58 research outputs found

    Pyrethroid-Induced Reproductive Toxico-Pathology in Non-Target Species

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    Pesticides used against agricultural pests and ecto-parasite infestation in animals may also induce injurious effects in humans, pets and farm animals. The pyrethroid pesticides are rapidly replacing other insecticides due to relatively lower toxicity for mammals. However, they have now become an environmental issue due to excessive use in agriculture, livestock production, leather industry and shampoos etc. In addition to various clinical, hemato-biochemical, immunosuppressive and neuro-toxicological effects of pyrethroids, more danger has been suspected with respect to reproductive toxicity. The fetal resorption and early fetal mortality rate were found to be significantly increased in female animals allowed mating with males exposed to pyrethroids. The testicular and epididymal sperm counts and serum testosterone concentrations in pyrethroid treated animals were decreased. Moreover, abnormal spermatozoa, degenerated spermatozoa, arrested spermatogenesis and connective tissue proliferation in testes, and tailless spermatozoa in epididymis were reported with pyrethroid exposure. A decrease in pregnancy rate, number of implantation sites and total number of recovered fetuses have also been reported in female animals receiving pyrethroid treatment during gestation and allowed mating with untreated male rabbits. The progeny of pyrethroid exposed parents also showed toxic effects. Disruption of certain steroidogenic enzymes and nuclear receptors in has been reported in pyrethroid exposed animals. This review concludes that pyrethroid exposure is responsible for endocrine disruption and decreases fertility in both sexes of various non-target species and produces fetal mortality, which may be prevented by vitamin E supplementation due to its anti-oxidant potential

    Pathological Effects of Aflatoxin and Their Amelioration by Vitamin E in White Leghorn Layers

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    White Leghorn layer breeder hens, 30 weeks of age, were divided into 12 groups (A-L). Group A was kept on basal feed and served as control, while group B was offered feed supplemented with vitamin E (100 mg/Kg). Groups C-G were offered feed containing 100, 500, 2,500, 5,000 and 10,000 µg/Kg aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), respectively, whereas groups H-L were offered same dietary levels of AFB1 along with vitamin E (100 mg/Kg). The experimental feeds were offered for three weeks and afterward all the groups were switched over to basal feed for next two weeks. Body weight, absolute and relative weights of liver and kidneys of AF fed birds were significantly higher than control group. Pathological lesions in aflatoxin (AF) fed birds included enlarged, pale and friable liver, swollen kidneys and hemorrhages on different organs. Histopathological lesions in liver included fatty change, congestion and hemorrhages, while in kidneys tubular necrosis, cellular infiltration, congestion and hemorrhages were found in groups fed AFB1 at 500 μg/Kg and higher doses. In AF fed hens, no significant ameliorative effects of vitamin E could be observed upon AF induced decrease in feed intake, gross pathology and histopathological alterations and organ weight except body weights. It was concluded that the vitamin E ameliorated the AFB1 induced toxic effects in some of parameters studied

    Utjecaj godišnjeg doba na testosteron i estrogen u sjemenskoj plazmi zdravih i nenormalnih bivolskih bikova i njihov odnos prema drugim vrijednostima sjemena.

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    Sixteen buffalo bulls (Bubalus bubalis) were divided into four age groups, four bulls in each. Bulls in three groups had good semen quality while in one group it was poor. The study was undertaken for a one-year period divided into five seasons. The study revealed an overall seminal plasma testosterone concentration of 0.97±0.12 ng/ml. It was higher (P<0.05) in the 6-10-year-olds, less than 5 and older than in 11-year-old bulls. Testosterone showed a non significant difference between seasons. Overall seminal plasma oestrogen concentration was 43.67±7.62 pg/ml and showed a non-significant difference between healthy groups and between healthy and abnormal bulls. Oestrogen was higher (P<0.05) in winter than in other seasons in 6-10 and older than 11-year-old bulls, including abnormal bulls. Testosterone in healthy bulls showed significant positive correlation (P<0.05) with sperm concentration (r=0.223) and time between two ejaculates (r=0.242), while there was a significant (P<0.05) negative correlation with semen pH (r=-0.293). Oestrogen showed significant (P<0.01) positive correlation with semen pH (r=0.350) and negative (P<0.05) with time between two ejaculates (r=-0.296) and sperm head abnormalities (r=-0.262). Both hormones were negatively correlated (P<0.05) with each other (r=-0.277).Šesnaest bivolskih bikova (Bubalus bubalis) podijeljeno je u 4 dobne skupine s po 4 bika. Bikovi iz 3 skupine imali su dobru kvalitetu sjemena, a iz jedne lošu. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom jedne godine podijeljene u 5 godišnjih doba. Opća koncentracija testosterona u sjemenskoj plazmi bila je 0,97±0,12 ng/ml. Ona je bila viša (P<0,05) u dobnoj skupini od 6-10 godina nego u bikova mlađih od 5 i starijih od 11 godina. Testosteron nije pokazao značajne razlike po godišnjim dobima. Opća koncentracija estrogena u sjemenskoj plazmi je bila 43,67±7,62 pg/ml i nije bilo značajne razlike između zdravih skupina bikova niti između zdravih i nenormalnih bikova. Estrogen je bio viši (P<0,05) zimi nego u drugim godišnjim dobima u 6-10 godišnjaka i u bikova starijih od 11 godina uključujući i nenormalne bikove. Testosteron je u zdravih bikova pokazao značajnu pozitivnu korelaciju (P<0,05) s koncentracijom spermija (r=0,223) i vremenom između dvije ejakulacije (r=0,242), dok je bila značajna (P<0,05) negativna korelacija sa pH sjemena (r=-0,293). Estrogen je pokazao značajnu (P<0,01) pozitivnu korelaciju sa pH sjemena (r=0,350) i negativnu (P<0,05) s vremenom između dvije ejakulacije (r=-0,296) i s abnormalnostima glave spermija (r=-0,262). Oba su hormona bila u negativnoj međusobnoj (r=-0,277) korelaciji (P<0,05)

    Razina imunoglobulina u odnosu na neonatalnu smrtnost janjadi pak- karakul ovaca.

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    The study was conducted on 85 neonatals of Pak-Karakul sheep at the Sheep and Goat Development Centre, Rakh Khairewala, District Layyah, Pakistan, with the aim of assessing the relationship of immunoglobulins to neonatal lamb mortality. Overall mortality in neonates was 8.24%. Surviving lambs (3.77±0.07 kg) were significantly (P<0.001) heavier than those that died during the neonatal period (2.79±0.018 kg). Males were significantly (P<0.05) heavier than females (3.84±0.11 vs. 3.52±0.09 kg). The lambs that survived the neonatal period had a significantly (P<0.001) higher level of immunoglobulins (30.89±0.87 ZST units) than those that died (7.08±1.99 ZST units). The mean total serum protein values for surviving and dead lambs, using a refractometer, were 78.51±1.86 and 47.14±4.84 g/l, respectively. The turbidity values below 10 ZST units and total serum protein level below 50 g/l may be considered as an indication of hypogammaglobulinemia and consequently an increased susceptibility to diseases and subsequent deaths.Istraživanje je provedeno na 85 novorođenčadi pak-karakul ovaca u Sheep and Goat Development Centru u Rakh Khairewala, u području Layyah u Pakistanu, s ciljem procjene odnosa imunoglobulina i neonatalne smrtnosti janjadi. Ukupna smrtnost novorođenčadi je bila 8,24%. Janjad koja je preživjela (3,77±0,07 kg) imala je značajno (P<0,001) veću masu od one koja je uginula u neonatalnom razdoblju (2,79±0,018 kg). Masa mužjaka bila je značajno (P<0,05) veća od mase ženki (3,84±0,11 prema 3,52±0,09 kg). Janjci koji su preživjeli neonatalno razdoblje imali su značajno (P<0,001) višu razinu imunoglobulina (30,89±0,87 ZST jedinica) od onih koji su uginuli (7,08±1,99 ZST jedinica). Prosječne vrijednosti ukupnih serumskih proteina preživjelih i uginulih janjaca, mjerene refraktometrom, bile su 78,51±1,86 odnosno 47,14±4,84 g/l. Vrijednosti za turbiditet ispod10 ZST jedinica i za ukupne serumske proteine ispod 50 g/l mogu se smatrati indikacijom hipogamaglobulinemije i posljedične povećane prijemljivosti za bolesti i smrtnost

    Ochratoxicosis in White Leghorn breeder hens: Production and breeding performance

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    This study was designed to evaluate the effect of Ochratoxin A (OTA) upon production and breeding parameters in White Leghorn (WL) breeder hens. For this purpose, 84 WL breeder hens were divided into seven groups (A-G). The hens in these groups were maintained on feed contaminated with OTA @ 0.0 (control), 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 and 10.0 mg/Kg, respectively for 21 days. These hens were artificially inseminated with semen obtained from healthy roosters kept on OTA free feed. Egg production and their quality parameters were recorded. Fertile eggs obtained from each group were set for incubation on weekly basis. At the end of the experiment, hens in each group were killed to determined gross and microscopic lesions in different organs. OTA residue concentrations were determined in extracts of liver, kidneys and breast muscles by immunoaffinity column elution and HPLC-Fluorescent detection techniques. Feeing OTA contaminated diet resulted in a significant decrease in egg mass and egg quality parameters. Liver and kidneys showed characteristic lesions of ochratoxicosis. Residue concentration (ng/g) of OTA in the hens fed 10 mg/kg OTA, was the highest in liver (26.336±1.16) followed by kidney (8.223±0.85) and were least in breast muscles (1.235±0.21). Embryonic mortalites were higher, while hatachabilites of the chicks were lower in the groups fed higher doses of OTA. Feeding OTA contaminated diets to breeder hen resulted in residues accumulation in their tissues along with significantly reduced production and breeding performance

    Degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis as a systemic disorder characterized by proteoglycan accumulation

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    BACKGROUND: Degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis (DSLD) is a debilitating disorder thought to be limited to suspensory ligaments of Peruvian Pasos, Peruvian Paso crosses, Arabians, American Saddlebreds, American Quarter Horses, Thoroughbreds, and some European breeds. It frequently leads to persistent, incurable lameness and need to euthanize affected horses. The pathogenesis remains unclear, though the disease appears to run in families. Treatment and prevention are empirical and supportive, and not effective in halting the progression of the disease. Presently, the presumptive diagnosis of DSLD is obtained from patient signalment and history, clinical examination, and ultrasonographic examination of clinically affected horses, and is confirmed at post mortem examination. Presently, there are no reliable methods of diagnosing DSLD in asymptomatic horses. The goal of this study was to characterize and define the disorder in terms of tissue involvement at the macroscopic and microscopic levels. RESULTS: We examined tissues and organs from 28 affected horses (22 Peruvian Pasos, 6 horses of other breeds) and from 8 control horses. Histopathological examination revealed the presence of excessive amounts of proteoglycans in the following tissues removed from DSLD-affected horses: suspensory ligaments, superficial and deep digital flexor tendons, patellar and nuchal ligaments, cardiovascular system, and sclerae. Electron microscopy demonstrated changes in diameters of collagen fibrils in the tendon, and in smooth muscle cells of the media of the aorta compatible with increased cell permeability in DSLD-affected cells. Separation of tendon extracts by gel chromatography revealed the presence of additional proteoglycan(s) in extracts from affected, but not control extracts. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates for the first time that DSLD, a disease process previously thought to be limited to the suspensory ligaments of the distal limbs of affected horses, is in fact a systemic disorder involving tissues and organs with significant connective tissue component. Abnormal accumulation of proteoglycans between collagen and elastic fibers rather than specific collagen fibril abnormalities is the most prominent histological feature of DSLD. Because of this observation and because of the involvement of many other tendons and ligaments beside the suspensory ligament, and of non-ligamentous tissue we, therefore, propose that equine systemic proteoglycan accumulation or ESPA rather than DSLD is a more appropriate name for this condition

    Pathological and Molecular Based Study of Naturally Occurring Lentivirus Infection

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    The present study describes the multicentric lymphosarcoma associated with lymphoid interstitial pneumonia in indigenous breeds of sheep and goats in Pakistan. Serum samples from sheep (n=93) and goats (n=129) were screened for ovine lentivirus using agar gel immunodiffusion test. Overall, 7.52 and 3.87% seroprevalence was recorded in sheep and goat, respectively. During necropsy of sheep (n=3) and goats (n=4), gross lesions including dark color liver with multifocal whitish areas, unilaterally lungs consolidation with granular appearance of cut surface were observed. Mediastinal lymph nodes were swollen and arranged in chain like fashion. Histopathologically, liver parenchyma exhibited extensive proliferation of neoplastic cells of lymphocytic series. Metastatic cells in the form of follicular pattern in the lungs, spleen and mediastinal lymph nodes were also observed. Brain tissue exhibited degenerative changes in the neuron and perivascular cuffing. The PCR product size approximately 300 bp from lung tissue confirmed viral infection

    Utjecaj starosti i godišnjeg doba na neke pokazatelje sjemena Nili-Ravi bivolskih (Bubalus bubalis) bikova.

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    This study was carried out on 16 buffalo bulls (Bubalus bubalis) divided into four age groups, including three healthy (less than 5, 6 -10, and more than 11 year old animals), and one abnormal group (6 10 year old bulls having poor semen quality). The study was undertaken for a one year period divided into five seasons (dry summer, humid summer, autumn, winter and spring). Overall semen volume was 4.67±1.62 ml and showed a nonsignificant difference between age groups, although it was higher (P<0.05) in autumn. Overall semen pH was 6.55±0.50 and was lower (P<0.05) in the 6-10 than in the 11 year old bulls and the abnormal group. It was lower (P<0.05) in autumn while higher (P<0.05) in winter. Colour score was higher (P<0.05) in less than 5 year old bulls. However, it was lower (P<0.05) in the abnormal group than in healthy groups but was lower (P<0.05) in dry summer. Overall mass activity score was 2.65±1.03 and was lower (P<0.05) in more than 11 year old bulls. However, it was lower (P<0.05) in the abnormal than in healthy groups. Mass activity score was higher (P<0.05) in dry summer and spring. Overall sperm motility was 56.89±0.65% and showed no difference in healthy groups, but was lower (P<0.05) in the abnormal group. It was lower (P<0.05) in winter than humid summer and autumn. Overall sperm concentration was 1.00±0.50 millions/ml and was higher (P<0.05) in less than 5 year old bulls. However, it was lower (P<0.05) in the abnormal group. Sperm concentration was lower (P<0.05) in winter. The pH of semen showed negative (P<0.001) correlation with colour (r=-0.38), sperm concentration (r=-0.37), mass activity (r=-0.37) and motility (r=- 0.17). Sperm concentration correlated positively (P<0.001) with mass activity (r=0.86) and progressive motility (r=0.16).Istraživanje je izvedeno na 16 bivolskih bikova (Bubalus bubalis) podijeljenih u 4 dobne skupine, uključujući 3 skupine zdravih životinja u dobi do 5, između 6 i 10 i starijih od 11 godina, i od jedne skupine bikova starih između 6 i 10 godina s lošom kvalitetom sjemena. Istraživanje je trajalo jednu godinu tijekom 5 godišnjih doba: suho ljeto, vlažno ljeto, jesen, zima i proljeće. Prosječni volumen sjemena je bio 4,67±1,62 ml i nije pokazivao značajne razlike među dobnim skupinama, ali je bio veći (P<0,05) u jesen. Kiselost sjemena je bila pH 6,55±0,50 i bila je niža (P<0,05) u skupini 6 do 10-godišnjih nego u skupini bikova starijih od 11 godna i u bikova s ne kvalitetnim sjemenom. pH je bio niži (P<0,05) u jesen, a viši (P<0,05) zimi. Vrijednost boje bila je viša (P<0,05) u bikova do 5 godina starosti. Bila je, međutim, niža (P<0,05) u skupini bikova s lošom kvalitetom sjemena u odnosu na bikove s normalnom kvalitetom sjemena, te je bila niža tijekom suhog ljeta. Opća aktivnost sjemena bila je 2,65±1,03 i bila je niža (P<0,05) u bikova starijih od 11 godina. Bila je, međutim, niža (P<0,05) u skupini bikova s lošim sjemenom u odnosu na bikove s kvalitetnim sjemenom, te je bila viša (P<0,05) u suhom ljetu nego u proljeće. Ukupna pokretljivost spermija je bila 56,89±0,65% i nije pokazivala značajne razlike me|u bikovima s normalnim sjemenom, ali je bila niža (P<0,05) u skupine s nekvalitetnim sjemenom. Ukupna pokretljivost spermija bila je niža (P<0,05) zimi, nego u vlažnom ljetu i jeseni. Ukupna koncentracija spermija je bila 1,00±0,50 milijun/ml i bila je viša (P<0,05) u bikova do 5 godina starosti, dok je bila niža (P<0,05) u skupini bikova s nekvalitetnim sjemenom, kao što je bila niža (P<0,05) i zimi. Korelacija pH sjemena je bila negativna (P<0,001) s bojom (r=-0,38), s koncentracijom spermija (r=-0,37), s općom aktivinosti (r=-0,37) i progresivnom pokretljivošću (r=-0,17). Koncentracija spermija je bila u pozitivnoj korelaciji (P<0,001) sa masovnom aktivnosti (r=0,86) i progresivnom mobilnosti (r=0,16)

    Utjecaj godišnjeg doba na testosteron i estrogen u sjemenskoj plazmi zdravih i nenormalnih bivolskih bikova i njihov odnos prema drugim vrijednostima sjemena.

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    Sixteen buffalo bulls (Bubalus bubalis) were divided into four age groups, four bulls in each. Bulls in three groups had good semen quality while in one group it was poor. The study was undertaken for a one-year period divided into five seasons. The study revealed an overall seminal plasma testosterone concentration of 0.97±0.12 ng/ml. It was higher (P<0.05) in the 6-10-year-olds, less than 5 and older than in 11-year-old bulls. Testosterone showed a non significant difference between seasons. Overall seminal plasma oestrogen concentration was 43.67±7.62 pg/ml and showed a non-significant difference between healthy groups and between healthy and abnormal bulls. Oestrogen was higher (P<0.05) in winter than in other seasons in 6-10 and older than 11-year-old bulls, including abnormal bulls. Testosterone in healthy bulls showed significant positive correlation (P<0.05) with sperm concentration (r=0.223) and time between two ejaculates (r=0.242), while there was a significant (P<0.05) negative correlation with semen pH (r=-0.293). Oestrogen showed significant (P<0.01) positive correlation with semen pH (r=0.350) and negative (P<0.05) with time between two ejaculates (r=-0.296) and sperm head abnormalities (r=-0.262). Both hormones were negatively correlated (P<0.05) with each other (r=-0.277).Šesnaest bivolskih bikova (Bubalus bubalis) podijeljeno je u 4 dobne skupine s po 4 bika. Bikovi iz 3 skupine imali su dobru kvalitetu sjemena, a iz jedne lošu. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom jedne godine podijeljene u 5 godišnjih doba. Opća koncentracija testosterona u sjemenskoj plazmi bila je 0,97±0,12 ng/ml. Ona je bila viša (P<0,05) u dobnoj skupini od 6-10 godina nego u bikova mlađih od 5 i starijih od 11 godina. Testosteron nije pokazao značajne razlike po godišnjim dobima. Opća koncentracija estrogena u sjemenskoj plazmi je bila 43,67±7,62 pg/ml i nije bilo značajne razlike između zdravih skupina bikova niti između zdravih i nenormalnih bikova. Estrogen je bio viši (P<0,05) zimi nego u drugim godišnjim dobima u 6-10 godišnjaka i u bikova starijih od 11 godina uključujući i nenormalne bikove. Testosteron je u zdravih bikova pokazao značajnu pozitivnu korelaciju (P<0,05) s koncentracijom spermija (r=0,223) i vremenom između dvije ejakulacije (r=0,242), dok je bila značajna (P<0,05) negativna korelacija sa pH sjemena (r=-0,293). Estrogen je pokazao značajnu (P<0,01) pozitivnu korelaciju sa pH sjemena (r=0,350) i negativnu (P<0,05) s vremenom između dvije ejakulacije (r=-0,296) i s abnormalnostima glave spermija (r=-0,262). Oba su hormona bila u negativnoj međusobnoj (r=-0,277) korelaciji (P<0,05)

    Leveraging Natural Language Processing For Public Health Screening On YouTube: A COVID-19 Case Study

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    Background: Social media platforms have become a viable source of medical information, with patients and healthcare professionals using them to share health-related information and track diseases. Similarly, YouTube, the largest video-sharing platform in the world contains vlogs where individuals talk about their illnesses. The aim of our study was to investigate the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to identify the spoken content of YouTube vlogs related to the diagnosis of Coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) for public health screening. Methods: COVID-19 videos on YouTube were searched using relevant keywords. A total of 1000 videos being spoken in English were downloaded out of which 791 were classified as vlogs, 192 were non-vlogs, and 17 were deleted by the channel. The videos were converted into a textual format using Microsoft Streams. The textual data was preprocessed using basic and advanced preprocessing methods. A lexicon of 200 words was created which contained words related to COVID-19. The data was analyzed using topic modeling, word clouds, and lexicon matching. Results: The word cloud results revealed discussions about COVID-19 symptoms like "fever", along with generic terms such as "mask" and "isolation". Lexical analysis demonstrated that in 96.46% of videos, patients discussed generic terms, and in 95.45% of videos, people talked about COVID-19 symptoms. LDA Topic Modeling results also generated topics that successfully captured key themes and content related to our investigation of COVID-19 diagnoses in YouTube vlogs. Conclusion: By leveraging NLP techniques on YouTube vlogs public health practitioners can enhance their ability to mitigate the effects of pandemics and effectively respond to public health challenges