446 research outputs found

    On the b-antighost in the Pure Spinor Quantization of Superstrings

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    Recently Berkovits has constructed a picture raised, compound field bBb_B which is used to compute higher loop amplitudes in the pure spinor approach of superstrings. On the other hand, in the twisted and gauge fixed, superembedding approach with n=2n=2 world-sheet (w.s.) supersymmetry that reproduces the pure spinor formulation, a field bb appears quite naturally as the current of one of the two twisted charges of the w.s. supersymmetry, the other being the BRST charge. In this paper we study the relation between bb and bBb_B. We shall show that bZbZ, where ZZ is a picture raising operator, and bBb_B belong to the same BRST cohomological class. This result is of importance since it implies that the cumbersome singularity which is present in bb, is in fact harmless if bb is combined with ZZ.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, LaTeX2

    Pure Spinor Vertex Operators in Siegel Gauge and Loop Amplitude Regularization

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    Since the b ghost in the pure spinor formalism is a composite operator depending on non-minimal variables, it is not trivial to impose the Siegel gauge condition b_0 V=0 on BRST-invariant vertex operators. Using the antifield vertex operator V* of ghost-number +2, we show that Siegel gauge unintegrated vertex operators can be constructed as b_0 V* and Siegel gauge integrated vertex operators as \int dz b_{-1} b_0 V*. These Siegel gauge vertex operators depend on the non-minimal variables, so scattering amplitudes involving these operators need to be regularized using the prescription developed previously with Nekrasov. As an example of this regularization prescription, we compute the four-point one-loop amplitude with four Siegel gauge integrated vertex operators. This is the first one-loop computation in the pure spinor formalism that does not require unintegrated vertex operators.Comment: 30 pages latex, added references and comments to Grassi-Vanhove pape

    Hilbert space of curved \beta\gamma systems on quadric cones

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    We clarify the structure of the Hilbert space of curved \beta\gamma systems defined by a quadratic constraint. The constraint is studied using intrinsic and BRST methods, and their partition functions are shown to agree. The quantum BRST cohomology is non-empty only at ghost numbers 0 and 1, and there is a one-to-one mapping between these two sectors. In the intrinsic description, the ghost number 1 operators correspond to the ones that are not globally defined on the constrained surface. Extension of the results to the pure spinor superstring is discussed in a separate work.Comment: 45 page

    Y-formalism and bb ghost in the Non-minimal Pure Spinor Formalism of Superstrings

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    We present the Y-formalism for the non-minimal pure spinor quantization of superstrings. In the framework of this formalism we compute, at the quantum level, the explicit form of the compound operators involved in the construction of the bb ghost, their normal-ordering contributions and the relevant relations among them. We use these results to construct the quantum-mechanical bb ghost in the non-minimal pure spinor formalism. Moreover we show that this non-minimal bb ghost is cohomologically equivalent to the non-covariant bb ghost.Comment: 42 pages, no figure

    Relating the Green-Schwarz and Pure Spinor Formalisms for the Superstring

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    Although it is not known how to covariantly quantize the Green-Schwarz (GS) superstring, there exists a semi-light-cone gauge choice in which the GS superstring can be quantized in a conformally invariant manner. In this paper, we prove that BRST quantization of the GS superstring in semi-light-cone gauge is equivalent to BRST quantization using the pure spinor formalism for the superstring.Comment: 16 pages, JHEP format, fixed typos and added 2 footnote

    Worldline Approach of Topological BF Theory

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    We present a worldline description of topological non-abelian BF theory in arbitrary space-time dimensions. It is shown that starting with a trivial classical action defined on the worldline, the BRST cohomology has a natural representation as the sum of the de Rham cohomology. Based on this observation, we construct a second-quantized action of the BF theory. Interestingly enough, this theory naturally gives us a minimal solution to the Batalin-Vilkovisky master equation of the BF theory. Our formalism sheds some light not only on an interplay between the Witten-type and the Schwarz-type topological quantum field theories but also on the role of the Batalin-Vilkovisky antifields and ghosts as geometrical and elementary objects.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, references adde

    大阪大学文学部紀要 第23巻 要旨

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    Die Stadt und der Städtebund in Lykien : Ein historischer Überblick bis zum Jahre 43 n. Chr.

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    D=11 supergravity with manifest supersymmetry

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    The complete supersymmetric action for eleven-dimensional supergravity is presented. The action is polynomial in the scalar fermionic pure spinor superfield, and contains only a minor modification to the recently proposed three-point coupling.Comment: 14 pp., plain te