15 research outputs found

    Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in peritoneal dialysis patients

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    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients have a high risk of developing vitamin D deficiency as 25(OH) vitamin D, the precursor of active vitamin D, is lost during dialysis. This crosssectional study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among adult Saudi patients on regular PD The data was collected in the summer of 2010 from patients who were on PD for more than six months at the King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh. We recorded the demographic and clinical parameters for all patients. Blood samples were taken for serum vitamin D level (25 OH), serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels and other necessary biochemical parameters. There were 27 patients (11 males and 16 females) with a mean age of 46 (15-78 ± 21) years. Five patients were on continuous ambulatory PD and 22 patients were using automated PD. The average time on PD was 27.5 (6-84 ± 18.5) months. The mean serum vitamin D 25 (OH) level was 16.1 (4.9-41.5 ± 8.23) nmol/L. Sixteen (59.2%) of the patients had levels below 15 nmol/L, while another eight patients (29.6%) had vitamin D levels between 15 and 25 nmol/L, indicating a marked deficiency. The mean serum calcium was 2.2 (1.7-2.6 ± 0.2) mmol/L and the mean serum phosphorous was 1.48 (0.64-2.22 ± 0.37) mmol/L. Fifteen patients (55.5%) had significant hyperparathyroidism (serum PTH levels above 30 pmol/L). Majority of the PD patients in our center had vitamin D deficiency. The possible reasons include chronic renal failure, dietary restrictions, loss of vitamin D and decreased exposure to sunlight

    E. Réduction proposée en faveur des libraires

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    Farnall Harry, Simaïka Marcus H., Lacau Pierre, Verrucci Ernesto, Darke F. R. H., Sayed Metoualli, Sayyed Ahmad el-. E. Réduction proposée en faveur des libraires. In: Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe. Fascicule 34, exercice 1925-1926, 1933. pp. 8-9

    F. Article de La Bourse égyptienne critiquant le Musée arabe

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    Farnall Harry, Simaïka Marcus H., Lacau Pierre, Verrucci Ernesto, Darke F. R. H., Sayed Metoualli, Sayyed Ahmad el-. F. Article de La Bourse égyptienne critiquant le Musée arabe. In: Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe. Fascicule 34, exercice 1925-1926, 1933. p. 9

    1° Subside à Capt. Creswell, pour son ouvrage sur l'histoire de l'architecture musulmane en Egypte

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    Farnall Harry, Simaïka Marcus H., Lacau Pierre, Verrucci Ernesto, Darke F. R. H., Sayed Metoualli, Sayyed Ahmad el-. 1° Subside à Capt. Creswell, pour son ouvrage sur l'histoire de l'architecture musulmane en Egypte. In: Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe. Fascicule 34, exercice 1925-1926, 1933. pp. 1-4

    C. Acquisition de trois macharabiyas pour le Musée copte

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    Farnall Harry, Simaïka Marcus H., Lacau Pierre, Verrucci Ernesto, Darke F. R. H., Sayed Metoualli, Sayyed Ahmad el-. C. Acquisition de trois macharabiyas pour le Musée copte. In: Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe. Fascicule 34, exercice 1925-1926, 1933. pp. 7-8

    D. Trois collections à envoyer à différents musées

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    Farnall Harry, Simaïka Marcus H., Lacau Pierre, Verrucci Ernesto, Darke F. R. H., Sayed Metoualli, Sayyed Ahmad el-. D. Trois collections à envoyer à différents musées. In: Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe. Fascicule 34, exercice 1925-1926, 1933. p. 8

    G. Demande de photographies

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    Farnall Harry, Simaïka Marcus H., Lacau Pierre, Verrucci Ernesto, Darke F. R. H., Sayed Metoualli, Sayyed Ahmad el-. G. Demande de photographies. In: Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe. Fascicule 34, exercice 1925-1926, 1933. p. 9

    B. Achat d'antiquités

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    Farnall Harry, Simaïka Marcus H., Lacau Pierre, Verrucci Ernesto, Darke F. R. H., Sayed Metoualli, Sayyed Ahmad el-. B. Achat d'antiquités. In: Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe. Fascicule 34, exercice 1925-1926, 1933. p. 7

    A. Collection de poids en verre arabes de la maison Kalebdjian

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    Farnall Harry, Simaïka Marcus H., Lacau Pierre, Verrucci Ernesto, Darke F. R. H., Sayed Metoualli, Sayyed Ahmad el-. A. Collection de poids en verre arabes de la maison Kalebdjian. In: Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe. Fascicule 34, exercice 1925-1926, 1933. pp. 6-7

    3° Monographie de la mosquée du sultan Hassan

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    Farnall Harry, Simaïka Marcus H., Lacau Pierre, Verrucci Ernesto, Darke F. R. H., Sayed Metoualli, Sayyed Ahmad el-. 3° Monographie de la mosquée du sultan Hassan. In: Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe. Fascicule 34, exercice 1925-1926, 1933. p. 5