1,746 research outputs found

    Power Management and Control of Residential Microgrids

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    Celebrating Bangladesh at 50: a positive deviance

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    LSE alumnus and Member of our Senior Advisory Board Ahmed Mushtaque Raza Chowdhury’s personal account of his journey in independent Bangladesh explains the triumphs of the nation against the odds, the challenges that lie ahead, and his own participation in it

    The Role of FDI on Stock Market Development: The Case of Pakistan

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    The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the role of foreign direct investment in developing host country’s stock markets and to examine whether they are related or not. The key interest turns around the admiring role of FDI in Stock market development of Pakistan. Our work also aims to investigate the effect of foreign direct investment along with domestic savings, exchange rate and inflation in developing Pakistan stock markets in a rapidly changing political environment. This study applies Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method of regression by using annual time series data for the period 1988-2009 in case of Pakistan to estimate empirical relationships among variables. The results disclose a positive impact of foreign direct investment along with other explanatory variables in developing Stock markets of Pakistan. The study findings can be used to help government policy makers to encourage FDI and take various steps to provide incentives and save foreign investors interest in a volatile political environment that prevailing in the country. Adequate facility of infrastructure can enhance FDI. The volatility of exchange rate and inflation rate should also be minimized through monitory policy while domestic savings must also be encouraged in the country through appropriate and encouraging saving policies. Our effort exclusively study development of Stock markets in Pakistan with special reference to foreign direct investment and other variables. Our study depicts a closer relationship between FDI and Stock Market Development

    Digital Forensic Analysis of Telegram Messenger App in Android Virtual Environment

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    The paper provides an in-depth analysis of the artifacts generated by the Telegram Messenger application on Android OS which provides secure communications between individuals, groups, and channels. Since the past few years, the application went through major changes and updates and the latest version’s artifacts varied from the previous ones. Our methodology is based on the set of experiments designed to generate the artifacts from various use cases on the virtualized environment. The acquired artifacts such as messages, their location, and data structure how they relate to one another were studied and were then compared to the older versions. By correlating the artifacts of newer version with the older ones, it shows how the application have been upgraded behind the scenes and by incorporating those results can provide investigators better understanding and insight for the certain evidence in a potential cybercrime case


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        This study examines the validity of Wagner’s law by employingthe ARDL cointegration technique for the period 1976 to 2013 inPakistan.This study also checks the causality between government expenditureand real gross domestic product (RGDP) by applying Engle Granger approach. The results show that the Wagner’s law holds in Pakistan. The other main determinants of expenditure are trade openness, exchange rate and financial development. ECM coefficient is negative and statistically significant showing that short run dynamics converge towards equilibrium. The results of causality depict that there is unidirectional causality that runs from growth to expenditure, and not from public expenditure to growth. The policy implications of these results are that the government should be careful about its spending in future because the continuous increase in publicexpenditure can lead to further worsening of the budget deficit


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    Around 20 ambulance services operated in Karachi; however, the network of Edhi, Chhipa and Aman ambulance services provides the bulk of patient transport. The study aims to compare the quality of ambulance service delivery with international standards. With a mix- method approach, 357 patients/attendants and key stakeholders participated in the study. The results revealed a wide range of differences in service quality. Aman services delivery quality is rated 72% compliant, but it constitutes less than 20% of the share of inpatient transportation due to limited ambulances while Edhi and Chhipa contribute 80% of patient transportation, but their service delivery quality is rated only 13%. In the subset of monitoring, infection control, and medicine, Edhi & Chhipa services meet 0% standards. The thematic analysis revealed that the primary reasons for the poor quality are lack of legislation & minimum standards, Poor or no monitoring, financial constraints, and lack of awareness. In conclusion, the ambulances services operating in the city lacks minimum service quality standards, thus pose a constant threat to patient life using these services

    Brain Alzheimer’s disease Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Image Processing

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    Alzheimer Disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease and genetic disease that harm the brain nerve cells and tissue loss throughout the brain which causes loss of memory and thinking ability and change in its behavior. In this paper we determine early detection of Alzheimer disease through image processing on Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) and classification of MRI of brain based on extraction of different features. The paper manifest the application of several image processing technique such as Otsu’s Thresholding and Hidden Markov Random field model (HMRF-EM) and expectation maximization. The feature use for this project acquire from grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) such us Entropy, Homogeneity and Correlation and also the volume ratio of grey matter and white matter to cerebrospinal fluid. This project design in software MATLAB for early detection of Alzheimer disease

    Innovation in Repackaging Can Change the Whole Perception on the Product

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    The objective of this study is to determine whether innovation in repackaging changes the consumer perception about the product. Repackaging is analyzed through Change in Color, Change in Background Image, Innovation, Change in Quality, and Change in Size. A sample of 300 respondents has been collected through questionnaire and tested for reliability of the model. According to the finding of the research study, it has been observed that the repackaging is the most important factor by which a product perception can be changed easily in the mind of consumers It is further concluded that the repackaging elements like its color, Packaging Quality, back ground image of wrapper, and innovation are more important factors when building or changing the existing perception of product. The results have also revealed that changing size of packaging can negatively influence on customer’s perception. Finally, it has also been concluded that the Repackaging is one of the most important and powerful factor, which influences the change in consumer’s perception Keywords: Repackaging, Reliability, Innovation, Product perception, Packaging quality, Customer perception. DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/54-04 Publication date:March 31st 201
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