29 research outputs found

    Vaccination and Infection as Causative Factors in Japanese Patients With Rasmussen Syndrome: Molecular Mimicry and HLA Class I

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    Rasmussen syndrome is an intractable epilepsy with a putative causal relation with cellular and humoral autoimmunity. Almost half of the patients have some preceding causative factors, with infections found in 38.2%, vaccinations in 5.9% and head trauma in 8.9% of Japanese patients. In a patient with seizure onset after influenza A infections, cross-reaction of the patient's lymphocytes with GluRε2 and influenza vaccine components was demonstrated by lymphocyte stimulation test. Database analyses revealed that influenza A virus hemagglutinin and GluRε2 molecules contain peptides with the patient's HLA class I binding motif (HLA − A*0201). The relative risks of HLA class I genotypes for Rasmussen syndrome are 6.1 (A*2402), 6.4 (A*0201), 6.3 (A*2601) and 11.4 (B*4601). The relative risks of HLA class I-A and B haplotypes are infinity (A*2601+B*5401), 21.1 (A*2402+B*1501), 13.3 (A*2402+B*4801) and 5.1 (A*2402+B*5201). Some alleles and haplotypes of HLA class I may be the risk factors in Japanese patients. Cross-reactivity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes may contribute to the processes leading from infection to the involvement of CNS

    A Longer Polyalanine Expansion Mutation in the ARX Gene Causes Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy with Suppression-Burst Pattern (Ohtahara Syndrome)

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    Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with suppression-burst pattern (EIEE) is one of the most severe and earliest forms of epilepsy, often evolving into West syndrome; however, the pathogenesis of EIEE remains unclear. ARX is a crucial gene for the development of interneurons in the fetal brain, and a polyalanine expansion mutation of ARX causes mental retardation and seizures, including those of West syndrome, in males. We screened the ARX mutation and found a hemizygous, de novo, 33-bp duplication in exon 2, 298_330dupGCGGCA(GCG)9, in two of three unrelated male patients with EIEE. This mutation is thought to expand the original 16 alanine residues to 27 alanine residues (A110_A111insAAAAAAAAAAA) in the first polyalanine tract of the ARX protein. Although EIEE is mainly associated with brain malformations, ARX is the first gene found to be responsible for idiopathic EIEE. Our observation that EIEE had a longer expansion of the polyalanine tract than is seen in West syndrome is consistent with the findings of earlier onset and more-severe phenotypes in EIEE than in West syndrome

    Ignoring non-English-language studies may bias ecological meta-analyses

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    Meta‐analysis plays a crucial role in syntheses of quantitative evidence in ecology and biodiversity conservation. The reliability of estimates in meta‐analyses strongly depends on unbiased sampling of primary studies. Although earlier studies have explored potential biases in ecological meta‐analyses, biases in reported statistical results and associated study characteristics published in different languages have never been tested in environmental sciences. We address this knowledge gap by systematically searching published meta‐analyses and comparing effect‐size estimates between English‐ and Japanese‐language studies included in existing meta‐analyses. Of the 40 published ecological meta‐analysis articles authored by those affiliated to Japanese institutions, we find that three meta‐analysis articles searched for studies in the two languages and involved sufficient numbers of English‐ and Japanese‐language studies, resulting in four eligible meta‐analyses (i.e., four meta‐analyses conducted in the three meta‐analysis articles). In two of the four, effect sizes differ significantly between the English‐ and Japanese‐language studies included in the meta‐analyses, causing considerable changes in overall mean effect sizes and even their direction when Japanese‐language studies are excluded. The observed differences in effect sizes are likely attributable to systematic differences in reported statistical results and associated study characteristics, particularly taxa and ecosystems, between English‐ and Japanese‐language studies. Despite being based on a small sample size, our findings suggest that ignoring non‐English‐language studies may bias outcomes of ecological meta‐analyses, due to systematic differences in study characteristics and effect‐size estimates between English‐ and non‐English languages. We provide a list of actions that meta‐analysts could take in the future to reduce the risk of language bias

    Molecular and histopathological characterization of cryptosporidium and eimeria species in bats in Japan

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    application/pdfBats are potential reservoirs of Cryptosporidium and Eimeria. The genus Cryptosporidium infects various vertebrates and causes a diarrheal disease known as cryptosporidiosis. Many epidemiological studies in wild animals have been performed; however, most of them relied on only PCR-based detection because of the difficulty of performing pathological analyses. Accordingly, the natural host and pathogenicity of Cryptosporidium bat genotypes remain unclear. In this study, we captured Eptesicus nilssonii (Northern bats) in Hokkaido, Japan. Of the three intestinal samples obtained, two were positive for Cryptosporidium spp. and one was positive for Eimeria spp. The corresponding microorganisms were also confirmed histopathologically. We detected the novel Cryptosporidium bat genotype and Eimeria rioarribaensis in bat intestine. © 2018 The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science

    Direct evidence of generation and accumulation of β-sheet-rich prion protein in scrapie-infected neuroblastoma cells with human IgG1 antibody specific for β-form prion protein.

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    We prepared β-sheet-rich recombinant full-length prion protein (β-form PrP) (Jackson, G. S., Hosszu, L. L., Power, A., Hill, A. F., Kenney, J., Saibil, H., Craven, C. J., Waltho, J. P., Clarke, A. R., and Collinge, J. (1999) Science 283, 1935–1937). Using this β-form PrP and a human single chain Fv-displaying phage library, we have established a human IgG1 antibody specific to β-form but not α-form PrP, PRB7 IgG. When prion-infected ScN2a cells were cultured with PRB7 IgG, they generated and accumulated PRB7-binding granules in the cytoplasm with time, consequently becoming apoptotic cells bearing very large PRB7-bound aggregates. The SAF32 antibody recognizing the N-terminal octarepeat region of full-length PrP stained distinct granules in these cells as determined by confocal laser microscopy observation. When the accumulation of proteinase K-resistant PrP was examined in prion-infected ScN2a cells cultured in the presence of PRB7 IgG or SAF32, it was strongly inhibited by SAF32 but not at all by PRB7 IgG. Thus, we demonstrated direct evidence of the generation and accumulation of β-sheet-rich PrP in ScN2a cells de novo. These results suggest first that PRB7-bound PrP is not responsible for the accumulation of β-form PrP aggregates, which are rather an end product resulting in the triggering of apoptotic cell death, and second that SAF32-bound PrP lacking the PRB7-recognizing β-form may represent so-called PrP(Sc) with prion propagation activity. PRB7 is the first human antibody specific to β-form PrP and has become a powerful tool for the characterization of the biochemical nature of prion and its pathology

    The HCN1 p.Ser399Pro variant causes epileptic encephalopathy with super-refractory status epilepticus

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    Abstract HCN1 is one of four genes encoding hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. The phenotypic spectrum associated with HCN1 variants ranges from neonatal developmental and epileptic encephalopathy to idiopathic generalized epilepsy. We report a Japanese patient with repetitive focal seizures and super-refractory status epilepticus since early infancy caused by a de novo HCN1 variant, NM_021072.4, c.1195T>C, p.(Ser399Pro). This variant might have a dominant-negative effect on channel function, leading to severe epileptic encephalopathy