42 research outputs found

    Physiology and Pathology of the Cardiovascular System

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    The cardiovascular system (CVS) is made up of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The fundamental function of CVS is to transport substances to and from all parts of the body. The heart is the major pumping organ, pressurizing blood for circulation through the blood vessels; blood is propelled away from the heart in the arteries and returns to the heart through the veins. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is an umbrella term for a number of inter-linked diseases, generally defined as coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, high blood pressure, peripheral arterial disease, rheumatic and congenital heart diseases, arrhythmia, etc. Globally, CVDs are the leading cause of deaths, and according to the estimation of the World Health Organization (WHO), about 17.9 million people died from CVDs in 2019, accounting for 32% of all global deaths. About 75% of CVD deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. This burden of CVDs can be decreased by careful risk reduction (such as lifestyle modification, smoking and alcohol cessation, weight optimization, physical exercise), and proper medical treatments, including herbal components. The prevention of CVDs can reduce the occurrence of major cardiovascular events, thereby reducing premature disability, morbidity, and mortality, while prolonging survival and quality of life

    Twitter-Based Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling of Social Media Posts using Natural Language Processing, to Understand People’s Perspectives Regarding COVID-19 Omicron Subvariants XBB.1.5 and BF.7

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    Concerns about an increase in cases during the COVID-19 pandemic have been heightened by the emergence of a new Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 that joined the previously reported BF.7 as a source of public health concern. COVID-19 cases have been on the rise intermittently throughout the ongoing pandemic, likely because of the continuous introduction of SARS-CoV-2 subtypes. The present study analyzed the Indian citizen’s perceptions of the latest covid variants XBB.1.5 and BF.7 using the natural language processing technique, especially topic modeling and sentiment analysis. The tweets posted by Indian citizens regarding this issue were analyzed and used for this study. Government authorities, policymakers, and healthcare officials will be better able to implement the necessary policy effectively to tackle the XBB 1.5 and BF.7 crises if they are aware of the people’s sentiments and concerns about the crisis. A total of 8,54,312 tweets have been used for this study. Our sentiment analysis study has revealed that out of those 8,54,312 tweets, the highest number of tweets (n = 3,19,512 tweets (37.3%)) about COVID variants XBB.1.5 and BF.7 had neutral sentiments, 3,16,951 tweets (37.1%) showed positive sentiments and 2,17,849 tweets (25.4%) had negative sentiments. Fear of the future and concerns about the immunity of the vaccines are of prime concerns to tackle the ongoing pandemic

    Beneficial impacts of biochar as a potential feed additive in animal husbandry

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    In the last decade, biochar production and use have grown in popularity. Biochar is comparable to charcoal and activated charcoal because it is a pyrogenic carbonaceous matter made by pyrolyzing organic carbon-rich materials. There is a lack of research into the effects of adding biochar to animal feed. Based on the reviewed literature, including its impact on the adsorption of toxins, blood biochemistry, feed conversion rate, digestion, meat quality, and greenhouse gas emissions, adding biochar to the diet of farm animals is a good idea. This study compiles the most important research on biochar's potential as a supplement to the diets of ruminants (including cows and goats), swine, poultry, and aquatic organisms like fish. Biochar supplementation improves animal growth, haematological profiles, meat, milk and egg yield, resistance to illnesses (especially gut pathogenic bacteria), and reduced ruminant methane emission. Biochar's strong sorption capacity also helps efficiently remove contaminants and poisons from the animals' bodies and the farm surroundings where they are raised. Animal farmers are predicted to make greater use of biochar in the future. Biochar could potentially be of value in the healthcare and human health fields; hence research into this area is encouraged. The present review highlights the potential benefits of biochar as an additive to animal feed and demonstrates how, when combined with other environmentally friendly practices, biochar feeding can extend the longevity of animal husbandry

    Potential benefits and therapeutic applications of "Panchgavya" therapy (Cowpathy) for human and animal health: Current scientific knowledge

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    Cow's milk, urine, dung, ghee, and curd (together known as "Panchgavya") have incomparable medicinal value in Ayurveda and ancient Indian clinical methods. Panchgavya is also known as Cowpathy in Ayurveda. In India, the cow is revered as a goddess known as "Gaumata" because of its nurturing qualities similar to those of a mother. Almost no adverse effects are associated with using Panchgavya, which is why it is recommended in Ayurveda for treating disorders affecting numerous body systems. Its possible antimicrobial effects have piqued the curiosity of medical researchers and practitioners. Cow milk is widely regarded as a nutritious diet and has been shown to effectively treat various medical conditions, including high body temperature, pain, cancer, diabetes, kidney diseases, and weakness. Milk can prevent the growth of microorganisms, has erotic qualities when combined with the leaves of medicinal herbs, and the fat in milk has anticancer characteristics. Toned and skim milk, lassi, yoghurt, cottage cheese, and khoa all come from milk and have important medicinal characteristics. Curd (dahi) is recommended as a blood purifier for conditions such as hemorrhoids, piles, and gastrointestinal issues. Ghee made from cows has been shown to boost immunity. It is important to highlight the use of cow dung as an antifungal and for treating malaria and tuberculosis. It has the potential to aid in the development of a populace free from disease, the creation of sustainable energy systems, the fulfilment of all nutritional needs, the elimination of poverty, the promotion of organic farming culture, and the like. Cow urine is a powerful remedy for numerous medical conditions, including but not limited to epileptic convulsions, diabetes, hepatitis, inflammation, fever, and anaemia. The current review article explores how the Panchgavya ingredients can be employed to safeguard human and animal health

    Cinnamon as a Potential Feed Additive: Beneficial Effects on Poultry Health and Production Performances – An Update

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    According to the Food and Agricultural Organization, global poultry output increased from approximately 115 million tons in 2016 to around 136 million tons in 2023. Poultry production has increased significantly with the dramatic uptick in meat and egg demand. Feed accounts for between 65 and 70 percent of total production costs, making it the largest chicken industry expense. This is why it's important to maximize the transformation of poultry feed into feed with a high biological value while taking as many steps as possible to protect feed quality and reduce feed costs. The use of feed additives in poultry feed has recently gained popularity and has been essential to increase feed efficiency and growth rate, which typically leads to reduced costs. The meat's texture, consistency, and nutritional content are all improved, and its shelf life is lengthened as a bonus. Feed additives are a fantastic tool for boosting a poultry farm's bottom line. For example, cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) is often used as a traditional feed supplement. Rather than antibiotics, the poultry industry could benefit from using cinnamon as a natural antibiotic replacement, which would benefit animal welfare, consumer health, and the bottom line. The performance index, feed intake, FCE performance, and weight growth of poultry can all be improved by including cinnamon in the feed at varied concentrations. The digestive health and intestinal microbial population of hens are enhanced by a diet containing bioactive components of cinnamon. Cinnamon essential oils' popularity stems from their many valuable features, such as their ability to increase gastric enzyme synthesis and other biofunctional benefits. This review focuses on the possible advantages of cinnamon as a natural feed supplement for chickens, particularly about their intestinal microbiota, blood chemistry, nutrient absorption, gene expression, and immunology

    Potential benefits of Glycyrrhiza glabra (Liquorice) herb, its chemical make-up and significance in safeguarding poultry health: Current scientific knowledge

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    Positive results have been seen when bioactive components from herbal plants are added to poultry diets. Efficacy in feeding, digestion of nutrients, antioxidant health, immunological indices, and other factors can all be improved with the help of these additives, which in turn increases growth rates and improves poultry welfare. Several researchers have used sophisticated herbal formulae that included Glycyrrhiza glabra (Liquorice) as an ingredient. Epidemic illnesses, mainly in the respiratory, digestive, and immunological systems, pose the greatest threat to the poultry business. Flavonoids and glycyrrhizin are two of the bioactive compounds in Liquorice. The roots of this plant contain glycyrrhizin at concentrations of 1-9%, which has numerous pharmacological benefits, including anti-infectious, antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Liquorice extracts are helpful in the treatment of multiple common illnesses. These include problems with the liver, the lungs, and the immunological system. Adding Liquorice to chicken diets improves their productivity in several ways, including fostering organ growth and stimulating digestion and appetite. Liquorice has many beneficial effects on birds, including helping them grow larger bodies, cleansing their systems, and protecting them from free radicals, bacteria, and inflammation. In this article, we'll look at the chemical make-up of liquorice herb, its role in protecting poultry health, and its recent applications and benefits

    Mechanistic insight of Staphylococcus aureus associated skin cancer in humans by Santalum album derived phytochemicals: an extensive computational and experimental approaches

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    An excessive amount of multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is commonly associated with actinic keratosis (AK) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) by secreted virulence products that induced the chronic inflammation leading to skin cancer which is regulated by staphylococcal accessory regulator (SarA). It is worth noting that there is currently no existing published study that reports on the inhibitory activity of phytochemicals derived from Santalum album on the SarA protein through in silico approach. Therefore, our study has been designed to find the potential inhibitors of S. aureus SarA protein from S. album-derived phytochemicals. The molecular docking study was performed targeting the SarA protein of S. aureus, and CID:5280441, CID:162350, and CID: 5281675 compounds showed the highest binding energy with −9.4 kcal/mol, −9.0 kcal/mol, and −8.6 kcal/mol respectively. Further, molecular dynamics simulation revealed that the docked complexes were relatively stable during the 100 ns simulation period whereas the MMPBSA binding free energy proposed that the ligands were sustained with their binding site. All three complexes were found to be similar in distribution with the apoprotein through PCA analysis indicating conformational stability throughout the MD simulation. Moreover, all three compounds’ ADMET profiles revealed positive results, and the AMES test did not show any toxicity whereas the pharmacophore study also indicates a closer match between the pharmacophore model and the compounds. After comprehensive in silico studies we evolved three best compounds, namely, Vitexin, Isovitexin, and Orientin, which were conducted in vitro assay for further confirmation of their inhibitory activity and results exhibited all of these compounds showed strong inhibitory activity against S. aureus. The overall result suggests that these compounds could be used as a natural lead to inhibit the pathogenesis of S. aureus and antibiotic therapy for S. aureus-associated skin cancer in humans as well

    Anti-parasitic drug discovery against Babesia microti by natural compounds: an extensive computational drug design approach

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    Tick-borne Babesiosis is a parasitic infection caused by Babesia microti that can infect both animals and humans and may spread by tick, blood transfusions, and organ transplantation. The current therapeutic options for B. microti are limited, and drug resistance is a concern. This study proposes using computational drug design approaches to find and design an effective drug against B. microti. The study investigated the potentiality of nine natural compounds against the pathogenic human B. microti parasite and identified Vasicinone and Evodiamine as the most promising drugs. The ligand structures were optimized using density functional theory, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations, quantum mechanics such as HOMO–LUMO, drug-likeness and theoretical absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET), and pharmacokinetics characteristics performed. The results showed that Vasicinone (−8.6 kcal/mol and −7.8 kcal/mol) and Evodiamine (−8.7 kcal/mol and −8.5 kcal/mol) had the highest binding energy and anti-parasitic activity against B. microti lactate dehydrogenase and B. microti lactate dehydrogenase apo form. The strongest binding energy was reported by Vasicinone and Evodiamine; the compounds were evaluated through molecular dynamics simulation at 100 ns, and their stability when they form complexes with the targeted receptors was determined. Finally, the pkCSM web server is employed to predict the ADMET qualities of specific molecules, which can help prevent negative effects that arise from taking the treatment. The SwissADME web server is used to assess the Lipinski rule of five and drug-likeness properties including topological polar surface area and bioavailability. The Lipinski rule is used to estimate significant drug-likeness. The theoretical pharmacokinetics analysis and drug-likeness of the selected compounds are confirmed to be accepted by the Lipinski rule and have better ADMET features. Thus, to confirm their experimental value, these mentioned molecules should be suggested to carry out in wet lab, pre-clinical, and clinical levels

    Investigation of protein-protein interactions and hotspot region on the NSP7-NSP8 binding site in NSP12 of SARS-CoV-2

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    Background: The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) complex, essential in viral transcription and replication, is a key target for antiviral therapeutics. The core unit of RdRp comprises the nonstructural protein NSP12, with NSP7 and two copies of NSP8 (NSP81 and NSP82) binding to NSP12 to enhance its affinity for viral RNA and polymerase activity. Notably, the interfaces between these subunits are highly conserved, simplifying the design of molecules that can disrupt their interaction.Methods: We conducted a detailed quantum biochemical analysis to characterize the interactions within the NSP12-NSP7, NSP12-NSP81, and NSP12-NSP82 dimers. Our objective was to ascertain the contribution of individual amino acids to these protein-protein interactions, pinpointing hotspot regions crucial for complex stability.Results: The analysis revealed that the NSP12-NSP81 complex possessed the highest total interaction energy (TIE), with 14 pairs of residues demonstrating significant energetic contributions. In contrast, the NSP12-NSP7 complex exhibited substantial interactions in 8 residue pairs, while the NSP12-NSP82 complex had only one pair showing notable interaction. The study highlighted the importance of hydrogen bonds and π-alkyl interactions in maintaining these complexes. Intriguingly, introducing the RNA sequence with Remdesivir into the complex resulted in negligible alterations in both interaction energy and geometric configuration.Conclusion: Our comprehensive analysis of the RdRp complex at the protein-protein interface provides invaluable insights into interaction dynamics and energetics. These findings can guide the design of small molecules or peptide/peptidomimetic ligands to disrupt these critical interactions, offering a strategic pathway for developing effective antiviral drugs

    Target specific inhibition of West Nile virus envelope glycoprotein and methyltransferase using phytocompounds: an in silico strategy leveraging molecular docking and dynamics simulation

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    Mosquitoes are the primary vector for West Nile virus, a flavivirus. The virus’s ability to infiltrate and establish itself in increasing numbers of nations has made it a persistent threat to public health worldwide. Despite the widespread occurrence of this potentially fatal disease, no effective treatment options are currently on the market. As a result, there is an immediate need for the research and development of novel pharmaceuticals. To begin, molecular docking was performed on two possible West Nile virus target proteins using a panel of twelve natural chemicals, including Apigenin, Resveratrol, Hesperetin, Fungisterol, Lucidone, Ganoderic acid, Curcumin, Kaempferol, Cholic acid, Chlorogenic acid, Pinocembrin, and Sanguinarine. West Nile virus methyltransferase (PDB ID: 2OY0) binding affinities varied from −7.4 to −8.3 kcal/mol, whereas West Nile virus envelope glycoprotein affinities ranged from −6.2 to −8.1 kcal/mol (PDB ID: 2I69). Second, substances with larger molecular weights are less likely to be unhappy with the Lipinski rule. Hence, additional research was carried out without regard to molecular weight. In addition, compounds 01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 and 11 are more soluble in water than compound 04 is. Besides, based on maximum binding affinity, best three compounds (Apigenin, Curcumin, and Ganoderic Acid) has been carried out molecular dynamic simulation (MDs) at 100 ns to determine their stability. The MDs data is also reported that these mentioned molecules are highly stable. Finally, advanced principal component analysis (PCA), dynamics cross-correlation matrices (DCCM) analysis, binding free energy and dynamic cross correlation matrix (DCCM) theoretical study is also included to established mentioned phytochemical as a potential drug candidate. Research has indicated that the aforementioned natural substances may be an effective tool in the battle against the dangerous West Nile virus. This study aims to locate a bioactive natural component that might be used as a pharmaceutical