24 research outputs found

    Gas mixing system for imaging of nanomaterials under dynamic environments by environmental transmission electron microscopy

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    A gas mixing manifold system that is capable of delivering a stable pressure stream of a desired composition of gases into an environmental transmission electron microscope has been developed. The system is designed to provide a stable imaging environment upon changes of either the composition of the gas mixture or upon switching from one gas to another. The design of the system is described and the response of the pressure inside the microscope, the sample temperature, and sample drift in response to flow and composition changes of the system are reported. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC

    Public Policy Influences on Academia in the European Union: A Snapshot of the Convergences Among HRM–Industrial Relations and CSR–Stakeholder Approach

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    The aim of this research is to examine the public policy influences on academic investigations that contain a substantial convergence among human resource management–industrial relations and corporate social responsibility–stakeholder approach by means of using bibliometric and content analyses of relevant publications in the Scopus and ScienceDirect databases. Totally, 160 publications were subject to bibliometric, cluster, and summative content analyses. In this context, this study claims that public policy in the EU influences academic investigations and scholars. The investigation draws attention to the importance of active participation of different public institutions and key stakeholders (e.g., trade unions, works councils, academic associations) that prepare a basis for collaboration, solidarity, and communication for strengthening EU social model, social dialogue, collective bargaining, and the protection of social rights. The research findings illuminate the fact that European public policies have significant effects on shaping and encouraging investigations that are considered within the scope of IR–HRM and CSR–SA. One of the most crucial recommendations of this study is that the investigations which are out of this framework can be considered quite idealistic. Therefore, researchers may attempt to publish more scientific investigations in frame of IR–HRM and CSR–SA to enhance the comprehensiveness and depth of these two clusters


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    Sırtçantalı turistler dünya turizm endüstrisi içinde önemli bir pazar dilimi haline gelmiştir. İstanbul’a gelen sırtçantalı turistlerin seyahat motivasyonlarını belirlemek üzere bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Alanyazına dayalı geliştirilen anket, İstanbul’a 2012 yılı Mart- Nisan aylarında gelen sırtçantalılara internet ortamında ve yüz yüze uygulanmıştır. Cinsiyet ve yaşa göre kota örneklemesinin yapıldığı anket uygulamasında, kullanılabilir 887 ankete ulaşılmıştır. İstanbul’a gelen sırtçantalıların yarıdan fazlasının kadın, büyük çoğunluğunun bekâr olduğu ve göreceli olarak en fazla sırtçantalı turistin Almanya, Avustralya, Fransa, Amerika ve Yeni Zelanda’dan geldiği tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan alan araştırması, İstanbul’a gelen sırtçantalı turistlerin seyahat motivasyonlarının, dünyayı tanıma, deneyim arayışı, sosyalleşme, yaşam geçiş dönemleri, sakinlik arayışı, sırtçantalı kimliği ve yetenek gösterme başlıklarında incelenebileceğini göstermektedir. Sırtçantalı turistlerin seyahat motivasyonlarının yaş, cinsiyet, milliyet ve kendilerini tanımlarına göre anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği anlaşılmaktadır. Çalışma, bu pazara yönelik faaliyet gösteren turizm işletmeleri ve kamu otoritelerine dönük öneriler ile son bulmaktadır

    Enhanced reaction rate for gas-phase epoxidation of propylene using H-2 and O-2 by Cs promotion of Au/TS-1

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    Gold clusters supported on titanium silicalite-1 (hereafter denoted as Au/TS-1) with high gold loading at 0.1-0.16 wt%, prepared by the deposition precipitation (DP) method, showed about two times enhancement in the PO rate (similar to 300 versus similar to 150 gpo h(-1) kg(cat)(-1), at 200 degrees C), similar to 10% increase in PO selectivity (similar to 80% versus similar to 70%) and similar to 5-10% increase in H-2 selectivity (-20% versus similar to 10%) when Cs2CO3 instead of Na2CO3 was used as the precipitation agent. Using Cs2CO3 as the precipitation agent caused a fourfold increase in Au uptake efficiency, indicating a strong interaction between Cs and Au in the Au/TS-1 system. XPS/TEM analyses for two Au/TS-1 samples with the same gold loading at similar to 0.16 wt% but different alkali metals (Cs versus Na) indicate that more Au was retained inside the TS-1 nanopores for the Cs sample. The presence of Cs is, therefore, proposed to help stabilize small gold clusters (\u3c 1 nm) inside the TS-1 nanoporous channels at the high gold loading (\u3e 0.1 wt%) due to the Cs/Au interaction, resulting in the promotion of PO rate per gram of catalyst. Furthermore, similar apparent activation energy at 30 kJ mole(-1) observed for the Au/TS-1 catalysts with the presence of either Cs or Na suggests that the number, but not the nature of the active sites, is changed in the Cs-promoted samples. Finally, regardless of the type of alkali metal (Na or Cs) present in the catalysts, lower Ti content (Si/Ti molar ratio 100) for Au/TS-1 catalysts was found to favor PO catalytic performance. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved