1 research outputs found

    Appointing and Training Judges in Egypt and Comparative Systems

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    The topic of the paper is very important, as it comes up at a time when the Egyptians have come to a point that reforming Egypt’s justice system is a hopeless case. This is due to the outdated and inefficient way of thinking and performing in the judiciary. Thus the goal of this paper is to make an intellectual contribution to a sustainable reform program of the Egyptian judiciary and namely the systems of judicial appointment and judicial training using their roles as agents of progress and development. This aspiring research argues that the Higher Council of Judicial Entities and Bodies (hereinafter the Higher Council) is not necessarily threatening judicial independence but rather creating a balance between judicial independence and judicial accountability. However, some modifications must be made to its formation as a part of my proposals for reform. While the National Training Academy (hereinafter the NTA) is not appropriate nor ideal to train the members of the justice system because of the judicial leadership and ownership of the judicial training, thus, an independent body responsible for appointing and training judges shall be established and this will be displayed in my proposals for reform project at the end of this research paper