9 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency as a Tool for Preservation of Affordable Rental Housing: Evaluation of the Efficiency Emphasis in the MacArthur Foundations Window of Opportunity Initiative

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    Note: This evaluation is accompanied by a blog post by the RAND Corporation about the initiative. Access these related materials here: https://www.macfound.org/press/grantee-publications/evaluation-investments-energy-efficiency-through-window-opportunity-initiative.In the late 1990s, there was growing concern that the significant portion of subsidized rental homes that were coming to the end of their initial subsidy period would not obtain renewed subsidy and that the amount of affordable rental housing for low and middle-income families in metropolitan areas would fall to even lower numbers. Responding to this escalating concern, the MacArthur Foundation identified preservation of the existing stock of affordable multifamily rental housing as a pressing need. Consequently, the Foundation launched the Window of Opportunity: Preservation of Affordable Rental Housing initiative in 2000. The initiative would expand to become a 20-year effort, during which the Foundation awarded 214millioningrantsandloanstoawiderangeoforganizationsincludingnon−profitownersofaffordablerentalhousing,stategovernments,researchers,financialinstitutions,industryassociations,andadvocates.By2011,theFoundationanditsWindowofOpportunityborrowersandgranteeshadincreasinglyrecognizedthatenergycostsofmultifamilyrentalpropertiescouldbebettercontrolled.Tothisend,theFoundationoptedtoextendWindowofOpportunitywithanexplicitfocusonincreasingtheenergyefficiencyofsubsidizedandunsubsidizedmultifamilyaffordablehousing.Between2012−2015,theFoundationawarded214 million in grants and loans to a wide range of organizations including non-profit owners of affordable rental housing, state governments, researchers, financial institutions, industry associations, and advocates.By 2011, the Foundation and its Window of Opportunity borrowers and grantees had increasingly recognized that energy costs of multifamily rental properties could be better controlled. To this end, the Foundation opted to extend Window of Opportunity with an explicit focus on increasing the energy efficiency of subsidized and unsubsidized multifamily affordable housing. Between 2012-2015, the Foundation awarded 27.5 million through 39 grants or loans as a part of what we term the Window of Opportunity - Energy Efficiency. The loans were Program-Related Investments, which were low-interest loans to create new business models or grow mission-oriented businesses. The Window of Opportunity - Energy Efficiency activities comprised a little over 10 percent of the overall $214 million Window of Opportunity initiative

    Expert Assessments of Future Photovoltaic Technologies

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    The economic costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions under a U.S. national renewable electricity mandate

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    The electricity sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) in the U.S. Many states have passed and Congress has considered Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), mandates that specific percentages of electricity be generated from renewable resources. We perform a technical and economic assessment and estimate the economic costs and net GHG reductions from a national 25 percent RPS by 2025 relative to coal-based electricity. This policy would reduce GHG emissions by about 670 million metric tons per year, 11 percent of 2008 U.S. emissions. The first 100 million metric tons could be abated for less than 36/metricton.However,marginalcostsclimbto36/metric ton. However, marginal costs climb to 50 for 300 million metric tons and to as much as 70/metrictontofulfilltheRPS.Thetotaleconomiccostsofsuchapolicyareabout70/metric ton to fulfill the RPS. The total economic costs of such a policy are about 35 billion annually. We also examine the cost sensitivity to favorable and unfavorable technology development assumptions. We find that a 25 percent RPS would likely be an economically efficient method for utilities to substantially reduce GHG emissions only under the favorable scenario. These estimates can be compared with other approaches, including increased R&D funding for renewables or deployment of efficiency and/or other low-carbon generation technologies.Renewable portfolio standards Greenhouse gas emissions Technology development

    Estimating The Consumptive Use Costs of Shale Natural Gas Extraction on Pennsylvania Roadways

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    The development of natural gas resources in the Marcellus Shale formation has progressed rapidly in the last several years, particularly in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. These activities require many heavy truck trips for equipment and materials, which can damage state and local roads that were not designed for high volumes of heavy truck traffic. For state transportation agencies, one measure of costs of shale gas development is the potential degradation of roadways resulting from shale gas development. This technical note provides a first-order estimate of roadway consumptive use costs of additional heavy truck traffic on Pennsylvania statemaintained roadways from Marcellus Shale natural gas development in 2011, estimated at about 13,000−13,000- 23,000 per well for all state roadway types, or 5,000−5,000-10,000 per well if state roads with the lowest traffic volumes are excluded. This initial estimate of costs is based on data on the distribution of well activity and roadway type in Pennsylvania, estimates for the number of heavy truck trips to construct and operate a single well, the corresponding equivalent single-axle loadings, and estimates of roadway life and reconstruction costs by roadway maintenance class in Pennsylvania.</p

    The economic costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions under a US national renewable electricity mandate

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    The electricity sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) in the U.S. Many states have passed and Congress has considered Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), mandates that specific percentages of electricity be generated from renewable resources. We perform a technical and economic assessment and estimate the economic costs and net GHG reductions from a national 25 percent RPS by 2025 relative to coal-based electricity. This policy would reduce GHG emissions by about 670 million metric tons per year, 11 percent of 2008 U.S. emissions. The first 100 million metric tons could be abated for less than 36/metricton.However,marginalcostsclimbto36/metric ton. However, marginal costs climb to 50 for 300 million metric tons and to as much as 70/metrictontofulfilltheRPS.Thetotaleconomiccostsofsuchapolicyareabout70/metric ton to fulfill the RPS. The total economic costs of such a policy are about 35 billion annually. We also examine the cost sensitivity to favorable and unfavorable technology development assumptions. We find that a 25 percent RPS would likely be an economically efficient method for utilities to substantially reduce GHG emissions only under the favorable scenario. These estimates can be compared with other approaches, including increased R&D funding for renewables or deployment of efficiency and/or other low-carbon generation technologies.</p

    Incorporating uncertainty analysis into life cycle estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from biomass production

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    Before further investments are made in utilizing biomass as a source of renewable energy, both policy makers and the energy industry need estimates of the net greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions expected from substituting biobased fuels for fossil fuels. Such GHG reductions depend greatly on how the biomass is cultivated, transported, processed, and converted into fuel or electricity. Any policy aiming to reduce GHGs with biomass-based energy must account for uncertainties in emissions at each stage of production, or else it risks yielding marginal reductions, if any, while potentially imposing great costs. This paper provides a framework for incorporating uncertainty analysis specifically into estimates of the life cycle GHG emissions from the production of biomass. We outline the sources of uncertainty, discuss the implications of uncertainty and variability on the limits of life cycle assessment (LCA) models, and provide a guide for practitioners to best practices in modeling these uncertainties. The suite of techniques described herein can be used to improve the understanding and the representation of the uncertainties associated with emissions estimates, thus enabling improved decision making with respect to the use of biomass for energy and fuel production.</p