15 research outputs found

    Administration of Urban Civic Services in India: A Case Study

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    The governments at all levels involve in the production of goods and delivery of various services to the public at concessional rates or for free. Like any government bodies, local governments have also the role in the production of goods and services that can satisfy the local public needs. As a result local authorities perform different functions with the objective of satisfying public demand. Promoting economic, ecological and social development places a greater pressure in executing these functions such as health, education, sanitation, etc.  Another area of interest for local government is the duty to improve the well-being of residents and attain maximum level of public satisfaction. Therefore, local governments do this by providing services, encourage community improvement and protect people from harm. The practice of administering public or civic services has changed its pattern from exclusive government provision to more decentralized approaches. More of the trend is to engage the community and the private sector in the provision and administration of civic serves. An attempt is made in this article to examine the civic services administered by the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) in the city of Visakhapatnam. Keywords: Local Government, GVMC, Civics Service, e-Governanc

    The Forest Policy Process, Regulatory, and Institutional Frameworks in Ethiopia

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    The purpose of the study is to examine the trends of the forest policy process, its responses, legal frameworks, institutional developments, stakeholder relations, and stakeholder roles, as well as the major driving causes of the forest policy, regulatory, and institutional practices in Ethiopia. A qualitative content analysis method was employed for the study. The review of the literature is fundamentally based on data sources from archival and review of relevant empirical studies, as well as policy, legal, and strategy documents, supplemented with data sources from six key informants from the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) Ministry of Agriculture, FDRE Forest Development, and FDRE Environment Protection Authority who have relevant leadership and professional responsibilities in relation to forest policy, legal, and interdisciplinary issues. The result of the findings indicated that the trends were top-down and coercive. Moreover, the historical legacies of forest policy, legal, and institutional frameworks of past regimes have immensely affected the performance of the current forest policy and regulatory frameworks and their institutional strengths. Such an operation hindered public participation and resulted in poor forest policy outcomes. Therefore, the study recommends the urgency of creating strong inter-sectoral coordination in forest-related matters, ensuring participation, freeing institutional mandate allocation from the influence of the agriculture sector by balancing forest conservation and agriculture intensification, ensuring independent forest regulatory bodies across the tiers, providing the necessary implementation directives and guidelines, and giving adequate support to discharge their roles at the grassroots community level, as suggested. Key terms: Forest policy, regulatory, institutional framework, Ethiopia DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/13-3-02 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Substance Abuse and Associated Factors among Female Students in Jigjiga University, Eastern Ethiopia

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    The use of drugs such as alcohol, khat, and tobacco has become one of the increasingly serious public health and socioeconomic concerns globally. Young people at higher learning institutions are a particularly susceptible demographic in terms of drug usage. In fact, the problem is considered to be on the rise, and has become a cause of concern for different parties. However, there is a little evidence on the extent of drug misuse and related variables among University students in, Ethiopia which compelled this study to be undertaken. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of drug use and related variables among female students in Jigjiga University. Institution based cross sectional research design was conducted. Multi stage sampling approach was utilized. List of all female students from the designated departments were the sampling frame. Data were obtained using self-given questionnaire by six data collecting facilitators. The obtained data loaded into Epi Data version 3.1 and then exported to SPSS version 20. Bivariate and multivariate analysis was done to discover variables linked with the drug usage. Lifetime drug usage was determined to be 48.7 percent. However, the most often used substances were alcohol (44.7 percent) khat (12.5 percent ), cigarettes (7.7 percent ), and other illegal drugs (6.4 percent ). Lifetime substance use was positively associated with off campus residence [(AOR= 1.702, 95 percent CI: (2.763, 3.798)], having boyfriend [(AOR= 2.299, 95 percent CI: (1.063, 4.970))], sexually violated [(AOR= 7.525, 95 percent CI: (3.316, 17.077))], and witness parental violence during childhood [(AOR=2.690, 95 percent CI: (1.318, 5.487)]. Significant number of students abuse drug with some proportion of Students’ abuse khat, alcohol and cigarette together. Having boyfriend, been sexually assaulted, witness parental violence throughout childhood and off campus residence are highly connected with substance misuse. From this it can be also established that drug use habit is quite knotty which need a counteractive activity to take the edge off its destructiveness. In order to make it true all stakeholders should attempt to take their roles across all level of intervention


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    アルツハイマー型認知症などの脳疾患を発症前の早い段階で発見することが可能な診断薬の臨床応用が進められており、それに伴い頭部専用のPET(Positron Emission Tomography)装置(脳PET)の潜在的な需要が高まってきている。スクリーニング検査用の脳PETとして広く普及させるためには、1)高感度、2)高分解能、3)低コストであることが要求される。これまでにも、脳PET装置が開発されているが、それらは全てブロック検出器を円筒状に配置したものであった[1-6]。それに対して我々は、半球状の検出器配置で、ヘルメットのように近接させて頭頂部を覆うことで、同じ検出器数の円筒型PETと比較して、大脳部の感度を大幅に高められることを示した(図1)[7, 8]。さらに、あごの部分を覆うように検出器を追加することで、半球型の検出器配置のみでは円筒型配置の端部分と同様に低感度となる小脳部の感度を向上させることができる。本研究では、検出器を近接させることによる空間分解能の劣化を抑えるために、放射線医学総合研究所(放医研)で開発された4層DOI(Depth-of-Interaction)検出器[9, 10]を用いて、提案するヘルメットPETの実証機を開発した[11]。 図1 ヘルメットPETと円筒型PETの幾何学的感度解析結果2.方法図2に開発した実証機の写真と検出器配置の立体図を示す。ヘルメットPETは半球型のヘルメット部と、あごの周りを覆うように検出器を配置したあご部によって構成される。DOI検出器を用いて提案装置を実現するために、直径の異なる複数のリングを半球に接するように並べ、頭頂部では十字型に配置した。半球型のガントリーの内径は25 cmとした。そして、あごの部分には円弧状に配置した。DOI検出器は、高感度型の64ch光電子増倍管(PMT: Photo Multiplier Tube)(浜松ホトニクス社製R10551-00-64)と16×16×4配列のGSOZ結晶(2.8 mm×2.8 mm×7.5 mm)からなり、ヘルメット検出器47個、あご検出器7個の計54個用いた。 図2 ヘルメットPET実証機の写真と検出器配置の立体図 実証機のデータ収集システムではシングルイベントを記録し、後処理で同時計数イベントを抽出した[12]。エネルギーウィンドウは400 keVから600 keVとし、同時計数の時間窓は20 nsとした。開発した実証機を用いて、絶対感度及び空間分解能の評価と、3次元脳ファントムを用いたイメージング性能評価を行った。絶対感度と空間分解能評価では、中心から頭頂へのオフセット毎に、0.18 MBqの22Na点線源を5分間ずつ測定した。なお、中心は16検出器からなる第一リングの中心部とした。そして、FBP(Filtered Back Projection)法とLM-OSEM(List-Mode Ordered Subset Expectation Maximization)法によって画像を再構成した。ボクセルサイズは0.5×0.5×0.5 mm3とした。FBP法のフィルタ関数はカットオフなしのRampフィルタを用いた。また、LM-OSEM法では、検出器の応答関数を考慮したシステムマトリクスを使用し、サブセット数8、反復回数10とした。イメージング性能評価では、20 MBqの18F水溶液を3次元脳ファントム(モレキュラーイメージングラボ社製)に満たし、20分間測定した。減弱補正は事前に撮影したX線CT画像を手動で位置合わせすることで行った。偶発同時計数の補正は遅延同時計数によって行った。感度補正はガントリーの内側に合わせ、直径の異なる2つの円筒を重ねた形状のプールファントム(18F水溶液38 MBq)を12時間測定することで行った。散乱補正はヘルメットPETに適用可能なSSS(Single Scatter Simulation)法を新たに開発して適用した。3.結果・考察図3に絶対感度と空間分解能の評価結果を示す。装置感度は頭頂付近で10%以上、小脳部で5%であった。また、平均空間分解能(半値幅)は、FBP法で3.0 mm、LM-OSEM法で1.4 mmであった。放医研でこれまでに開発した頭部PETであるjPET-D4では、256ch PMT(浜松ホトニクス社製H9500)と16×16×4配列のGSO結晶(3.0 mm×3.0 mm×7.5 mm)からなるDOI検出器を120個用いており、中心感度は11%であったが[3]、ヘルメットPETではほぼ同程度の検出器54個で同等な最大感度を達成できることが示された。 図3 実証機の絶対感度と空間分解能図4に3次元脳ファントムを測定し、画像再構成であご検出器に関するデータを使用した場合(あご検出器あり)と、間引いた場合(あご検出器なし)について比較した。その結果、あご検出器の追加によって、特に半球底面部のスライスのノイズが低減されることが示された。 図4 あご検出器ありとなしの場合の3次元脳ファントムの再構成像の比較(数字はスライスの位置を示す)4.結論ヘルメットPET実証機開発により、提案装置によって、高感度、高分解能かつ低コストな脳PET測定が実現可能なことを示した。今後、検出器配置の最適化及び、検出器の最適化によりさらなる高性能化を目指す。参考文献[1]L. Eriksson, et al., “The ECAT HRRT: NEMA NEC evaluation of the HRRT system, the new high-resolution research tomograph,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 49, pp. 2085–88, 2002.[2]T. Yamaya, et al., “Transaxial system models for jPET-D4 image reconstruction,” Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 50, pp. 5339–55, 2005.[3]T. Yamaya, et al., “First Human Brain Imaging by the jPET-D4 Prototype With a Pre-Computed System Matrix,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol 55, pp. 2482-92, 2008.[4]S. Yamamoto, et al., “Development of a Brain PET System, PET-Hat: A Wearable PET System for Brain Research,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 58, pp. 668–73, 2011.[5]S. Majewski, et al., “HelmetPET: A silicon photomultiplier based wearable brain imager,” IEEE NSS&MIC Conf. Rec., pp. 4030-4034, 2011. [6]T. Omura, et al., “Development of a High-Resolution Four-Layer DOI Detector Using MPPCs for Brain PET,” IEEE NSS&MIC Conf. Rec., pp. 3560-3563, 2012.[7]H. Tashima, et al., “A Proposed Helmet-PET with a Jaw Detector Enabling High-Sensitivity Brain Imaging,” IEEE NSS&MIC, M11-11, 2013.[8]田島英朗, 他: あご検出器付ヘルメット型PET装置の提案, 平成25年度次世代PET研究報告書: pp. 74-75, 2014[9]T. Tsuda, et al., “A four-layer depth of interaction detector block for small animal PET,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 51, pp. 2537–2542, 2004.[10]Y. Hirano, et al, “Performance evaluation of a depth-of-interaction detector by use of position-sensitive PMT with a super-bialkali photocathode,” Radiol. Phys. Technol., vol. 7. pp. 57-66, 2014.[11]放医研プレスリリース, 2015/11/5, http://www.nirs.go.jp/information/press/2015/11_05.shtml[12]E. Yoshida, et al., “Development of a Singles-Based Scalable Data Acquisition System for the Whole-Body OpenPET,” IEEE NSS&MIC, M11-7, 2014次世代PET研究会 201