5 research outputs found

    Morphological analysis and clinical significance of the opening of the third coronary artery

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    Introduction: The human heart is in most cases vascularized by two coronary arteries, the right coronary artery (RCA) and the left coronary artery. The supernumerary coronary artery, which arises independently from the right aortic sinus and passes through sub-epicardial adipose tissue of the pulmonary conus and anterior side of the right ventricle is called the third coronary artery (TCA). Methods: This study consisted of 28 formalin-fixed adult human cadaveric hearts. The presence of the TCA was determined. The position of the orifice of the right and excess arteries in relation to the sinotubular junction was determined, and then also the position of the orifice of the excess arteries “on the o’clock level” in relation to the orifice of the RCA. The radius of these orifices and their distance from the orifice of the RCA were measured. The angle between the aorta and TCA, as well as RCA and conus branch, was measured. Results: A total 11 of specimens had supernumerary arteries. A supernumerary artery was found in two hearts. The angle formed by the aorta with the TCA was 60.09 ± 17.57, while the angle between the aorta and the conus branch had an average value of 89.88 ± 15.92. The orifices of all supernumerary arteries were located below the level of the sinotubular junction. The average diameter of the TCA was 1.49 mm ± 0.41. The average distance between the TCA orifice and the RCA orifice was 2.21 mm ± 1.03. In 45.45% cases, the orifice of TCA was located at the 10 o’clock level. Conclusion: The present study highlights the presence of the TCA. It may constitute a significant collateral circulation contributing to apical and septal perfusion. Interpretation of signs and symptoms of coronary occlusion should therefore include possible contribution of this vascular channel

    Analysis of variables of the nutrition index alcohol and medicament use and PTSD

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    Introduction: The main aim of the study was to examine the interdependence of values of the nutrition index, the use of medicaments, and alcohol consumption in the group of subjects with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and in control group without PTSD. Methods: To determine the interdependence of different indices of nutrition and the alcohol and drug consumption in both groups, the crosstab model was used. Results: In both of the tested groups, medicament users had higher average values for nutritional indexes compared to the subjects that are not the consumers of medicaments, but the confirmed differences were not statistically significant. The subjects with PTSD who consume alcohol had lower average values for nutritional indexes compared to the subjects who do not consume alcohol. In the control group, subjects who consumed alcohol had higher mean values for nutritional indexes than those who did not consume alcohol. Differences in the values of the nutrition index between alcohol and non-alcohol subjects were not statistically significant either in the PTSD group or in the control group. The subjects with PTSD had less average values of all the used nutrition indexes compared to the control group subjects, but the confirmed differences were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Our results indicate that medicaments use and alcohol consumption do not exert a statistically significant effect on the values of the nutrition index in any of the study groups. Possible concomitant use of drugs with the opposite effect on the monitored parameter (nitrazepam and amitriptyline vs. SSRI and bupropion) can lead to findings like this. We recommend further research to eliminate influence of pharmacodynamic effects of alcohol, drugs, and stress on the development of weight gain or loss

    Heat-related biomarkers: Focus on the correlation of troponin I and 70 kDa heat shock protein

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    Heat-related biomarkers: Focus on the correlation of troponin I and 70 kDa heat shock protein Abstract Introduction: There is intensive research related to the forensic importance of biomarkers that would be the standard for postmortem damage to cardiomyocytes and the mechanism of the resulting damage. The aim of the research was to examinate the forensic-medical significance of serum levels of biomarkers as detectors of terminal hyperthermic damage to the myocardium. Material and Method: 40 laboratory animals were divided into groups: the first group was the control (n = 8) exposed to a physiological temperature of 37 °C, the second group was divided into two subgroups: antemortem (n = 8) and postmortem (n = 8), which included a exposure temperature of 41 °C and the third group was divided into two subgroups: antemortem (n = 8) and postmortem (n = 8), which included a exposure temperature of 44 °C. The concentration of cardiac TnI and Hsp70 was resoluted in serum by immunochemical enzyme-labeled immunoabsorption method. Results: A positive correlation was found between the temperature measured at the time of death and the serum values of cTnI (p = 0.02), in G41, and Hsp70 values did not significantly correlate with the core temperature in this group, p > 0.005. A positive correlation was significant between the concentration of Hsp 70 and the body temperature of rats in the group of rats with a fatal outcome was determined, p = 0.03. Conclusion: Changes in the concentration of cTnI and Hsp70 in rat serum may indicate hyperthermic damage to the myocardium in the Wistar rat model of heat stroke

    Impact of Temperature on Morphological Characteristics of Erythrocytes and Heart Weight: Experimental Study on Wistar Rats

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    The aim was to find what happens to heart weight and forms of erythrocytes antemortemly and postmortemly as a result of exposure to high water temperature. Total of 40 adult Wistar rats is divided into three groups, depending on water temperature exposure of 37°C (KG, n = 8), 41°C (G41, n = 16), and 44°C (G44, n = 16). Depending on the length of time of exposure to water, temperatures of 41 and 44°C are further divided into G41-AM, G41-PM, G44-AM, and G44-PM. The anesthetized rats were exposed to preheated water using the water bath. May-Grünwald-Giemsa coloring technique was applied to blood samples. Light microscopy was performed to detect poikilocytes. Heart weight was measured after dissection with a scale. A statistically significant difference in heart weight was found in the experimental groups (p = 0.024). The lowest value was observed in KG37 and was 0.99 ± 0.11 g, and the highest values were found in rats of the G41-PM group, with a mean value of 1.26 ± 0.26 g. There is a statistically significant difference between the experimental groups in forms of poikilocytes

    Cellular network of damage caused by exposure to high ambient temperature in Wistar rats: The role of Hsp70

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    Objectives: As a universal cytoprotective protein, Hsp70 is used to monitor the effects of environmental temperature changes, increasing the survival rate of cells exposed to stress, as well as the role of protein in cardiovascular disease, body decay and cell aging. Our research aims to to examine whether changes in serum protein 70 (Hsp70) values due to exposure to water temperature (41 °C and 44 °C) may indicate a mechanism of cardiomyocyte damage due to hyperthermia. Methods: A total of 40 adult albino Wistar rats, of known gender and body weight from 250 g to 300 g were used as material in this research. Rats were housed in polypropylene cages with optimum environmental conditions. Depending on the temperature of the water (WT) to which they were exposed, rats were randomized into the following groups.WT 37 °C (n = 8); WT 41 °C, antemortem (n = 8), WT 41 °C, postmortem (n = 8); WT 44 °C, antemortem (n = 8), WT 44 °C, postmortem (n = 8). Blood samples for determination of Hsp70 were taken before and after the expiration of the given duration of the experiment of 20 min or death. The Hsp70 level was determined by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Results: Hsp70 basal values in serum were significantly different, p = 0.004 pg/ml, and in the groups depending on the duration of exposure to Hsp70, p = 0.002. Serum Hsp70 values after being exposed to water temperature were significantly different according to the group, p = 0.009. Significant lower Hsp70 levels were found in the control group according to G41 p = 0.006 and G44, p = 0.002. Insignificant differences in Hsp70 level were found among theseG41 and G44, p > 0.005. The concentration of Hsp70 in rat serum and ≥ 31.36 ng/ml indicates exposure to temperatures higher than 37 °C (sensitivity 85.71%, specificity 83.33%, PPV 96%, and NPV 55%, p = 0.002). Conclusions: Altered concentration of serum Hsp70 may show exposition to the elevated water temperature