3 research outputs found

    The Validity and Reliability of the Turkish version of Knowledge About Schizophrenia Questionnaire (KASQ)

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    The Knowledge About Schizophrenia Questionnaire (KASQ), was developed to assess patients knowledge about their illness and its management. The present study aimed to examine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of KASQ. Internal consistency of KASQ was evaluated with the measurement of KR-20 . Stability was evaluated with a test-retest evaluation. Item-to-total correlation and item difficulty were used for further evaluation. Validity and sensitivity was evaluated by comparison of pre and post measurement of KASQ scores of a group of patients enrolled into a psychoeducation programme with the control group. KR-20 was calculated as 0,801. Stability was evaluated with test-retest evaluaitons. A statisticallly significant correlation was shown as a result of test-retest evaluations (correlation coefficient:0,775 p:0,000). In item analysis item difficulty level of the test was found to be intermediate (mean 0,58). KASQ can be used as a convenient tool in our country to evaluate the effect of psychoeducational programs on increasing knowledge about schizophrenia in the patients who were diagnosed with schizophrenia. [JCBPR 2018; 7(1.000): 1-6

    Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Antisocial Personality Disorder According to the Crime Types

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    We aimed to evaluate the relation between the crimes committed, and the childhood behavioral problems, current clinical characteristics and anger levels of patients with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). One hundred and fifty-three patients with ASPD were enrolled. The diagnosis was made according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-IV criteria. DSM-IV conduct disorder criteria and life history inventory was used to assess childhood characteristics. The State-Trait Anger Scale (STAS) was used to assess experience, expression, and control of anger. The main differences between crime groups were as follows: A head trauma history was more frequent in ASPD patients who had a crime history of physical assault. Loss of a parent in childhood was more frequent in individuals who committed burglary. Divorce or separation of the parents in childhood was more frequent in those who committed murder. The usage of weapons in fight during childhood was significantly higher in those who committed murder and aggravated assault. According to STAS scores, the anger control scores were significantly lower in those who committed murder. Childhood and behavioral characteristics of ASPD patients is not homogenous. There is a need for further studies to demonstrate these differences and make a new classification for ASPD. [JCBPR 2016; 5(1.000): 13-21

    Comparing Diagnostic Tools in Personality Disorders

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    Personality Disorder is defined as; continually self experience and behavioral pattern which has great variations of individual cultural normal expectations. Several diagnostic tools were developed for diagnosing personality disorders. In our study consistency of different diagnostic tools used for thhe diagnosis of personality disorders were evaluated. 39 inpatients diagnosed as personality disorder from Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Traning and Reseach Hospital were recruited into the study. Psychotic patients are excluded from the study. Sociodemographic Information Form, MMPI and PBQ scales were given all the patients. Both PBQ personality subscales and MMPI PD scales were compared with semi-structured SCID-II interview diagnoses. Findings suggest less correlation than expected. Relatively higher correlation was found between PBQ personality subscales and MMPI-PD. Most common psychiatric comorbid disorder was depression. These findings suggest that further studies are needed for the development of diagnostic tools which take the differences of self report scales and clinical evalution into consideration. Beside, the differences of the categorical and dimensional classification of personality disorders should be bear in mind in evaluation of this patient group. [JCBPR 2016; 5(1.000): 22-27