2 research outputs found

    Regional Development Through Investments in the Health Infrastructure in Romania, 2007-2013 Programming Period

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    The inadequate quality of healthcare services infrastructure is one of the key issues identified in the National Development Plan of Romania 2007-2013, whose solution was pursued through the use of structural and cohesion funds. The allocation of funds from the European Regional Development Fund, from the State budget or as a contribution from the beneficiaries, meant for Romania a sign of commitment to solving this problem. However, the insufficiency of funds, the problems encountered especially in terms of the human resources deficit in this area, have made the need for improving the medical system to persist within the 2014-2020 programming period. This paper presents the situation of the financed projects implemented with the financial support of Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013. The available date are presented using the statistical analysis. The comparative results are presented for each reagion

    A Better Integration of Industrial Robots in Romanian Enterprises and the Labour Market

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    The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the opportunities for adopting robotic applications, through a marketing mix perspective, as well as depicting the current state of industrial robot integration in Romanian enterprises and the labor market, in contrast to other economies of the European Union. In this research, we highlight the impact of industrial robots within enterprises, while also considering the perceived standard of living through GDP per capita. For this, we conducted exploratory research based on secondary data regarding the evolution of the robotics sector in Romania, in connection to the dynamics of the global and European Union robotics market. We also performed a principal components analysis, which revealed the main factors that contributed to the dynamics of nation-level enterprise statistics. Our analysis revealed that a higher integration of industrial robots contributed to the reduction of employment rates amongst all six EU countries considered, while also having positive correlations with the GDP per capita and apparent labor productivity. Mixed results were only observed for the impact of industrial robots on remuneration growth, suggesting the potential adverse effects automation could have on incomes