14 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the toxicological status of Balanite aegyptiaca seed oil

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    A total of fourteen rats were fed with diets containing either 10 % groundnut oil (control group) or 10 % Balanites aegyptiaca seed oil (experimental group) for six weeks. At the end of the experiment, the animals were sacrificed and blood samples and some organs of the rats in both groups were collected for analysis. The albino rats appeared to suffer no toxicological effect and weekly monitoring of the rats showed good physical appearance. The rats in the experimental groups displayed fairly similar body weight gain when compared with those from the control group. There was no significant difference between the haematological and histopathological results obtained for both the experimental and control groups except for the liver of two of the rats in the experimental that showed some lesion. There might be need for refining of the seed oil before it can be safe for animal/human consumption. Key words: Balanites aegyptiaca; feed; haematological analysis; seed oi

    Chemical composition of ten medicinal plant seeds from South-west Nigeria

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    The phytochemical, proximate and mineral element composition of ten different medicinal plant seeds were assessed and compared. The medicinal plant seeds investigated are Canna bidentata, Ceasalpinia bunduc, Cola millenii, Hunteria umbellata, Hydrocotyle asiata, Megaphrynium macrostarchyum, Perinari excelsa, Rauwolfia vomitoria, Solanum dasyphyllum and Sphenocentrum  jollyanum. The result of the phytochemical analysis showed that all the selected plant seeds contain alkaloids and saponin except Megaphrynium macrostarchyu while phenolic group is present in Perinari excelsa only. The moisture content of the samples ranged between (12.51-26.7 %), crude protein (8.65-48.09 %), crude fibre (2.69-12.66%), crude fat (2.65-18.10%), ash content (3.26-11.45 %) and carbohydrate (16.79-59.38%). Mineral element analysis showed that the selected plant seeds contained low levels of potassium (2.14-8.12 mg/L), zinc (1.38-5.53 mg/L), iron (0.22-1.90 mg/L) and manganese (0.14-1.40 mg/L) and high level of calcium (3.25-68.55mg/L). All the selected plant seeds have potential of serving as supplementary sources of antimicrobial drugs and essential nutrients to man and livestock. Keywords: mineral elements, phytochemical, proximate composition, plant seed

    Chemical Analysis and Short-term Toxicological Evaluation of Garcinia mangostana Seed Residue in Albino Rats

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    The short-term toxicological evaluation of defatted Garcinia mangostana seed residue in rat feed has been investigated in order to determine its suitability as an additive in feed supplement. Proximate analysis of the G. mangostana seed residue (GMSR) showed that it had a high carbohydrate and low protein values: 71.02±0.79 % and 8.09±0.21 % respectively. In vivo experiment with albino rats fed with feed that had its wheat constituent totally replaced by GMSR lasted for six weeks. The albino rats appeared to suffer no toxicological effect and weekly monitoring of the rats showed good physical appearance. The rats in the test group displayed fairly similar body weight gain when compared with those from the control group. There was no significant difference between the haematological and histopathological results obtained for both the experimental and control groups. GMSR seemed to be a good replacement for wheat in rat feed. Key words: Diet, Garcinia mangostana, proximate composition, total replacement, wheat

    Evaluation of nutritional and toxicological effects of Treculia africana (Decne.) seed flour-supplemented diets on Clarias gariepinus (African catfish) fingerlings

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    A feeding trial was conducted to investigate the nutritional and toxicological effects of full fat Treculia africana seed flour- supplemented diets on growth performance, nutrient utilization, survival, histopathology and blood parameters of Clarias gariepinus juveniles. One hundred and fifty fingerlings of C. gariepinus of average weight of 2.55.96 ± 0.13 g were stocked and fed at 3 % body weight per day for 42 days. Five experimental diets containing 35 % crude protein in which groundnut cake (GNC) meal was replaced by full fat T. africana seed flour meal at 0 % (TAF0), 15 % (TAF15), 30 % (TAF30), 45 % (TAF45) and 60 % (TAF60) were formulated and compounded.   Each treatment had three replicates using 10 catfish per 40-litre capacity plastic bowl. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in protein efficiency rate and feed intake among the control and experimental fish.  Packed cell volume was highest in fish on TAF45 (45 %) and was higher than fish fed TAF60 (60 %).  Histopathology result showed no visible lesions in some of the tissues of fish fed with the experimental diets.  Full fat T. africana seed flour might not be toxic to catfish; rather it seemed to be a nutritional source. Keywords:  T. africana, C. gariepinus, blood parameters, nutrient utilization, toxicology

    Phytochemical analysis and mineral element composition of ten medicinal plant seeds from South-west Nigeria

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    Abstract: The phytochemical, proximate and mineral element composition of ten different medicinal plant seeds were assessed and compared. The medicinal plant seeds investigated are Canna bidentata, Ceasalpinia bunduc, Cola millenii, Hunteria umbellata, Hydrocotyle asiata, Megaphrynium macrostarchyum, Perinari excelsa, Rauwolfia vomitoria, Solanum dasyphyllum and Sphenocentrum jollyanum. The result of the phytochemical analysis showed that all the selected plant seeds contain alkaloids and saponin except Megaphrynium macrostarchyu while phenolic group is present in Perinari excelsa only. The moisture content of the samples ranged between (12.51-26.7 %), crude protein (8.65-48.09 %), crude fibre (2.69-12.66%), crude fat (2.65-18.10%), ash content (3.26-11.45 %) and carbohydrate (16.79-59.38%). Mineral element analysis showed that the selected plant seeds contained low levels of potassium (2.14-8.12 mg/L), zinc (1.38-5.53 mg/L), iron (0.22-1.90 mg/L) and manganese (0.14-1.40 mg/L) and high level of calcium (3.25-68.55mg/L). All the selected plant seeds have potential of serving as supplementary sources of antimicrobial drugs and essential nutrients to man and livestock

    Short-Term Toxicological Evaluation of AnacardiumOccidentale Oil in Albino Rats

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    Anacardium occidentale L. nut oil was characterized after which 5% of it was incorporated in the feed formulation for albino rats. Two diets were formulated; one of these diets had 5 % A. occidentale oil (test diet) while the other had 5% of groundnut oil as a representative of conventional edible oil (control diet).  Proximate analysis result indicated that the nut comprises of 5.82 ± 0.16% moisture, 25.54 ± 0.25% protein, 6.28 ± 0.02% crude fibre, 42.52 ± 0.45% fat, 2.90 ± 0.09% ash and 16.97 ± 0.84% carbohydrate.  A. occidentale nut was found to be rich in potassium and magnesium.  Physicochemical analysis of cashew nut oil gave 22.03 ± 0.04 mgKOH/g acid value, 22.03 ± 0.40 g/100g iodine value, 1.96 ± 0.23 mgKOH/g free fatty acid, 97.98 ± 0.99 mgKOH/g saponification value, 2.96 ± 0.59 peroxide value and 1.64 ± 0.02 refractive index.  Fatty acid analysis of A. occidentale nut oil showed that it has high level of unsaturation (77.5754%).  This is evident from the values obtained for oleic acid (61.02%), linoleic acid (15.34%) and linolenic acid (0.13%). There was weight gain by the rats during the feeding period of eight weeks and no mortality was recorded. Haematological and biochemical parameters were investigated for in the test and control rats and the results obtained revealed no adverse effect on the rats’ blood.  The cholesterol level in the test and control rat tissues was not significantly different at p<0.05.  The result of the histopathology of some of  the rat tissues showed no visible lesion.  A. occidentale nut oil might be suitable for edible purposes. Key words:A. occidentale, fatty acid, proximate composition, toxicolog


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    Optical dispersion is the main impediment to optimal utilization of optical fiber backbone ability to satisfy the capacity need of today’s emerging telecommunication networks. In this paper, the investigation of post - and symmetrical dispersion compensation fibers (DCF) have been examined in a 16 and 32 channel 40Gbps dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) system using different modulation formats. Simulation results obtained show a significant improvement in the quality factor and bit error rate when DCF is used. The performance of the methods however shows dependency on the number of channels in the system, the modulation, and the channel condition

    Consumers’ Knowledge and Use of Nutritional Labelling Information in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Nutrition labelling is a topical issue, being a vital aid that shapes consumers’ food choices and could be an efficient tool for the prevention of consumer vulnerability to diet-related diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, hypertension, and obesity. However, data on the public use of nutritional labels as an information source on nutritional properties of foods and health claims, especially as it relates to Nigeria, are not popular in the literature. This study seeks to examine consumers’ use of labelling information: knowledge; attitude, and practice. A cross-sectional study with the aid of a survey elicited information from 374 randomly selected shoppers in five shopping malls in Lagos State. Data were analysed using the T-test method. Findings show that while the majority of the respondents (70.6%) read the nutritional information, only 64.9% understand the information presented on food labels. The study also reveals that the majority of the respondents (57.5%) do not know that information on food labels should be presented in the English language before any other language as recommended by the National Agency Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). While 57.9% of consumers have a positive attitude towards using food labels, 58% of the respondents’ buying decisions are influenced by food labels. The study concludes that consequent upon the importance of nutritional knowledge and wellbeing, consumers of Fast Moving Goods in Nigeria are beginning to consciously pay attention to nutritional labels. The study recommends that producers of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) products in Nigeria should adopt the total disclosure of ingredients and nutritional content of their products. Also, regulatory bodies in charge of pre-packaged food products in Nigeria (NAFDAC) should go the whole way and make nutritional labelling mandatory

    Barriers to the Utilization of Mental Healthcare Services in South West, Nigeria: Gender Implications

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    Ease of access to healthcare facilities was presented as a major factor in the use of healthcare services in developing countries, particularly Nigeria. Many interacting factors, including access, availability, gender referral practices, and help-seeking preferences, affect the use of mental healthcare services. Although there are studies on the use of mental health services, gender differentials have received little attention. Therefore, this study examined gender dimensions in the use of mental health services in South West, Nigeria, using triangulated qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The data were based on a cross-sectional community survey and four neuropsychiatric hospitals in Nigeria’s Ogun State. The sample was 967 randomly selected adults. Five in-depth interviews were conducted among caregivers of mentally ill persons (PLWMI) residing in the study area (those receiving treatment and those recovering). Using descriptive and inferential statistics, quantitative data were analyzed while content was analyzed. Results from this study showed that the respondents’ average age was 22.2 years. Of the total, 52.2 percent were female, while 45.8 percent were male. On the use of mental health services, 26.4 percent and 73.6 percent of male and female respondents, respectively, indicated that the use of mental health services was hampered by funding. From the study, it can be concluded that women are more intoned with the reality of their dependents’ disease condition as they bear more of both the financial (73.6 percent) and emotional burden of managing people living with mental illness (PLWMI)

    Are there traditional practices that affect men’s reproductive health in sub-Saharan Africa? A systematic review and meta-analysis approach

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    Traditions practices within sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) varies from one culture to another, and are specifically community related. There are traditional harmful practices that rob men of their health, quality of life, their marriages, family wellbeing and they are rarely express in the literature. We aimed to highlight the prevalence of traditional practices among men that could have implications for their health, wellbeing and economic contributions. We systematically searched Pubmed, EMBASE, AJOL and Google Scholar for population-based studies touching traditional practices that affect men aged 15–59 across SSA. The paper reviewed were those published between January 2000 to December 2018. We employed a randomeffects meta-analysis to determine different harmful traditional practices amongmen in SSA. The review yielded only 15 relevant articles based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study identified the practices of groom-flogging, adolescent fatherhood, low sexual debut, polygyny, multiple sexual partnership, concubinage, hegemonic masculinity, circumcision, drinking in excess, cohabitation and sexual coercion as common but divergent practices among men in SSA. The authors suggest that these practices, especially concubinage, boy’s fatherhood and groomflogging could not be free from health hazards (such as STIs, HIV, stress among boys and suicidal attempt) and should be brought to public discourse. The study concludes that every traditional practice that affects health could possibly affect life expectancies, productivity and threaten the achievement of health-for-all agenda and sustainable development goal in SSA countries. The authors therefore recommend the policy interventions and international discourse on traditional practices that affect men’s health and provision of healthcare services for men in SSA