2,243 research outputs found

    Fully Degenerate Monge Amp\'ere Equations

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    In this paper, we consider the following nonlinear eigenvalue problem for the Monge-Amp\'ere equation: find a non-negative weakly convex classical solution ff satisfying {equation*} {cases} \det D^2 f=f^p \quad &\text{in Ξ©\Omega} f=\vp \quad &text{on βˆ‚Ξ©\partial\Omega} {cases} {equation*} for a strictly convex smooth domain Ξ©βŠ‚R2\Omega\subset\R^2 and 0<p<20<p<2. When {f=0}\{f=0\} contains a convex domain, we find a classical solution which is smooth on {f>0}Λ‰\bar{\{f>0\}} and whose free boundary βˆ‚{f=0}\partial\{f=0\} is also smooth

    System of Porous Medium Equations

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    We investigate the evolution of population density vector, u=(u1,⋯ ,uk)\bold{u}=\left(u^1,\cdots,u^k\right), of kk-species whose diffusion is controlled by its absolute value ∣u∣\left|\bold{u}\right|. More precisely we study the properties and asymptotic large time behaviour of solution u=(u1,⋯ ,uk)\bold{u}=\left(u^1,\cdots,u^k\right) of degenerate parabolic system \begin{equation*} \left(u^i\right)_t=\nabla\cdot\left(\left|\bold{u}\right|^{m-1}\nabla u^i\right) \qquad \mbox{for m>1m>1 and i=1,⋯ ,ki=1,\cdots,k}. \end{equation*} Under some regularity assumption, we prove that the function uiu^i which describes the population density of ii-th species with population MiM_i converges to Mi∣M∣B∣M∣\frac{M_i}{\left|\bold{M}\right|}\mathcal{B}_{\left|\bold{M}\right|} in space with two different approaches where B∣M∣\mathcal{B}_{\left|\bold{M}\right|} is the Barenblatt solution of the porous medium equation with L1L^1-mass ∣M∣=M12+β‹―+Mk2\left|\bold{M}\right|=\sqrt{M_1^2+\cdots+M_k^2}. \indent As an application of the asymptotic behaviour, we establish a suitable harnack type inequality which makes the spatial average of uiu^i under control by the value of uiu^i at one point. We also find an 1-directional travelling wave type solutions and the properties of solutions which has travelling wave behaviour at infinity.Comment: 30 page

    H\"older regularity and Uniqueness theorem on weak solutions to the degenerate Keller-Segel system

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    In this paper, we present local H\"older estimates for the degenerate Keller-Segel system \eqref{eq-cases-aligned-main-problem-of-Keller-Segel-System} below in the range of m>1m>1 and q>1q>1 before a blow-up of solutions. To deal with difficulties caused by the degeneracy of the operator, we find uniform estimates depending sup-norm of the density function and modified the energy estimates and intrinsic scales considered in Porous Medium Equation. As its application, the uniqueness of weak solution to \eqref{eq-cases-aligned-main-problem-of-Keller-Segel-System} is also showed in the class of H\"older continuous functions by proving L1L^1-contraction in this class.Comment: 23 page

    Geometric Properties of Gelfand's Problems with Parabolic Approach

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    We consider the asymptotic profiles of the nonlinear parabolic flows (e^{u})_{t}= \La u+\lambda e^u to show the geometric properties of the following elliptic nonlinear eigenvalue problems known as a Gelfand's problem: \begin{equation*} \begin{split} \La \vp &+ \lambda e^{\vp}=0, \quad \vp>0\quad\text{in Ξ©\Omega}\\ \vp&=0\quad\text{on Ξ©\Omega} \end{split} \end{equation*} posed in a strictly convex domain \Omega\subset\re^n. In this work, we show that there is a strictly increasing function f(s)f(s) such that f^{-1}(\vp(x)) is convex for 0<Ξ»β‰€Ξ»βˆ—0<\lambda\leq\lambda^{\ast}, i.e., we prove that level set of \vp is convex. Moreover, we also present the boundary condition of \vp which guarantee the ff-convexity of solution \vp.Comment: 16 page

    Higher Order Convergence Rates in Theory of Homogenization III: viscous Hamilton-Jacobi Equations

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    In this paper, we establish the higher order convergence rates in periodic homogenization of viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations, which is convex and grows quadratically in the gradient variable. We observe that although the nonlinear structure governs the first order approximation, the nonlinear effect is absorbed as an external source term of a linear equation in the second and higher order approximation. Moreover, we find that the geometric shape of the initial data has to be chosen carefully according to the effective Hamiltonian, in order to achieve the higher order convergence rates

    The Green function for the Stokes system with measurable coefficients

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    We study the Green function for the stationary Stokes system with bounded measurable coefficients in a bounded Lipschitz domain Ξ©βŠ‚Rn\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^n, nβ‰₯3n\ge 3. We construct the Green function in Ξ©\Omega under the condition (A1)(\bf{A1}) that weak solutions of the system enjoy interior H\"older continuity. We also prove that (A1)(\bf{A1}) holds, for example, when the coefficients are VMO\mathrm{VMO}. Moreover, we obtain the global pointwise estimate for the Green function under the additional assumption (A2)(\bf{A2}) that weak solutions of Dirichlet problems are locally bounded up to the boundary of the domain. By proving a priori LqL^q-estimates for Stokes systems with BMO\mathrm{BMO} coefficients on a Reifenberg domain, we verify that (A2)(\bf{A2}) is satisfied when the coefficients are VMO\mathrm{VMO} and Ξ©\Omega is a bounded C1C^1 domain.Comment: 35 pages; part of Section 2.2 is revised; accepted in Communications on Pure and Applied Analysi

    Local Continuity and Asymptotic Behaviour of Degenerate Parabolic Systems

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    We study the local H\"older continuity and the asymptotic behaviour of solution, u=(u1,⋯ ,uk)\mathbf{u}=(u^1,\cdots, u^k), of the degenerate system \begin{equation*} u^i_t=\nabla\cdot\left(m\,U^{m-1}\nabla u^i\right) \qquad \text{for m>1m>1 and i=1,⋯ ,ki=1,\cdots,k } \end{equation*} which describes the populations density of kk-species whose diffusion is determined by their total population density U=u1+β‹―+ukU=u^1+\cdots+u^k. For the local H\"older continuity, we adopt the intrinsic scaling and iteration arguments of DeGiorgi, Moser, and Dibenedetto. Under some regularity conditions, we also prove that the population density function of ii-th species with the population MiM_i converges in Cs∞C_s^{\infty} to MiMBM(x,t)\frac{M_i}{M}\mathcal{B}_M(x,t) as tβ†’βˆžt\to \infty where BM\mathcal{B}_M is the Barenblatt profile of the standard porous medium equation with L1L^1 mass M=M1+β‹―+MkM=M_1+\cdots+M_k. As a consequence of asymptotic behaviour, it is shown that each density function becomes a concave function after a finite time.Comment: 37

    Regularity results for fully nonlinear integro-differential operators with nonsymmetric positive kernels

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    In this paper, we consider fully nonlinear integro-differential equations with possibly nonsymmetric kernels. We are able to find different versions of Alexandroff-Backelman-Pucci estimate corresponding to the full class \cS^{\fL_0} of uniformly elliptic nonlinear equations with 1<Οƒ<21<\sigma<2 (subcritical case) and to their subclass \cS^{\fL_0}_{\eta} with 0<σ≀10<\sigma\leq 1. We show that \cS^{\fL_0}_{\eta} still includes a large number of nonlinear operators as well as linear operators. And we show a Harnack inequality, H\"older regularity, and C1,Ξ±C^{1,\alpha}-regularity of the solutions by obtaining decay estimates of their level sets in each cases

    Generalized Evans--Krylov and Schauder type estimates for nonlocal fully nonlinear equations with rough kernels of variable orders

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    We establish the generalized Evans--Krylov and Schauder type estimates for nonlocal fully nonlinear elliptic equations with rough kernels of variable orders. In contrast to the fractional Laplacian type operators having a fixed order of differentiability Οƒβˆˆ(0,2)\sigma \in (0,2), the operators under consideration have variable orders of differentiability. Since the order is not characterized by a single number, we consider a function Ο†\varphi describing the variable orders of differentiability, which is allowed to oscillate between two functions rΟƒ1r^{\sigma_1} and rΟƒ2r^{\sigma_2} for some 0<Οƒ1≀σ2<20 < \sigma_1 \leq \sigma_2 < 2. By introducing the generalized H\"older spaces, we provide CΟ†ΟˆC^{\varphi\psi} estimates that generalizes the standard Evans--Krylov and Schauder type CΟƒ+Ξ±C^{\sigma+\alpha} estimates

    The Evans-Krylov theorem for nonlocal parabolic fully nonlinear equations

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    In this paper, we prove the Evans-Krylov theorem for nonlocal parabolic fully nonlinear equations
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