5,273 research outputs found

    An In-Vitro Assessment of Anti-Tumor Activity of Some Plant Extract and Natural Products, Using Potato Discs Bioassay Technique

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       Objectives: This study aimed to examine some plant extracts and natural products for anti-tumor activity. Methodology: Potato disc bioassay was used to estimate anti-tumor activity of some plant extracts and natural products. Five plant extracts and natural products recommended in a questionnaire filled by local botanists in addition to an introduced fermented food “Manda Koso” were used in this study. Study design: A questionnaire was designed and filled by 60 botanists looking for plant extracts and natural products having anti-cancer activity. In addition, computer surveys were conducted for gathering information on promising natural compounds act as anticancer agents. The potato disc bioassay was conducted using the Complete Randomized Design with three replicates. Each treatment in each replicate was represented by two Petri dishes contained five potato discs each. Petri dishes treated with sterilized water were used as control. Four separate experiments were carried out using TLC technique. Results & Discussion: Results showed highly significant differences among treatments with respect to total number of tumors and inhibition average percentage (%). The inhibition average percentage (IAP) for the different products ranged between 80.95-100% for the different products and equal zero for the control. It was 100% for Manda Kosa and bees honey followed by 90.23% for olive oil. Other treatments showed moderate anti-tumor effect of 80.95% IAP. Conclusions: Results concluded that Manda Koso, bees honey and olive oil have anti-tumor activity. Great association was found between anti-tumor activity obtained in this study and those published for anticancer activity of the promising material. الملخص: أجريت الدراسة بمعمل الاحياء الدقيقة بكلية الهندسة والتكنولوجيا بجامعة الجزيرة فى الفترة من 3 ابريل وحتى21 سبتمبر(2008) وذلك بغرض دراسة  مقدرة بعض المستخلصات النباتية على تثبيط  الاورام المستحثة باستخدام   سلالة محلية من  البكتيريا الزراعية  Agrobacterium tumefaceins تسمى SDB0012”" وذلك باستخدام تقنية قرص البطاطس وتقنية الفصل الكروماتوجرافى للتعرف على الجزيئات الفعالة للمستخلصات الطبيعية المستخدمة فى هذه الدراسة. اوضحت النتائج فروقات معنوية عالية ما بين المستخلصات المستخدمة في العدد الكلي للاورام  واحجامها.   اعطي  المستخلص اليابانى ماندا كوسو " Manda Koso" فعالية عالية على التثبيط الكلي للأورام المستحثة,  تليها عينة محلية لعسل النحل ثم زيت الزيتون ثم زيت الحبة السوداء (الكمون) ثم زيت الثوم  واقل نسبة رصدت في زيت الحلبة. أوصت الدراسة لاستخدام كل من ماندا كوسو, العسل و زيت الحبة السوداء كمثبطات نمو الاورام. اتضح من خلال هذه الدراسة فعالية استخدام تقنية اقراص البطاطس في تحديد مثبطات لنمو الاورام في كل من البطاطس والانسان وذلك من خلال تقارب النتائج بين هذا الاختبار في هذه التجربة و النتائج العالمية في هذه المستخلصات. هذا وقد اقترحت الدراسة إجراء استخدام تقنيات الفصل الكروماتوجرافى و كروماتوجرافيا الغاز GC و تقنية HPLC  بالاضافة لتقنية الهجرة الكهربية electrophoresis gel لفصل البروتينات


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    Nowadays the world no longer has a choice to reduce the dependency of non-renewable energy resources, especially in buildings. This type of energy like fossil fuel is responsible for global warming and the climate change phenomenon. The construction industry has to depend on renewable energy to improve environmental impacts while operating the buildings. The most promising technologies for buildings are photovoltaic panels system which converts solar radiation into electricity without harming the environment. PV system is not only used as top-roof panels but also it can play an important role in the exterior building cladding and in curtain wall system as well. Building-integrated PV (BIPV) system has two functions the first is used as a façade cladding and the second is power generation for building operation. This research studies the PV curtain wall as a BIPV system and explains why this system is better than the traditional curtain wall through its environmental performance and initial, and operation costs. Based on the analysed tabulated feasibility study considering energy savings outcome and system cost, PV curtain walls proved technical, environmental and economic viability. The paper’s case study in Jeddah-KSA provides a real example of how PV curtain wall application plays a fundamental role in achieving high energy performance standards as well as maximize the financial return of investment


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    Zinc sacrificial anodes are considered an effective and economical method to prevent the electrochemical corrosion of steel bars by providing cathodic current to bars, which can provide corrosion protection at low galvanic current densities in the range of 0.2 to 2 mA/m2. Sacrificial anodes are commonly used in RC structures particularly in bridge decks to mitigate a critical phenomenon that occurs in the original concrete beside the repaired patches, which is known as the ‘halo effect’. One of the key factors affecting the efficacy of zinc anodes is the resistivity of concrete or cementitious repair material in which these anodes are embedded. There is a general notion that the higher the electrical resistivity of concrete or repair material, the less likely that zinc anodes produce the target galvanic current for optimum protection of steel bars. However, no systematic data are available on the maximum allowable electrical resistivity of repair materials/concretes beyond which zinc anodes cannot properly function to prevent corrosion. The specific objective of this study is to explore the effect of concrete resistivity on the efficiency of zinc anodes at mitigating patch accelerated corrosion (halo effect). Concrete slabs were cast to simulate the patch repair technique in the field, and the main parameter in this research was changing the resistivity of the repair section in the slabs (5,000, 15,000, and 25,000 Ω-cm). Analysis of results shows a high level of effectiveness of the anode to prevent corrosion up to 20 weeks under a wetting-drying exposure

    Post-Cracking Behavior of Cementitious Composite Incorporating Nano-Silica and Basalt Fiber Pellets

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    Recently, fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) have been increasingly used to reinforce concrete structures in harsh environments, due to their non-corrodible nature. Developing a nonferrous reinforcement system (corrosion-free system) for concrete using FRP bars along with discrete fibers is a promising option for exposed concrete structures in cold regions or marine environments. Incorporating highly efficient non-metallic fibers into any cementitious composite is capable of reducing bleeding, controlling shrinkage cracking, and improving toughness and impact resistance. Therefore, in this study, a new type of basalt fiber pellets with high tensile strength was investigated. This paper reports on the flexural performance of the basalt fiber-reinforced cementitious composite (BFRCC) compared to steel fiber-reinforced cementitious composite (SFRCC). The cementitious composite incorporated general use cement, slag and nano-silica. The key mechanical property determined was the post-cracking behavior in terms of residual strength, and toughness. Standard prisms (100 × 100 × 350 mm) were cast using basalt fiber pellets and steel fibers with three different dosages and tested after 28 days following the general guidelines of ASTM C1609 (Standard Test Method for Flexural Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete). Analysis of results showed a high level of effectiveness of the basalt fibers to enhance the post-cracking behavior of specimens, as they behaved comparably or superiorly (first cracking, load-deflection relationship, and toughness) to counterpart specimens comprising steel fibers

    Non-human tools for the evaluation of bitter taste in the design and development of medicines: a systematic review

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    Taste evaluation is a crucial factor for determining acceptance of medicines by patients. The human taste panel test is the main method used to establish the overall palatability and acceptability of a drug product to a patient towards the end of development. Non-human in vitro and in vivo taste-evaluation tools are very useful for pre-formulation, quality control and screening of formulations. These non-human taste-assessment tools can be used to evaluate all aspects of taste quality. The focus of this review is bitterness because it is a key aspect of taste in association with the development of medicines. In this review, recent in vitro (analytical) and in vivo (non-human) tools are described for the assessment of the bitter taste of medicines. Their correlations with human taste data are critically discussed. The potential for their use in early screening of the taste of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) to expedite paediatric formulation development is also considered


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    Objective: Hepatic cancer is known as primary liver cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Newly silver nanoparticles gained importance due to its advantages and multiple potential such as molecular imaging agent, antimicrobial, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activity. The current study deals to assess therapeutic property silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) against diethylnitrosamine (DENA), and carbon tetrachloride (CCL4) induced hepatic cancer. Methods: Thirty male albino rats (200-250g) were distributed into four groups and hepatic cancer was induced with a single intraperitoneal dose of 200 mg/kg body weight of DENA. Two weeks later, animals received subcutaneous injections of CCl4 once a week in a dose of 3 ml/kg body weight for 6weeks. Serum biomarkers, antioxidants enzymes, inflammatory markers were evaluated to find the anti-proliferative potential of silver nanoparticles. Histological evaluation and microscopic reports were also done to document the results of the current work. Results: AgNPs significantly recover the serum marker enzymes of hepatic parameter AST, ALT, ALP, and total bilirubin and also decreased the levels of NO, IL-6 and TNF-α. Histopathological features also exhibited recovery of a hepatic architecture in cancer-induced rats. Moreover, the immunohistochemical investigation demonstrated that the levels of PCNA, and Caspase-3, which are hepatocarcinogenic markers, were significantly improved by AgNPs. Conclusion: These results concluded that AgNPs showed promising curing effects on hepatocellular ailments

    Multi-Modal Fusion by Meta-Initialization

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    When experience is scarce, models may have insufficient information to adapt to a new task. In this case, auxiliary information - such as a textual description of the task - can enable improved task inference and adaptation. In this work, we propose an extension to the Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning algorithm (MAML), which allows the model to adapt using auxiliary information as well as task experience. Our method, Fusion by Meta-Initialization (FuMI), conditions the model initialization on auxiliary information using a hypernetwork, rather than learning a single, task-agnostic initialization. Furthermore, motivated by the shortcomings of existing multi-modal few-shot learning benchmarks, we constructed iNat-Anim - a large-scale image classification dataset with succinct and visually pertinent textual class descriptions. On iNat-Anim, FuMI significantly outperforms uni-modal baselines such as MAML in the few-shot regime. The code for this project and a dataset exploration tool for iNat-Anim are publicly available at https://github.com/s-a-malik/multi-few .Comment: The first two authors contributed equall