2 research outputs found

    Self-reported consumption frequency of meat and fish products among young adults in Kazakhstan

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    Background: Meat and dairy products are important ingredients in Kazakhstan, although there are indications that high consumption of red and processed meat is associated with a risk of several non-communicable diseases and has an adverse impact on the environment. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the dietary habits of young adults in Kazakhstan, particularly meat and fish consumption frequency among university students in five regions of Kazakhstan. Methods: The assessment of meat and fish consumption was based on the food frequency questionnaire. Region of residence, age, sex, weight, height and parental education were also self-reported. Results: Meat consumption among the participants was lower than recommended consumption of 1500 g per week in Kazakhstan but almost two-fold higher than the World Cancer Research Fund recommendations of 500 g per week. Approximately 24% of the participants reported to consume meat every day. Only 8.6% of the participants reported fish consumption in line with the recommendation of approximately 270 g per week in Kazakhstan. Meat and fish consumption was fairly homogeneous across regions and sex. Conclusion: The results from this study contribute to the relatively limited information on meat and fish consumption in Kazakhstan. Further knowledge on dietary habits and probably improved nutrition recommendations on meat consumption in Kazakhstan are needed to protect public health and the environment

    Combined In Silico and Experimental Investigations of Resveratrol Encapsulation by Beta-Cyclodextrin

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    The results of the computational and the physicochemical studies of the encapsulation of resveratrol with β-cyclodextrin are presented here. At first, the molecular docking experiments predicted good binding. Several MD simulations and MM-PBSA experiments confirmed the reliable binding, showing optimal kinetics and energy. As an application, resveratrol inclusion complexes with β-cyclodextrin were obtained in an aqueous alcohol medium via microwave treatment. The results of thermographic measurements of the obtained clathrates using a differential scanning calorimeter are presented, and the obtained activation energy was calculated using the Ozawa–Flynn–Wall and Friedman methods, as well as nonparametric kinetics. The effect of complexation on the kinetic parameters of thermal destruction of the β-cyclodextrin–resveratrol inclusion complex was considered. The morphology of the surface of the obtained clathrate complexes was described using a scanning electron microscope. The spectral properties of the inclusion complex were characterized by FT-IR, 1H, and 13С NMR spectroscopic data. The obtained in silico, morphological, thermogravimetric, and spectral results confirmed the formation of the resveratrol–β-cyclodextrin complex. The antioxidant activities of the inclusion complex were determined to be 12.1 μg/mL, compared to 14.3 μg/mL for free resveratrol, indicating an improvement in the bioactivity