12 research outputs found


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    TIIVISTELMÄ Juhola, Aino & Stenius, Maria-Elisa. Kielikerho maahanmuuttajataustaisten lasten suomen kielen oppimisen tukena päiväkodissa. Helsinki syksy 2010, s.102, 3 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Diak Etelä Helsinki. Sosiaalialankoulutusohjelma, sosionomi (AMK) + lastentarhanopettajan kelpoisuus. Opinnäytetyö on produktiomuotoinen ja se toteutettiin yhteistyössä Rautpihan päiväkodin kanssa. Työ koostuu raportista ja produktista. Produkti on kerhokansio, joka on koottu suunnitelluista, toteutetuista sekä arvioiduista kerhokerroista. Kerhoja järjestettiin seitsemän kertaa päiväkodin lapsille pienryhmätoimintana ja niistä koottiin päiväkodin työtä kehittävä ja työn apuna oleva kansio suomen kieltä tukevia kerhoja järjestettäessä. Kansio koostuu hyviksi havaituista leikeistä, lauluista sekä ohjeista, jotka on poimittu seitsemästä eri teemoin rakennetuista kerhokerroista. Se sisältää myös tekemiämme ja käyttämiämme kuvakortteja sekä muita askartelumalleja. Kerhossa oli viisi 4- ja 5-vuotiasta lasta ja heidät kerhoon valitsi päiväkodin henkilökunta, suomen kielen tuen tarpeen perusteella. Kerhot suunniteltiin käyttäen pääkaupunkiseudun asettamaa suomi toisena kielenä -kerhon mallia. Kerhoa pidettiin kerran viikossa seitsemän viikon ajan. Jokaisella kerhokerralla oli oma teemansa ja tavoitteensa. Yhtenä arviointimenetelmänä oli videointi. Palautetta on saatu itsearvioinnin lisäksi mukana olleelta työntekijältä sekä kerhon lapsilta. Arvioinnin avulla pystyttiin kehittämään kerhotoimintaa edelleen sekä arvioimaan tavoitteidemme onnistumista ja toimintamme toimivuutta. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys on muotoutunut produktioomme liittyvistä aihepiireistä. Raporttiosassa avataan maahanmuuttajataustaisten lasten käsitettä sekä varhaiskasvatuspalvelujen järjestämistä maahanmuuttajataustaisten lasten tueksi. Raportissa käsitellään myös suomi toisena kielenä –opetusta päivähoidossa sekä lasten kielenkehityksen tukemista eri keinoin. Teoreettisen alkuosan jälkeen raportissa kuvataan opinnäytetyön prosessia: kerhokertojen suunnitteluvaihetta, toteuttamisvaihetta sekä palautetta ja arviointia. Lopussa on pohdinta. Opinnäytetyö on luonteeltaan työelämälähtöinen ja helposti sovellettavissa lasten kanssa työskenneltäessä. Työ antaa hyödyllistä tietoa maahanmuuttajataustaisten lasten kanssa toimimiseen ja suomen kieltä tukevan kerhon toteuttamiseen. Asiasanat: maahanmuuttajat, produktio, monikulttuurisuus, varhaiskasvatus, suomen kieli, kerhotoiminta  ABSTRACT Juhola, Aino and Stenius, Maria- Elisa. Language group supporting children with an immigrant background in learning Finnish in a day care centre. p.102, 3 appendices. Language: Finnish. Helsinki, Autumn 2010 Diaconia University of Applied Scienes,. Degree Programme in Social Services. Degree: Bachelor of Social Services + kindergarten teacher qualification. The thesis was a production and it was made in cooperation with the Rautpiha day care center. The production is a file of the material that was used in the language clubs. In total there were seven club sessions. After those sessions a file was assembled to help the day care center’s daily life with children whose mother tongue was not Finnish. The file included plays, songs and directions which were proven to be helpful. Every session had its own theme and both the songs and plays were about that specific theme. The file also has flash cards that were made by the club tutors. In the clubs there were five children between ages of four and five. They were chosen by an employee of the day care centre and based on their need of help in learning Finnish. The clubs were planned based on the model of Finnish as a second language, created by the Helsinki city. The club was once a week in a seven week period. All the sessions had their own themes and goals. One of the evaluation method was recording a video. In addition the self assessment and feedback were given by the children and by one employee of Rautpiha. With the help of the evaluation it was possible to develop and improve the club’s activities furthermore Information concerning the concept of children with immigrant background can be found in the report. Also the teaching of Finnish as a second language (S2-club) in Finland’s day care centres and how to support children’s language development are presented. After the theoretical part there are the clubs themselves described; the planning, the execution, the feedback and the evaluation. In the end of the report there is contemplation. The thesis was based on the practical work and can be easily adaptable to the work with children. It contains a useful information about working with children with immigrant background . Keywords: S2- club, multiculture, production, educar

    A Comparison of Rule-based Analysis with Regression Methods in Understanding the Risk Factors for Study Withdrawal in a Pediatric Study

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    Regression models are extensively used in many epidemiological studies to understand the linkage between specific outcomes of interest and their risk factors. However, regression models in general examine the average effects of the risk factors and ignore subgroups with different risk profiles. As a result, interventions are often geared towards the average member of the population, without consideration of the special health needs of different subgroups within the population. This paper demonstrates the value of using rule-based analysis methods that can identify subgroups with heterogeneous risk profiles in a population without imposing assumptions on the subgroups or method. The rules define the risk pattern of subsets of individuals by not only considering the interactions between the risk factors but also their ranges. We compared the rule-based analysis results with the results from a logistic regression model in The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study. Both methods detected a similar suite of risk factors, but the rule-based analysis was superior at detecting multiple interactions between the risk factors that characterize the subgroups. A further investigation of the particular characteristics of each subgroup may detect the special health needs of the subgroup and lead to tailored interventions

    Analgesic antipyretic use among young children in the TEDDY study : No association with islet autoimmunity

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    Background: The use of analgesic antipyretics (ANAP) in children have long been a matter of controversy. Data on their practical use on an individual level has, however, been scarce. There are indications of possible effects on glucose homeostasis and immune function related to the use of ANAP. The aim of this study was to analyze patterns of analgesic antipyretic use across the clinical centers of The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) prospective cohort study and test if ANAP use was a risk factor for islet autoimmunity. Methods: Data were collected for 8542 children in the first 2.5 years of life. Incidence was analyzed using logistic regression with country and first child status as independent variables. Holm's procedure was used to adjust for multiplicity of intercountry comparisons. Time to autoantibody seroconversion was analyzed using a Cox proportional hazards model with cumulative analgesic use as primary time dependent covariate of interest. For each categorization, a generalized estimating equation (GEE) approach was used. Results: Higher prevalence of ANAP use was found in the U.S. (95.7%) and Sweden (94.8%) compared to Finland (78.1%) and Germany (80.2%). First-born children were more commonly given acetaminophen (OR 1.26; 95% CI 1.07, 1.49; p = 0.007) but less commonly Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAID) (OR 0.86; 95% CI 0.78, 0.95; p = 0.002). Acetaminophen and NSAID use in the absence of fever and infection was more prevalent in the U.S. (40.4%; 26.3% of doses) compared to Sweden, Finland and Germany (p < 0.001). Acetaminophen or NSAID use before age 2.5 years did not predict development of islet autoimmunity by age 6 years (HR 1.02, 95% CI 0.99-1.09; p = 0.27). In a sub-analysis, acetaminophen use in children with fever weakly predicted development of islet autoimmunity by age 3 years (HR 1.05; 95% CI 1.01-1.09; p = 0.024). Conclusions: ANAP use in young children is not a risk factor for seroconversion by age 6 years. Use of ANAP is widespread in young children, and significantly higher in the U.S. compared to other study sites, where use is common also in absence of fever and infection

    Early probiotic supplementation and the risk of celiac disease in children at genetic risk

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    Abstract Probiotics are linked to positive regulatory effects on the immune system. The aim of the study was to examine the association between the exposure of probiotics via dietary supplements or via infant formula by the age of 1 year and the development of celiac disease autoimmunity (CDA) and celiac disease among a cohort of 6520 genetically susceptible children. Use of probiotics during the first year of life was reported by 1460 children. Time-to-event analysis was used to examine the associations. Overall exposure of probiotics during the first year of life was not associated with either CDA (n = 1212) (HR 1.15; 95%CI 0.99, 1.35; p = 0.07) or celiac disease (n = 455) (HR 1.11; 95%CI 0.86, 1.43; p = 0.43) when adjusting for known risk factors. Intake of probiotic dietary supplements, however, was associated with a slightly increased risk of CDA (HR 1.18; 95%CI 1.00, 1.40; p = 0.043) compared to children who did not get probiotics. It was concluded that the overall exposure of probiotics during the first year of life was not associated with CDA or celiac disease in children at genetic risk

    The association between stressful life events and respiratory infections during the first 4 years of life: The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young study

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    Metabolite-related dietary patterns and the development of islet autoimmunity

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    Effects of Gluten Intake on Risk of Celiac Disease: A Case-Control Study on a Swedish Birth Cohort

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    Early Probiotic Supplementation and the Risk of Celiac Disease in Children at Genetic Risk

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