18 research outputs found

    Periodontal Evaluation of Patients with Ceramic Fused-to-Metal and Acrylate Fused-to-Metal Crowns over a Period of 1 to 5 Years

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    Svrha: U ovom radu željeli smo ispitati postoji li razlika između eksperimentalnih (nosača krunica) i kontrolnih (homolognih) zuba u skupini pacijenata s metalā€“akrilatnim krunicama i onoj s metalā€“keramičkima, te ima li razlika između tih dviju vrsta krunica kad je riječ o indeksu plaka, gingivalnom i retencijskom indeksu, CPITN-u, retrakciji marginalne gingive i resorpciji kosti. Željeli smo doznati i utječe li duljina noÅ”enja metalā€“akrilatnih i metalā€“keramičkih krunica na navedene indekse. Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 80 pacijenata obaju spolova u dobi od 20 do 65 godina s fiksnim protetskim radovima (solo krunicama). Svi potrebni parametri dobiveni su kliničkim pregledom i analizom retroalveolarnih snimki. Rezultati: Dokazana je statistički znatna razlika između eksperimentalnih i kontrolnih zuba u skupini pacijenata s metal-akrilatnim krunicama za gingivalni indeks, CPITN, retencijski indeks i retrakciju marginalne gingive, a za ostale praćene indekse nije pronađena. Osim toga rezultati su pokazali da je statistički velika razlika i između eksperimentalnih te kontrolnih zuba u skupini pacijenata s metal-keramičkim krunicama za indeks plaka, gingivalni i retencijki indeks, CPITN i retrakciju marginalne gingive, a nema razlike kod resorpcije kosti. Ustanovljeno je da između metal-akrilatnih i metal-keramičkih krunica postoji statistički znatna razlika samo kao je riječ o indeksu plaka. Zaključak: Duljina noÅ”enja fiksnoga protetskog rada (do pet godina) u skupini pacijenata s metal-akrilatnim krunicama utječe na indeks plaka, dubinu periodontalnog sulkusa i retrakciju marginalne gingive, a kod onih s metal-keramičkim krunicama ne djeluje na praćene indekse.Purpose:The purpose of this study was to examine if there is any difference between observed teeth (abutment teeth) and control teeth (homologous) in patients with acrylate fused-to-metal (AFM) crowns and those with ceramic fused-to-metal (CFM) crowns, and if there is any difference between AFM and CFM crowns in terms of plaque index, gingival index, retention index, CPITN, marginal gingiva retraction and bone resorption. The next objective was to examine if the length of use of AFM and CFM crowns bears any impact on these indices. Material and methods: The study included 80 patients of both sexes aged 20 to 65 with fixed prosthetics (single crowns). All the research parameters were obtained from clinical examinations and radiographic analyses. Results showed that in the group of patients with AFM crowns there was a statistically significant difference between observed and control teeth in terms of gingival index, CPITN, retention index and marginal gingiva retraction, whereas there was no statistically significant difference for other indices observed. Results also showed that in patients with CFM crowns there was a statistically significant difference between observed and control teeth in terms of plaque index, gingival index, CPITN, retention index and marginal gingiva retraction, whereas there was no statistically significant difference for bone resorption. A statistically significant difference was found between AFM and CFM only in terms of plaque index. Conclusion: The length of use of the prosthetic appliance (under five years) in the group with AFM crowns did influence the plaque index, the depth of periodontal sulcus and the marginal gingiva retraction. The length of use of fixed prosthetic appliances (under five years) in the group with CFM crowns did not influence the indices observed

    Influence of Dental Status, Age and Gender on the Cortical Width of the Lower Border of the Mandible and Mandibular Cortical Index

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    Svrha istraživanja bila je odrediti utjecaj dentalnog statusa, dobi i spola na mentalni (MI) i mandibularni kortikalni indeks (MCI). Oba su određena na temelju 120 ortopantomograma. Rezultati: Srednja vrijednost indeksa MI bila je najviÅ”a kod pacijenata s potpunom denticijom, niža kod onih s djelomičnom ozubljenoŔću (Kennedyjeva klasa I), a najniža kod potpuno bezubih. Post-hoc testovi pokazali su statistički značajnu razliku za indeks MI na objema stranama između Kennedyjeve klase I i potpuno ozubljenih pacijenata (pā‰¤0 ,001) te između potpuno ozubljenih i bezubih pacijenata (pā‰¤0,001), ali ne i između Kennedyjeve klase I i potpuno bezubih pacijenata (p=0,470). Potpuno ozubljeni pacijenti ujedno su bili i najmlađa skupina pacijenata. Pacijentice su imale mnogo niže vrijednosti indeksa od pacijenata. Hi-kvadrat test pokazao je statistički značajnu razliku za indeks MCI između skupina pacijenata različitog dentalnog statusa, ali ne i između onih grupiranih prema spolu. Zaključak: Dentalni status i godine mogu utjecati na MI i MCI.Material and methods: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of dental status, age and gender on the mental (MI) and mandibular cortical indices (MCI). The mental index and the mandibular cortical index were determined on 120 panoramic radiographs. Results: Mean MI values were the highest in patients with full dentition, lower in patients who were partially dentate (Kennedy Class I) and the lowest in patients who were completely edentulous. Post-hoc tests indicated statistically significant difference for MI on both sides between Kennedy I and fully dentate subjects (pā‰¤0.001), as well as between fully dentate and completely edentulous subjects (pā‰¤0.001), but not between Kennedy I and completely edentulous subjects (p=0.470). Fully dentate subjects were also the youngest group. Females had significantly lower values than males. Chi-square test demonstrated a statistically significant difference for MCI between dental status groups, but not between different genders. Conclusion: MI and MCI may be affected by dental status and age

    Correlation of the Prevalence of Signs and Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorder in Adolescent Athletes and Non- Athletes

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    Svrha: Željela se odrediti povezanost u rasprostranjenosti simptoma temporomandibularnih poremećaja kod sportaÅ”a i nesportaÅ”a u adolescentnoj dobi. Materijali i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 90 mladića podijeljenih u dvije skupine ā€“ eksperimentalnu (srednjoÅ”kolci od 15 do 18 godina koji su trenirali nogomet tri puta na tjedan ili čeŔće) i kontrolnu (također srednjoÅ”kolci u istoj dobi, no ne treniraju niÅ”ta ili u tjednu vježbaju do jedan sat). Svi sudionici testirani su prema protokolu RDC/TMD Axis I. Rezultati: Pronađena je statistički značajna razlika u vertikalnoj dimenziji nepotpomognutog otvaranja usta bez bolova (p= 0,000), maksimalnog nepotpomognutog otvaranja usta (p=0,000) i potpomognutog otvaranja usta kod sportaÅ”a (p= 0,000). NesportaÅ”i su skloniji noćnom Å”kripanju zubima (p= 0,041) te čeŔće pate od glavobolja i migrena (p= 0,027). Adolescenti sportaÅ”i imali su bolje oralno zdravlje (Ļ‡2= 17,390, p = 0,004) i značajno slabije miÅ”iće (Ļ‡2= 6070, p = 0,048).The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders of adolescent athletes and adolescent non-athletes. Material and methods: The study included 90 male subjects who were divided into two groups: experimental (high school students aged from 15-18 years who practiced soccer, three or more times a week) and control (high school students aged from 15-18 years who do not practice sports activities for more than one hour a week or they are not involved in sports at all) groups. All subjects were tested according to Axis I of RDC/TMD protocol. Results: Statistically significantly difference was found in the size of the vertical range of motion at unassisted opening without pain (p=0.000), at maximum unassisted mouth opening (p=0.000) and at maximum assisted mouth opening in athletes (p=0.000). Non-athletes were more likely to report teeth grinding at night (p=0.041), and more headaches and migraines (p=0.027). Adolescent athletes had better oral health (Ļ‡2= 17,390, p =0.004) and significantly higher muscle weakness (Ļ‡2= 6070, p = 0.048)

    Measurements of Implant Stability Following Sinus Lift: A Pilot Clinical Study

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    Svrha: U ovom se istraživanju željela procijeniti stabilnost implantata Bredent Sky Blue različitih promjera nakon podizanja dna sinusa. Materijali i metode: U istraživanju su sudjelovala devetorica pacijenata s indikacijama za jednostrano ili obostrano podizanje dna sinusa. Augmentacijski materijali koriÅ”teni u ovom postupku bili su MinerOssĀ® Cortical - Cancellous te Ossceram nano. Rezultati: Svi su se implantati pokazali uspjeÅ”nima. ISQ vrijednosti mjerene su mjeračem Osstell ISQ, a bile su između 68 i 84. Srednje vrijednosti stabilnosti implantata Bredent Sky Blue različitih promjera nakon podizanja dna sinusa iznosile su 77,73 Ā± 2,93 (MD) i 77,98 Ā± 2,72 (VO).Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the implant stability of Bredent Sky Blue implants of different diameters following one stage sinus lift procedure. Material and methods: This study included 9 male patients with an existing indication for unilateral or bilateral sinus lift procedure. As grafting materials, combination of allograft material MinerOssĀ® cortical & cancellous and Ossceram nano were used. Results: All implants were considered successful and ISQ levels were measured by Osstell ISQ device. The ISQ values were from 68 to 84. The mean values of stability of Bredent Sky Blue implants of different diameters following one stage sinus lift procedure were 77.73 Ā± 2.93 (MD) and 77.98 Ā± 2.72 (VO)

    Evaluation of Dental Fear and Anxiety in Displaced Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Uvod: U Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH), uz stalno stanovniÅ”tvo, živi i određen broj raseljenih osoba. NajviÅ”e ih je na području Tuzlanskog kantona. Oni se ubrajaju u rizičnu skupinu kad je riječ o bolestima općenito, pa i o orofacijalnima. Dentalni strah i anksioznost (DSA) pojavljuje se nužno i kod raseljenih osoba i velik je u odnosu na opću populaciju. Na osnovi navedenoga željeli smo evaluirati prisutnost DSA-e i čimbenika za njezin nastanak kod raseljenog stanovniÅ”tva u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ispitanici i metode: U studiji je sudjelovalo 310 osoba u dobi od 35 do 44 godine, a bile su podijeljene u ispitivanu skupinu raseljenih osoba (n = 153) i kontrolnu skupinu domicilnog stanovniÅ”tva (n = 157) iz gradova Tuzlanskog kantona. Kod ispitanika se procjenjivala prisutnost DSA-e s pomoću prilagođene Korahove ljestvice dentalne anksioznosti te prisutnost čimbenika za njezin nastanak. Rezultati: U uzorku je ustanovljena općenito visoka prevalencija DSA-e (38,71 %), a posebno u skupini raseljenih osoba (57,52 %). Pritom raseljeni u uzorku rjeđe posjećuju stomatologa, uglavnom samo kada je to potrebno (najčeŔće zbog odontalgije) i snažnije reagiraju na stresore koji mogu uzrokovati DSA-e. Zaključak: Raseljene osobe ubrajaju se u rizičnu skupinu s visokom prevalencijom DSA-e. To je mogući razlog da ova populacijska skupina ima prosječno loÅ”ije parametre oralnoga zdravlja te loÅ”ije uzorke ponaÅ”anja sa stajaliÅ”ta učestalosti posjeta i razloga za posjete stomatologu. Sve to pojačava začarani krug u kojemu loÅ”e oralno zdravlje pospjeÅ”uje pojavu DSA-e i obrnuto.Introduction: In Bosnia and Herzegovina, apart from domicile population, there is a certain number of displaced persons. Most of them are situated in the area of Canton Tuzla. These persons are generally at risk of and being watched for various diseases, including the disease of the orofacial area. Dental fear and anxiety (DFA) is also inevitably present in displaced persons, with higher prevalence compared with general population. Therefore, the aim was to evaluate the DFA presence and the most common reasons for dental fear and anxiety in displaced persons in our country. Patients and methods: 310 interviewed persons were included in this study, aged 35 to 44 years, from several cities of Canton Tuzla. They were divided in the group of displaced persons (n=153), and the group of domicile inhabitants (n=157). The study participants were interviewed about the DFA presence, as well as about the risk factors for DFA, which was subsequently evaluated by the Modified Corahā€™s Dental Anxiety Scale. Results: A high prevalence of DFA presence was determined in the total sample (38.71%), and particularly in the displaced persons group (57.52%). The results showed that displaced persons rarely visited dentists, mainly when it was necessary (odontalgia), with stronger reactions to factors that could cause DFA appearance. Conclusion: Displaced persons are regarded as one of the highest risk groups for prevalence of DFA. This could be mainly due to poor oral health status, rare dental office visits and the urgent need for dental treatment, which could lead to vicious circle of mutual strengthening between bad oral health and DFA appearance

    Knowledge of coronavirus 2019 and stress with oral health-care personnel of the Faculty of dentistry in Sarajevo: A cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Dentists and generally dental personnel work under the risk of being infected by patients suffering from coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), who are unaware that they are infected. The reason lies in the fact that during dental procedures, aerosol is formed with droplets that may contain the virus. Thus, it is extremely important that dental personnel comply with adequate protective measures and equipment during clinical work. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the knowledge of COVID-19 and to determine the amount of stress with dental personnel of the Faculty of Dentistry in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.Methods: Health-care personnel of the Faculty of Dentistry with Clinics of the University in Sarajevo has been included in the research: teaching staff, clinical doctors, dental nurses, and dental technicians. The research was conducted in April 2020. It was conducted by an anonymous survey that participantā€™s filled-in. Out of 157 distributed questionnaires in paper form, 134 participants responded. The questionnaire was divided into three parts: (1) personal data; (2) knowledge of infection COVID-19 (diagnostic methods, transmission pathways, and prevention measures); and (3) the amount of stress (feelings and thoughts) during epidemic COVID-19 with personnel.Results: The largest number of participants (61.97%) considers that COVID-19 may be transmitted from infected to a healthy person by inhalation of droplets generated through coughing of an infected person and by direct contact with aerosol dispersed from the mouth of the infected patient during dental treatment. The largest number of participants, 80 of them (59.7%) considers that the method of nucleic acid test is used in diagnosing COVID-19. COVID ā€“ 19 had a significantly larger influence on females; they showed higher extent of concern for the claim ā€žI hardly fall asleep because of thinking about it,ā€œ ā€žI try not to talk on this topicā€œ and ā€žIn my mind appear pictures in relation to thisā€œ (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Knowledge of COVID-19 and measures of protection of health-care personnel at the Faculty of dentistry with Clinics in Sarajevo is satisfactory. The largest fear of participants was fear of unconsciously transmitting the infection on people close to them and that members of their families become infected with COVID-19

    Comparison of values of crestal bone loss around dental implants: A comparative study

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    Introduction: Many studies have examined values of crestal bone loss according surgical techniques, time of implant placement (immediate post-extraction or after alveolar socket healing), platform switching or convectional platform, surface of the implant, functional loading (immediate or delayed), etc. Methods: This study analyzed a total of 443 dental implants on 115 images: 161 Bredent blueSKY dental implants and 282 Ritter spiral dental implants. All images were taken at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Sarajevo: before implantation and after 1 year of functional loading. Crestal bone loss was measured on the mesial and distal side of each implant from the coronal portion of the abutment to the noticeable margin of the alveolar bone. Results: There is statistically significant differences between Bredent blueSKY and Ritter spiral dental implants regarding mesial (p < 0.001, df = 441, tstat = āˆ’64.22) and distal (p < 0.001, df = 441, tstat = āˆ’151.21) bone losses. Conclusion: Platform switching dental implants showed more bone loss on the mesial and distal side of implant than dental implants with conventional platform

    Radiological Evaluation of Dental Age Assessment Based on the Development of Third Molars in Population of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Sažetak: Razvoj trećih kutnjaka koristan je pri procjeni dentalne dobi u adolescentnom i ranom adultnom razdoblju. Svrha: Ispitali smo ponovljivost i točnost triju radiografskih metoda za određivanja dentalne dobi (Olze, Demirjian, Solari i Abramovitch) i procijenili koja je učinkovitija. Također smo obavili testiranje kako bismo pronaÅ”li povezanost između procijenjene dentalne i kronoloÅ”ke dobi s pomoću tih triju metoda.Materijal i metode: Ortopantomograme (OPG-e) 1007 po-jedinaca (8 ā€“ 25 godina) podijelili smo u dvije skupine (oko 500 OPG-ova) ā€“ jedna skupina sadržavala je sva četiri treća kutnjaka, a u drugoj su se nalazile OPG snimke s hipodoncijom jednoga, dvaju ili triju trećih kutnjaka. Te su snimke analizirane kako bi se potvrdila točnost svih triju metoda (Ol-ze, Demirjian te Solari i Abramovitch) za procjenu dobi na temelju razvoja trećeg kutnjaka. Rezul-tati: Zabilježena je visoka statistička značajnost Spearmanova koeficijenta korelacije između razvo-jnih stadija trećeg kutnjaka i kronoloÅ”ke dobi ispitanika. Zaključak: Na temelju dobivenih rezultata preporučuje se koriÅ”tenje trećih kutnjaka pri procjeni dentalne dobi metodama prema Olzeu, Demir-jianu te prema Solariju i Abramovitchu na populaciji iz Bosne i Hercegovine.Objectives: The development of third molars can be helpful in dental age estimation of adolescents and in early adult period. We tested the repeatability and accuracy of the three dental age radio-graphic methods (Olze, Demirjian and Solari and Abramovitch) and evaluated which method is more useful. We also aimed at testing to find the correlation of estimated dental and chronological age by these three methods. Material and methods: The orthopantomographs (OPGs) of 1007 individuals (8 - 25 years) were divided into two groups (cca 500 OPGs) ā€“ one group of OPGs has been presented with all four third molars, while another one was registered with third molar/s hypodontia. And all of OPGs were assessed, to verify the three methods (Olze, Demirjian and Solari and Abramovitch) for age estimation based on third molar development. Results: There was a high Spearmanā€™s correlation coefficient between stages of development of wisdom tooth and chronological age of subjects by all these three methods. Conclusion: We may recommend using third molars for assessing the dental age by Olze, Demirjian and Solari and Abramovitch dental method as well, on Bosnian and Herzegovinian population

    Vestibular bone thickness of the mandible in relation to the mandibular canal in a population from Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Introduction: Dental implantology is the branch of dentistry that is gaining greater significance because a larger number of patients come with requests of implant placements. During dental implant placements, with patients with whom operation is carried out in the mandible, very frequently nervus alveolaris inferior can be injured. The nerve injury may occur during the implant placement, but the nerve may also be injured in case of harvesting of intraoral bone graft. During the bone graft harvesting, but also during any other procedure in the dentistry that entails working on vestibular side of corpus of the mandible, in order not to injure the nervus alveolaris inferior, it is important to familiarize oneself with the distance of the nerve from the outer vestibular cortex of the mandible. The objective of the study was to assess the vestibular bone thickness of the mandible in relation to the mandibular canal with the help of analysis of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. Methods: It was accessed the database of CBCT images taken at the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Sarajevo, where out of 700 reviewed CBCT images, an analysis of 322 CBCT images was conducted that satisfied inclusion criteria of the study. CBCT images were taken using of ORTHOPHOS SLX imaging unit. The measurement was conducted by Sidexis program on cross-section of CBCT image. The measurement of vestibular bone thickness was performed, by measuring the distance from the lateral wall of the mandibular canal to buccal mandibular compact bone, in the region of the second premolar, of the first and the second molar. Results: There were statistically significant differences in vestibular bone thickness between men and women on both sides in the region of the second premolar (p < 0.001) and first molar (p = 0.016 right, p = 0.018 left). T-test demonstrated no statistically significant difference in the vestibular bone thickens between men and women on either side in the case of vestibular bone thickness of the center of the second molar (p = 0.397 right, p = 0.743 left). Conclusion: Values of vestibular thickness of the mandible are larger with men than with women in all measuring points; however, statistically more significant differences between genders have been detected in the second premolar and center of the first molar

    Radiographic Evaluation of Crestal Bone Loss Around Dental Implants in Maxilla and Mandible: One Year Prospective Clinical Study

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    Svrha: Godinu dana nakon ugradnje želio se analizirati gubitak alveolarne kosti u maksili i mandibuli oko implantata BREDENT Sky Blue različitih dimenzija. Materijali i metode: U maksilu je bilo umetnuto 36 implantata promjera 3,5 x 10 mm, a u mandibulu 12. Uz to, 52 implantata promjera 4,0 x 8 mm ugrađena su u maksilu i 61 u mandibulu (dvostupanjska implantacijska operacija). Rezultati: Nije bilo statističke razlike u gubitku kosti između maksile desno i lijevo te mandibule desno i lijevo na mjestima implantacije mezijalno i distalno. Rezultati su dobiveni analizom varijance (ANOVA). Zaključak: Statistički značajna razlika u gubitku kosti zabilježena je između maksile sprijeda i straga te mandibule sprijeda i straga na mjestima implantacije distalno i mezijalno. Rezultati su dobiveni analizom varijance (ANOVA).Purpose: The aim of the study was to analyze the amount of maxillary and mandibular crestal bone loss around Bredent Sky Blue type of implants of different dimensions one year after implantation. Materials and Methods: 36 implants of diameter 3.5 x 10 mm were inserted in the maxilla and 12 in the mandible. 52 implants of diameter 4.0 x 8 mm were inserted in the maxilla, and 61 in the mandible (two-stage implant surgery). Results: No statistically significant differences were found between the right and left side of the maxilla and between the right and left side of the mandible at the implant sites regarding distal and mesial bone losses as shown by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Conclusion: Statistically significant differences were found between anterior maxilla, posterior maxilla and anterior mandible and posterior mandible at implant sites regarding distal and mesial bone losses as shown by analysis of variance (ANOVA)