3 research outputs found

    Resource for orientation : Interactive satellite photo in children's conversations on place

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    Uppsatsen handlar om en aktivitet som låter barn relatera till plats genom samtal med en vuxen, med stöd av interaktivt satellitfoto på en datorplatta. Samtalsaktiviteten, som kan ses som en forskningsmetod eller en pedagogisk aktivitet, undersöks genom två frågeställningar: Vilka slags erfarenheter av och relationer till platser blir möjliga att kommunicera i aktiviteten? Hur formas i aktiviteten förutsättningar för denna kommunikation? Undersökningen relaterar till tidigare forskning om aktiviteter som promenad, fotografi och teckning. Elva barn (8 år) deltog, en och en, i aktiviteten som undersöktes. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av skärmfilmer, skärmdumpar och ljudupptagningar från dessa tillfällen. Arbetet utgår från de geografiteoretiska begreppen plats och rum, och inspireras av förhållningssätt inom forskningsfältet barns geografier. Utöver det används design i lärande som ett analytiskt perspektiv. Jag argumenterar för att interaktivitet med en sekundär representation av plats (det digitala satellitfotot) kan beskrivas som någonting mellan platsinteraktivitet och icke-platsinteraktivitet respektive mellan kreativitet och icke-kreativitet. Samtidigt formar de mellanlägen jag beskriver en specifik och egen grund för kommunikation. Med utgångspunkt i hur studiens deltagare tolkar och förhandlar om aktiviteten, diskuterar jag vidare barns behov av utrymme för meningsskapande. Slutligen föreslår jag att samtida forskningsmetodik – som ställer krav på vuxna att sätta barns rättigheter, intressen, deltagande och agens i första rummet – kan utgöra en förebild för didaktisk verksamhet.This essay examines a way of letting children relate to place through an activity based on one-to-one conversation with an adult, supported by interactive satellite photo on a tablet computer. The investigated activity may be seen as a research method or an educational activity. Two questions are addressed: What kinds of experiences of place are possible to communicate in the activity? and How are conditions for this communication formed through the activity? The results are compared to previous research on activities such as walks, photographs and drawings. Eleven children at the age of 8 participated in the activity. Screencasts and audio recordings were made and analysed in order to answer the research questions. The work is based on geographical theory, starting with a discussion on place and space, and is further inspired by approaches in the research field Children’s geographies. In addition to this, design activity in learning processes is used a theoretical and analytical perspective. I argue that interactivity with a secondary representation of place (the digital satellite photo) can be described as something in between of place-interactivity and non-place-interactivity, and in between of creativity and non-creativity. At the same time, this inbetweenness forms a specific, new condition for communication. Furthermore, through observations of how the participating children make interpretations of, and negotiate, the activity, I discuss children’s need of room for sense making. Finally, I suggest that contemporary research methodology with children can be seen as a didactic example, demanding adults to put children’s rights, interests, participation and agency first

    Through space, place, time and relations : A historical comparison of perspective changes in geography textbooks of the 1890s and the 2010s

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    This essay examines how textbooks in primary geography offer readers to make changes in perspective. As the title suggests, spatial/temporal awareness and understanding of social relations are seen as interconnected aspects of what changes in perspective is about. Two contemporary textbooks used in Swedish primary school are analyzed, as well as one written in 1893 by the Swedish reform educator Anna Whitlock. The analysis is made with tools from multimodal social semiotics and critical linguistics. Understanding didactics on a basis of curriculum theory, distinguishing varied offers of meaning is seen as an important basis for making decisions in didactic practice. The essay offers arguments to support that view. A historical perspective is used to illustrate constructions of school geography in our time. Attention is paid to how the text from the 1890s introduces spatiality by letting the reader relate to the physical world, while spatiality in the texts from the 2010s is framed by social relations. When differences between the contemporary textbooks are described, some specific design choices offering varied reader interactions are suggested being crucial for inclusions/exclusions of experiences and worldviews

    Multidisciplinary and Multimodal Approaches in Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Music and Language Based on the Flipped Classroom Model

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    Digitalization and multidisciplinary approach are the new trends in Teaching and Learning theory and practice. The article lays emphasis on mathematics teaching and learning knowledge, based on Action Research Theory, New Learning Theory and Variation Theory. Preservice early elementary school teachers created audiovisual video films (AV) and Podcasts (PD) lessons integrating Mathematics, Music and Language during a university course in teacher education. These multidisciplinary lessons were used as intelligent tutors in a flipped classroom model. The lessons are dealing with proportionality, one of the most difficult items in elementary school mathematical curriculum. For explaining proportionality, the preservice teachers have used multiple representations such as manipulatives, fiction stories, videogame Minecraft, “Smash up” in tennis table, musical intervals, self-composed, self-written and self-performed songs about mathematical rules in easy to remember rap-style. Preservice teachers have shown their AV or PD lessons to elementary school students followed by joint discussions and exercisers in solving of mathematical problems. Preservice teachers analyzed their work in an essay-form report describing creation of their intelligent tutors for elementary school students’ knowledge development in mathematics, music and language, including pronunciation, explanation and understanding of mathematical terminology. The multipart flipped classroom approach promoted prospective teachers’ professional growth. For future analysis the described multipart flipped classroom model can be further developed in international collaboration.Язык и актуальные проблемы образования. Под редакцией Е.И. Артамоновой, О.С. Ушаковой. Материалы V Международной научно-практической конференции, Международная Академия Наук Педагогического Образования и Московский государственный областной университет, МГОУ Москва, Россия, 21-22 января 2020 годаNew Media, New Drea