37 research outputs found

    Theoretical analysis of influencing factors on resistance in the process of gas migration in coal seams

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    Inspired by previous resistance models for porous media, a resistance expression of gas migration within coal seams based on the ideal matchstick geometry, combined with the Darcy equation and the modified Poiseuille equation is proposed. The resistance to gas migration is generally dynamic because of the variations in adsorption swelling and matrix shrinkage. Due to the limitations of experimental conditions, only a theoretical expression of resistance to gas migration in coal is deduced, and the impacts of tortuosity, effective stress and pore pressure on the resistance are then considered. To validate the proposed expression, previous data from other researchers are adopted for the history matching exercise, and the agreement between the two is good. Keywords: Porous media, Gas, Resistance, Tortuosity, Effective stress, Pore pressur

    Special Issue “Process Safety in Coal Mining”

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    As an important natural resource, coal plays a critical role in social and economic development [...

    Study on gas flow pressure caused airflow disorder in parallel downward ventilated roadways

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    The high-concentration of methane accumulating in a tilted roadway could produce gas flow pressure.This gas flow pressure can induce airflow disorder in the tilted roadway and its lateral roadways.In this paper, an experimental system was constructed for representing parallel downward ventilation roadways.With this system, a series of experiments were conducted to study the gas flow pressure-induced airflow disorder in coal mine roadways.The tilted roadway was saturated with 100% concentration methane while the lateral roadway was saturated with air for all experiments.The resistance coefficient of the tilted roadway and the lateral roadway were changed in different experiments.The experimental results indicate that the gas flow pressure could cause complex airflow changes in parallel downward ventilation roadways and lead to methane and airflow reciprocation in the roadways.A vibration model was developed based on a simplification of the experimental system.The vibration model can explain the effects of windage on the damping force of the vibration.Both the experiment and model results indicate that the windage increase of the tilted roadway or the lateral roadway can weaken the airflow vibration.Analysis of the methane movement in the experimental system indicates that for the tilted roadway and the lateral roadway an windage increase in one roadway is helpful for the airflow stability but harmful for its own gas discharge.If gas accumulation appears in an in situ downward ventilation roadway, the windage of the lateral roadway should be increased without delay to keep the system airflow stable and to discharge the accumulated methane as soon as possible

    Gas-solid coupling laws for deep high-gas coal seams

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    A better understanding of gas-solid coupling laws for deep, gassy coal seams is vital for preventing the compound dynamic disasters such as rock burst and gas outburst. In this paper, a gas-solid coupling theoretical model under the influence of ground stress, gas pressure, and mining depth is established and simulated by using COMSOL Multiphysics software. Research results indicate that under the influence of factors such as high ground stress and gas pressure, the mutual coupling interaction between coal and gas is much more significant, which leads to the emergence of new characteristics of gas compound dynamic disasters. Reducing the ground stress concentration in front of the working face can not only minimize the possibility of rock burst accidents, which are mainly caused by ground stress, but also can weaken the role of ground stress as a barrier to gas, thereby decreasing the number of outburst accidents whose dominant factor is gas. The results have a great theoretical and practical significance in terms of accident prevention, enhanced mine safety, disaster prevention system design, and improved accident emergency plans. Keywords: Deep mining, Gassy coal seam, Gas-solid coupling, Dynamic disaste

    Influence of gas ventilation pressure on the stability of airways airflow

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    Coal mine ventilation is an extremely complicated system that can be affected by many factors. Gas ventilation pressure is one of important factors that can disturb the stabilization of airflow in airways. The formation and characteristics of gas ventilation pressure were further elaborated, and numerical simulations were conducted to verify the role of gas ventilation pressure in the stability of airway airflow. Then a case study of airflow stagnation accident that occurred in the Tangshan Coal Mine was performed. The results show that under the condition of upward ventilation, the direction of gas ventilation pressure in the branch is the same to that of the main fan, airflow of the branches beside the branch may be reversed. The greater the gas ventilation pressure is, the more obvious the reversion is. Moreover, reversion sequence of paralleled branches is related to the airflow velocity and length of the branch. Under the condition of downward ventilation, the airflow in the branch filled with gas may be reversed. Methane in downward ventilation is hard to discharge; therefore, accumulation in downward ventilation is more harmful than that in upward ventilation. Keywords: Gas accumulation, Gas ventilation pressure, Airflow stability, Underground ventilatio

    Improved apparent permeability models of gas flow in coal with Klinkenberg effect

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    Klinkenberg effect is an important phenomenon for gas flow in low permeability reservoirs, and its influence increases with the reduction of gas pressure. Unlike conventional gas reservoirs, coal seam is unique with its high compressibility and sorption-induced-swelling features. During the coalbed methane (CBM) recovery process, coal cleat width varies due to the net effect of effective stress and coal matrix shrinkage, thus the Klinkenberg coefficient cannot be treated as a constant like rock reservoirs. A brief review of previous studies shows that the influence of coal seam characteristics on Klinkenberg effect was ignored by other researchers. By using the bundled matchstick conceptual model of coal, two improved models are proposed in this paper, one is under constant effective stress and the other is under reservoir condition. The former shows that the proportion of permeability change due to Klinkenberg effect is greater than the result from original model, and the Klinkenberg coefficient varies substantially albeit the influence of effective stress is eliminated. The latter links apparent permeability and coal porosity together, and the results show good agreement with field data, especially when the gas pressure is relative low. It can be concluded that apparent permeability model is crucial for explicit prediction of gas permeability changes during CBM recovery process, which may be underestimated without due consideration of Klinkenberg effect. The development of the improved apparent permeability models has significant value in the accurate prediction of CBM production as a result of permeability changes

    Propagation characteristics of pulverized coal and gas two-phase flow during an outburst.

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    Coal and gas outbursts are dynamic failures that can involve the ejection of thousands tons of pulverized coal, as well as considerable volumes of gas, into a limited working space within a short period. The two-phase flow of gas and pulverized coal that occurs during an outburst can lead to fatalities and destroy underground equipment. This article examines the interaction mechanism between pulverized coal and gas flow. Based on the role of gas expansion energy in the development stage of outbursts, a numerical simulation method is proposed for investigating the propagation characteristics of the two-phase flow. This simulation method was verified by a shock tube experiment involving pulverized coal and gas flow. The experimental and simulated results both demonstrate that the instantaneous ejection of pulverized coal and gas flow can form outburst shock waves. These are attenuated along the propagation direction, and the volume fraction of pulverized coal in the two-phase flow has significant influence on attenuation of the outburst shock wave. As a whole, pulverized coal flow has a negative impact on gas flow, which makes a great loss of large amounts of initial energy, blocking the propagation of gas flow. According to comparison of numerical results for different roadway types, the attenuation effect of T-type roadways is best. In the propagation of shock wave, reflection and diffraction of shock wave interact through the complex roadway types

    Numerical simulation for propagation characteristics of shock wave and gas flow induced by outburst intensity

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    In order to analyze the propagation characteristics of shock wave and gas flow induced by outburst intensity, the governing equations of shock wave and gas flow propagation were put forward, and the numerical simulation boundary condition was obtained based on outburst characteristics. The propagation characteristics of shock wave and gas flow were simulated by Fluent software, and the simulation results were verified by experiments. The results show that air shock wave is formed due to air medium compressed by the transient high pressure gas which rapidly expands in the roadway; the shock wave and gas flow with high velocity are formed behind the shock wave front, which significantly decays due to limiting effect of the roadway wall. The attenuation degree is greater in the early stage than that in the late stage, and the velocity of gas convection transport is lower than the speed of the shock wave. The greater the outburst intensity is, the greater the pressure of the shock wave front is, and the higher the speed of the shock wave and gas flow is. Keywords: Coal and gas outburst, Outburst intensity, Shock wave and gas flow, Propagation characteristic