601 research outputs found

    Boson Fusion and Higgs production at the LHC in six fermion final states with one charged lepton pair

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    Boson boson scattering and Higgs production in boson boson fusion will be actively investigated at the LHC. We have performed a parton level study of all processes of the type q1q2→q3q4q5q6l+l−q_1 q_2 \to q_3 q_4 q_5 q_6 l^+l^- using for the first time a full fledged six fermion Monte Carlo event generator which employs exact matrix elements at \O(\alpha_{em}^6). We have examined Higgs production in vector boson fusion followed by the decay chain H→ZZ→l+l−jjH\to ZZ\to l^+l^-jj, including exactly all electroweak irreducible backgrounds. In the high mass region we have compared the case of a relatively light Higgs with the no-Higgs case. The integrated cross section for the latter case is more than twice that in the former for a minimum invariant mass of the ZVZV pair of about 800 \GeV. We find, in a preliminary anlysis at parton level that, summing up the muon and the electron channels, about 30 events are expected in the light Higgs case for L=100 fb−1fb^{-1}.Comment: Final version published in Phys.Rev.

    Modeling of the Behavior of Expansive Soils

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    In the preliminary reconnaissance phase and once the swelling of soil is suspected, it is possible to obtain an estimation of swelling parameters (amplitude and pressure) using numerous rheological models proposed in the literature. These models relate the parameters of swelling to the geotechnical parameters determined from mechanical tests. The analysis of the behavior of clays is conducted by numerical simulation tests of compression and swelling by using the oedometer. This analysis is conducted using the software CASTEM2000 team from CEA-France. This simulation allows-among others-to develop a predictive procedure for estimating the parameters of swelling by the use of constitutive equations of Cam-Clay and Alonso. It should be noted that different simulations are performed; those using oedometer tests by the Cam- Clay model, and Alonso and free swell tests by the Alonso model. The results of this work show that the compressibility has been correctly simulated by both models. The phase of swelling has been simulated by the model of Alonso as the Cam-Clay model can simulate it. It should be noted that the Alonso model underestimates very fluffy swelling soils

    ModĂ©lisation numĂ©rique de la minĂ©ralisation polymĂ©tallifĂšre du gisement de Tighza (Maroc central) par l’outil SIG et la gĂ©ostatistique

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    Le gisement de Tighza est le 1er site producteur de concentrĂ© de plomb et le 2nd fournisseur d’argent au Maroc. Sa durĂ©e de vie s’étale sur 15 ans .en effet, la Compagnie miniĂšre de Touissit (CMT) a rĂ©alisĂ©, en 2008, un chiffre d'affaires de 291,4 MMDH contre 247,3 en 2007, soit une progression de plus 17%. Cette augmentation est due, entre autres, Ă  l'Ă©volution positive des tonnages vendus (plomb +14,3%, zinc +48,9%). Pour les opĂ©rateurs miniers, la viabilitĂ© du site est capitale. Les recherches menĂ©es actuellement visent Ă  prolonger la durĂ©e d’exploitation du gisement de Tighza. Ces recherches pose, au sein de la Compagnie MiniĂšre de Touissit (CMT), un problĂšme d’organisation et de stockage de l’information produite par ses diffĂ©rents services notamment celui de la gĂ©ologie. Face Ă  cette situation, et compte tenu du volume de donnĂ©es produit, qui ne cesse de s’accroĂźtre d’une part, et leur Ă©ventuelle perte d’autre part, la CMT a dĂ©cidĂ© d’instaurer un systĂšme d’information, Ă  travers une base de donnĂ©es numĂ©risĂ©e, lui permettant le stockage, le traitement et l’exploitation rationnelle de l’information disponible en vue d’aider les responsables miniers Ă  prendre les dĂ©cisions qui conviennent. Dans ce sens, nous avons utilisĂ© l’environnement ArcGIS pour mettre en place une base de donnĂ©es spatiales par la numĂ©risation, le  gĂ©orĂ©fĂ©rencement et l’élaboration d’un certain nombre de couches d’informations Ă  partir de cartes topographique, gĂ©ologique, gĂ©ochimique et les donnĂ©es de sondages carottĂ©s. Ainsi un ModĂšle NumĂ©riquede Terrain (MNT) du secteur de Tighza a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ© en se basant sur les courbes de niveau et des points cĂŽtĂ©s digitalisĂ©s Ă  partir de la carte topographique. Ce travail est complĂ©tĂ© par un traitement statistique et gĂ©ostatistique. Ainsi une analyse multidimensionnelle utilisant l’analyse en composante principale (ACP) a permis de dĂ©terminer les principaux axes factoriels. Le traitement gĂ©ostatistique des donnĂ©es gĂ©ochimiques a consistĂ© d’abord Ă  une modĂ©lisation des variogrammes des diffĂ©rents Ă©lĂ©ments chimiques, l’élaboration des cartes variographiques et enfin l’établissement des cartes de rĂ©partition spatiale par krigeage pour chaqueĂ©lĂ©ment. Les cartes thĂ©matiques obtenues pouvant conduire Ă  l’élaboration d’un modĂšle gĂ©ochimique renseignant sur la rĂ©partition des mĂ©taux de ce district.Mots clĂ©s : SIG, cartographie, gĂ©ologie miniĂšre, statistique, gĂ©ostatistique, Tighza, Maroc Central

    Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite-Bisphosphonate Composites

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    The direct synthesis of hydroxyapatite─1,8-octan-bisphosphonic acid (HAp─BISPH) nanocrystals has been carried out in presence of increasing amounts of BISPH in solution, by hydrothermal method at 120 °C for 15 h. XRD, IR, NMR-MAS (31P, 1H and 13C), TEM, AFM, TGA and chemical analysis were used to characterize the structure, morphology and composition of the products. X-ray powder diffraction patterns show that the incorporation of bisphosphonate moieties induces a significant loss of the material crystallin-ity and a clear decrease of the crystallite size. TEM and AFM images show that the precipitated apatite particles prepared in the presence of this bisphosphonic acid are nanosized. The IR and NMR-MAS 1H spectroscopy show that the BISPH can replace the OH− groups of the apatitic structure. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3519

    Variantes anatomiques de l’os temporal a preciser au chirurgien

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    L’os temporal prĂ©sente plusieurs variantes dont certaines peuvent avoir un impact chirurgical. La chirurgie de l’oreille est non dĂ©nuĂ©e de risques. Les variantes anatomiques de l’os temporal sont importantes Ă  connaitre et Ă  prĂ©ciser dans le compte rendu radiologique avant toute intervention sur l’oreille. La TDM est l’examen clĂ© pour le bilan morphologique de toute oreille.Mots ClĂ©s : Variantes anatomiques, os temporal, TDM, risques.The temporal bone has several variants, some of which may impact surgical. The ear surgery is not without risks. The anatomic variations of the temporal bone is important to know and specify in the radiological reports before working on the ear. The CT is the key for the morphological assessment of any ear.Keys Words: Anatomic variations, temporal bone, CT, risk

    Boundary stabilization of the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation with an infinite memory-type control and applications: a qualitative and numerical analysis

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    This article is intended to present a qualitative and numerical analysis of well-posedness and boundary stabilization problems of the well-known Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation. Assuming that the boundary control is of memory type, the history approach is adopted in order to deal with the memory term. Under sufficient conditions on the physical parameters of the system and the memory kernel of the control, the system is shown to be well-posed by combining the semigroups approach of linear operators and the fixed point theory. Then, energy decay estimates are provided by applying the multiplier method. An application to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation will be also given. Moreover, we present a numerical analysis based on a finite differences method and provide numerical examples illustrating our theoretical results

    DNA waves and water

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    Some bacterial and viral DNA sequences have been found to induce low frequency electromagnetic waves in high aqueous dilutions. This phenomenon appears to be triggered by the ambient electromagnetic background of very low frequency. We discuss this phenomenon in the framework of quantum field theory. A scheme able to account for the observations is proposed. The reported phenomenon could allow to develop highly sensitive detection systems for chronic bacterial and viral infections.Comment: Invited talk at the DICE2010 Conference, Castiglioncello, Italy September 201
