6 research outputs found

    3-D CFD analysis on effect of hub-to-tip ratio on performance of impulse turbine for wave energy conversion

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    This paper deals with the computational fluid dynamics analysis on effect of hub-to-tip ratio on performance of 0.6 m impulse turbine for wave energy conversion. Experiments have been conducted on the 0.6 m impulse turbine with 0.6 hub-to-tip ratio to validate the present computational fluid dynamics method and to analyze the aerodynamics in rotor and guide vanes, which demonstrates the necessity to improve the blade and guide vanes shape. Computational fluid dynamics analysis has been made on impulse turbine with different hub-to-tip ratio for various flow coefficients. The present computational fluid dynamics model can predict the experimental values with reasonable degree of accuracy. It also showed that the downstream guide vanes make considerable total pressure drop thus reducing the performance of the turbine. The computational fluid dynamics results showed that at the designed flow coefficient of 1.0 the turbine with 0.5 hub-to-tip ratio has better performance compared to 0.55 and 0.6 hub-to-tip ratio turbine


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    This pa per deals with the com pu ta tional fluid dy nam ics anal y sis on ef fect of hub-to-tip ra tio on per for mance of 0.6 m im pulse tur bine for wave en ergy con ver sion. Ex per i ments have been con ducted on the 0.6 m im pulse tur bine with 0.6 hub-to-tip ra tio to val i date the pres ent com pu ta tional fluid dy nam-ics method and to an a lyze the aero dy nam ics in ro tor and guide vanes, which dem on strates the ne ces sity to im prove the blade and guide vanes shape. Com pu ta tional fluid dy nam ics anal y sis has been made on im pulse tur bine with dif fer ent hub-to-tip ra tio for var i ous flow co ef fi cients. The pres ent com pu ta tional fluid dy nam ics model can pre dict the ex per i men tal val ues with rea son able de gree of ac cu racy. It also showed that the down stream guide vanes make con sid er able to tal pres sure drop thus re duc ing the per-for mance of the tur bine. The com pu ta tional fluid dy nam ics re sults showed that at the de signed flow co ef fi cient of 1.0 the tur bine with 0.5 hub-to-tip ra-tio has better per for mance com pared to 0.55 and 0.6 hub-to-tip ra tio tur-bine. Key words: wave energy, impulse turbine, computational fluid dynamics, hub-to-tip rati

    3-D CFD analysis on effect of hub-to-tip ratio on performance of impulse turbine for wave energy conversion

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    This paper deals with the computational fluid dynamics analysis on effect of hub-to-tip ratio on performance of 0.6 m impulse turbine for wave energyconversion. Experiments have been conducted on the 0.6 m impulse turbinewith 0.6 hub-to-tip ratio to validate the present computational fluid dynamics method and to analyze the aerodynamics in rotor and guide vanes, which demonstrates the necessity to improve the blade and guide vanes shape. Computational fluid dynamics analy sis has been made on impulse turbine with differ ent hub-to-tip ratio for various flow co efficients. The present computational fluid dynamics model can predict the experimental values with reasonable degree of accuracy. It also showed that the down stream guide vanes make considerable to tal pressure drop thus reducing the performance of the turbine. The computational fluid dynamics results showed that at the de signed flow co efficient of 1.0 the turbine with 0.5 hub-to-tip ra - tio has better performance compared to 0.55 and 0.6 hub-to-tip ratio turbine