38 research outputs found

    24. Hrvatska proljetna pedijatrijska Å”kola, Modul "Nesreće u djece" - zaključci

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    U okviru 24. Hrvatske proljetne pedijatrijske Å”kole u Splitu održan je modul "Nesreće u djece". Domaći i inozemni stručnjaci su raspravljali o problemu nesreća u djece s raznih aspekata te donijeli sljedeće zaključke. Nesreće su dominantno vodeći uzrok smrti djece nakon prve godine života, a tako ostaje i kroz cijelu srednju životnu dob. Osim Å”to su značajan uzrok smrti, nesreće predstavljaju i znatan udio obolijevanja djece, često i s trajnim invaliditetom kao posljedicom. Nesreća je iznimno stresan i prijeloman događaj s posljedicama u fizičkom, psihičkom i socijalnom zdravlju žrtve, a posljedice se očituju na obitelj, kao i druÅ”tvo u cjelini

    External causes of childrenā€™s death, has something changed in the COVID pandemic?

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    Cilj rada: Analizirati vodeće vanjske uzroke smrti u djece u Hrvatskoj prije i za vrijeme pandemije. Metode: Analiza podataka o smrtnosti od ozljeda provedena je temeljem liječničkih potvrda o smrti koje prikuplja Državni zavod za statistiku iz matica umrlih, a osnovne uzroke smrti određuje i Å”ifrira Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo. Prikazani su apsolutni brojevi stradale djece od 1995. do 2021. te su izračunate stope na 100 000 za razdoblje od 2017. do 2021., ukupno kao i po spolu. Rezultati: U Hrvatskoj su od 1995. do 2021. godine vodeći vanjski uzroci smrti djece prometne nesreće, samoubojstva i utapanja. Bilježi se postupni pad smrtnosti od ozljeda, najviÅ”e zbog smanjenja smrtnosti od prometnih nesreća kao najučestalijeg uzroka nasilnih smrti, te smanjenja broja samoubojstava. Isti je redoslijed vodećih uzroka bio i u prve dvije godine pandemije, 2020. i 2021. godine, bez značajnih promjena u kretanju u pandemijskom u odnosu na pretpandemijsko razdoblje, iako je 2020. zabilježena niža stopa za prometne nesreće, a viÅ”a za samoubojstva i utapanja. Za muÅ”ki su spol sve stope smrtnosti viÅ”e nego za ženski. Zaključci: Ozljede su i nadalje vodeći uzrok smrtnosti djece u Hrvatskoj nakon prve godine života. Od 1995. zamjećuje se pad smrtnosti zbog ozljeda koji je bio izraženiji prva dva desetljeća, a posljednjih je godina usporen. Stoga su potrebna intenzivna istraživanja kako bi se otkrio razlog tome i posljedično interveniralo na odgovarajući način kako bi se ovaj izbježivi uzrok smrtnosti maksimalno snizio. U odnosu na utjecaj pandemije COVID-19, ne nalazimo značajne promjene smrtnosti od ukupnih ozljeda djece i mladih, kao ni od vodećih uzroka u pandemijskom u odnosu na pretpandemijsko razdoblje iako su zapažene niže stope smrtnosti zbog prometnih nesreća, a viÅ”e za samoubojstva i utapanja u 2020. Potrebno je istražiti i morbiditetne podatke da bi se dobio točniji uvid o utjecaju pandemije na ozljede djece u Hrvatskoj.Study aim: To analyze the leading external causes of death in children in Croatia before and during the pandemic. Methods: The analysis of data on mortality from injuries was carried out on the basis of medical death certificates collected by the Central Burau of Statistics from death registers, and the basic causes of death are determined and coded by the Croatian Institute of Public Health. The absolute numbers of children died because of injuries from 1995 to 2021 are presented, and the rates per 100,000 for the period from 2017 to 2021 are calculated in total as well as by gender. Results: In Croatia in the period from 1995 to 2021, the leading external causes of death of children are traffic accidents, suicide and drowning. A gradual decline in mortality from injuries is recorded, mostly due to the decline in mortality from traffic accidents as the most frequent cause of violent deaths and the decline in suicides. The same order of leading causes was in the first two years of the pandemic, 2020 and 2021, without significant changes in the trend in the pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period, although in 2020 a lower rate was recorded for traffic accidents, and a higher rate for suicides and drownings. For boys, all mortality rates are higher than for girls. Conclusions: Injuries are still the leading cause of death in children in Croatia after the first year of life. Since 1995, a decline in mortality due to injuries has been observed, which was more pronounced in the first two decades, and has slowed down in recent years, and intensive research is needed to find out the reason for this and, consequently, to intervene appropriately in order to reduce this avoidable cause of mortality as much as possible. In relation to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we do not find significant changes in mortality from total injuries to children and young people as well as from the leading causes in the pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period, although lower mortality rates due to traffic accidents, and higher for suicides and drowning, were observed in 2020. Morbidity data should also be investigated in order to get a more accurate insight into the impact of the pandemic on child injuries in Croatia

    Rani razvoj djeteta i socijalna pedijatrija

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    The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of undesirable behaviors in blind and partially sighted primary school students. The sample consisted of two groups of students: blind (N = 19), partially sighted (N = 44), obtained from the population of students from first to eighth grade of regular primary schools in the Tuzla Canton and the population of blind and visually impaired boarding students also from first to eighth grade at the Center for Blind and Visually Impaired Children and Youth Nedžarići in Sarajevo and the Center "Budućnost"in Derventa. Variables are divided into 2 groups: independent variables and variables for estimating the prevalence of undesirable behaviors. The obtained results were processed by descriptive analysis and analysis of variance. By analyzing the results onthe variables for estimating the prevalence of undesirable forms of behavior, we can conclude that the two examined groups differ statistically significantly in most of the examined variables. Statistically significant differences in the prevalence of undesirable behaviors were shown in younger primary school age, while statistically significant differences in the prevalence of undesirable behaviors in blind and partially sighted students were not shown in older primary school age