventable health burden. Early recognition requires a high index of clinical suspicion, even in the absence of risk factors. Mortality to morbidity ratio is very high in maternal sepsis. The timing of sepsis determines the fetal outcomes