6,317 research outputs found

    A Possible Extension of a Trial State in the TDHF Theory with Canonical Form in the Lipkin Model

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    With the aim of the extension of the TDHF theory in the canonical form in the Lipkin model, the trial state for the variation is constructed, which is an extension of the Slater determinant. The canonicity condition is imposed to formulate the variational approach in the canonical form. A possible solution of the canonicity condition is given and the zero-point fluctuation induced by the uncertainty principle is investigated. As an application, the ground state energy is evaluated.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, using PTPTeX styl

    Utility of su(1,1)-Algebra in a Schematic Nuclear su(2)-Model

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    The su(2)-algebraic model interacting with an environment is investigated from a viewpoint of treating the dissipative system. By using the time-dependent variational approach with a coherent state and with the help of the canonicity condition, the time-evolution of this quantum many-body system is described in terms of the canonical equations of motion in the classical mechanics. Then, it is shown that the su(1,1)-algebra plays an essential role to deal with this model. An exact solution with appropriate initial conditions is obtained by means of Jacobi's elliptic function. The implication to the dissipative process is discussed.Comment: 14 pages using PTPTeX.st

    The Degrees of Freedom of Partial Least Squares Regression

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    The derivation of statistical properties for Partial Least Squares regression can be a challenging task. The reason is that the construction of latent components from the predictor variables also depends on the response variable. While this typically leads to good performance and interpretable models in practice, it makes the statistical analysis more involved. In this work, we study the intrinsic complexity of Partial Least Squares Regression. Our contribution is an unbiased estimate of its Degrees of Freedom. It is defined as the trace of the first derivative of the fitted values, seen as a function of the response. We establish two equivalent representations that rely on the close connection of Partial Least Squares to matrix decompositions and Krylov subspace techniques. We show that the Degrees of Freedom depend on the collinearity of the predictor variables: The lower the collinearity is, the higher the Degrees of Freedom are. In particular, they are typically higher than the naive approach that defines the Degrees of Freedom as the number of components. Further, we illustrate how the Degrees of Freedom approach can be used for the comparison of different regression methods. In the experimental section, we show that our Degrees of Freedom estimate in combination with information criteria is useful for model selection.Comment: to appear in the Journal of the American Statistical Associatio

    Can the initial singularity be detected by cosmological tests?

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    In the present paper we raise the question whether initial cosmological singularity can be proved from the cosmological tests. The classical general relativity predict the existence of singularity in the past if only some energy conditions are satisfied. On the other hand the latest quantum gravity applications to cosmology suggest of possibility of avoiding the singularity and replace it with the bounce. The distant type Ia supernovae data are used to constraints on bouncing evolutional scenario where square of the Hubble function H2H^2 is given by formulae H2=H02[Ωm,0(1+z)mΩn,0(1+z)n]H^2=H^2_0[\Omega_{m,0}(1+z)^{m}-\Omega_{n,0}(1+z)^{n}], where Ωm,0,Ωn,0>0\Omega_{m,0}, \Omega_{n,0}>0 are density parameters and n>m>0n>m>0. We show that the on the base of the SNIa data standard bouncing models can be ruled out on the 4σ4\sigma confidence level. If we add the cosmological constant to the standard bouncing model then we obtain as the best-fit that the parameter Ωn,0\Omega_{n,0} is equal zero which means that the SNIa data do not support the bouncing term in the model. The bounce term is statistically insignificant the present epoch. We also demonstrate that BBN offer the possibility of obtaining stringent constraints of the extra term Ωn,0\Omega_{n,0}. The other observational test methods like CMB and the age of oldest objects in the Universe are used. We also use the Akaike informative criterion to select a model according to the goodness of fit and we conclude that this term should be ruled out by Occam's razor, which makes that the big bang is favored rather then bouncing scenario.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures improved versio

    Adaptive density estimation for stationary processes

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    We propose an algorithm to estimate the common density ss of a stationary process X1,...,XnX_1,...,X_n. We suppose that the process is either β\beta or τ\tau-mixing. We provide a model selection procedure based on a generalization of Mallows' CpC_p and we prove oracle inequalities for the selected estimator under a few prior assumptions on the collection of models and on the mixing coefficients. We prove that our estimator is adaptive over a class of Besov spaces, namely, we prove that it achieves the same rates of convergence as in the i.i.d framework

    Geometrical complexity of data approximators

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    There are many methods developed to approximate a cloud of vectors embedded in high-dimensional space by simpler objects: starting from principal points and linear manifolds to self-organizing maps, neural gas, elastic maps, various types of principal curves and principal trees, and so on. For each type of approximators the measure of the approximator complexity was developed too. These measures are necessary to find the balance between accuracy and complexity and to define the optimal approximations of a given type. We propose a measure of complexity (geometrical complexity) which is applicable to approximators of several types and which allows comparing data approximations of different types.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, minor correction and extensio

    Probability Models for Degree Distributions of Protein Interaction Networks

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    The degree distribution of many biological and technological networks has been described as a power-law distribution. While the degree distribution does not capture all aspects of a network, it has often been suggested that its functional form contains important clues as to underlying evolutionary processes that have shaped the network. Generally, the functional form for the degree distribution has been determined in an ad-hoc fashion, with clear power-law like behaviour often only extending over a limited range of connectivities. Here we apply formal model selection techniques to decide which probability distribution best describes the degree distributions of protein interaction networks. Contrary to previous studies this well defined approach suggests that the degree distribution of many molecular networks is often better described by distributions other than the popular power-law distribution. This, in turn, suggests that simple, if elegant, models may not necessarily help in the quantitative understanding of complex biological processes.