49 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Half-metallic Antiferromagnetism in A2{\cal A}_2CrFeO6_6 ({A\cal A}=La, Sr

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    The nearly well-ordered double perovskite La2_2CrFeO6_6 has been synthesized recently. Contrary to previous theoretical predictions, but in agreement with experimental observations, our first principle calculations indicate an insulating ferrimagnet La2_2CrFeO6_6 with antialigned S=3/2 Cr3+^{3+} and S=5/2 Fe3+^{3+} ions,using the local spin density approximation (LSDA), a correlated band theory LDA+U, and a semilocal functional modified Becke-Johnson method. Additionally, we investigated the double perovskite Sr2_2CrFeO6_6, which is as yet unsynthesized. In LSDA calculations, this system shows formally tetravalent Cr and Fe ions both having antialigned SS=1 moments, but is a simple metal. Once applying on-site Coulomb repulsion U on both Cr and Fe ions, this system becomes half-metallic and the moment of Fe is substantially reduced, resulting in zero net moment. These results are consistent with our fixed spin moment studies. Our results suggest a precisely compensated half-metallic Sr2_2CrFeO6_6.Comment: 7 page

    Electron and phonon band-structure calculations for the antipolar SrPt3_{3}P antiperovskite superconductor: Evidence of low-energy two-dimensional phonons

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    SrPt3P has recently been reported to exhibit superconductivity with Tc = 8.4 K. To explore its superconducting mechanism, we have performed electron and phonon band calculations based on the density functional theory, and found that the superconductivity in SrPt3P is well described by the strong coupling phonon-mediated mechanism. We have demonstrated that superconducting charge carriers come from pd\pi-hybridized bands between Pt and P ions, which couple to low energy (~ 5 meV) phonon modes confined on the ab in-plane. These in-plane phonon modes, which do not break antipolar nature of SrPt3P, enhance both the electron-phonon coupling constant \lambda and the critical temperature Tc. There is no hint of a specific phonon softening feature in the phonon dispersion, and the effect of the spin-orbit coupling on the superconductivity is found to be negligible.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Chiral magnons in altermagnetic RuO2

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    Magnons in ferromagnets have one chirality, and typically are in the GHz range and have a quadratic dispersion near the zero wavevector. In contrast, magnons in antiferromagnets are commonly considered to have bands with both chiralities that are degenerate across the entire Brillouin zone, and to be in the THz range and to have a linear dispersion near the center of the Brillouin zone. Here we theoretically demonstrate a new class of magnons on a prototypical dd-wave altermagnet RuO2_2 with the compensated antiparallel magnetic order in the ground state. Based on density-functional-theory calculations we observe that the THz-range magnon bands in RuO2_2 have an alternating chirality splitting, similar to the alternating spin splitting of the electronic bands, and a linear magnon dispersion near the zero wavevector. We also show that, overall, the Landau damping of this metallic altermagnet is suppressed due to the spin-split electronic structure, as compared to an artificial antiferromagnetic phase of the same RuO2_2 crystal with spin-degenerate electronic bands and chirality-degenerate magnon bands.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure