3 research outputs found
Reproduktion under diskussion - En idéanalys av surrogatmödraskapsdebatten i Sverige
The aim of this master thesis is to examine the Swedish debate on surrogate motherhood between the years of 2008 and 2013. This form of assisted reproduction raises several ethical questions such as the potential risk of exploitation and commodification of women and children. Surrogate motherhood challenges our perception of human reproduction and the traditional concept of the family but it also concerns the right to self-determination and individual autonomy. The theoretical framework draws on the principle of autonomy and communitarianism with the aim of confronting the relationship between individual autonomy and the common good in political decision-making. The theoretical framework also draws on intersectional feminist theory. The thesis explores how arguments in the debate on surrogate motherhood relate to ideas about individualÂŽs right to autonomy, collective social values and feminism. The analysis shows that the debate is constructed around three characters: the surrogate, the child and the prospective parents. Communitarians argue that surrogacy is exploiting the human value and is an unethical method. Most liberals view commercial forms of surrogacy as unethical but advocate on the basis of autonomy and freedom of individuals, for allowing altruistic surrogacy. Using the notion of patriarchy and the gender system feminist stress that surrogacy is exploiting to women
Privatisering, rÀtt medicin för apoteket?
Det svenska vÀlfÀrdssamhÀllet har under de senaste decennierna förÀndrats. Under 90-talet har delar av den offentliga servicen gÄtt ifrÄn statliga monopol till marknadsanpassade verksamheter. Denna uppsats behandlar den nu pÄgÄende apoteksreformeringen i Sverige dÀr lÀkemedelshandeln ska öppnas upp för privata aktörer. Huvudargumentet som förs Àr att apoteksverksamhetens Àr en central del av det svenska vÀlfÀrdsamhÀllet och borde pÄ grund av detta prÀglas av demokrativÀrdena jÀmlikhet, ansvar, rÀttvisa och frihet. Uppsatsen bygger utifrÄn denna tes upp en normativ vÀrdegrund för lÀkemedelshandeln och analyseras sedan hur denna kan komma att pÄverkas av apoteksreformen. En jÀmförelse görs Àven med Norge som genomförde en liknande reform 2001. Slutsatsen Àr att vÀrdet frihet kommer att pÄverkas positivt medan resterande vÀrden hotas att inskrÀnkas, dÄ ekonomiska aspekter kommer att fÄ större betydelse
En plan för rÀttivsa - En studie om jÀmstÀlldhet och mÄngfald i Lunds kommun
This essay investigates how issues about gender equality and diversity are understood in local government. The study is conducted in the municipality of Lund and is based on material such as equal opportunities programs and multiplicity plans. The author uses intersectionality theory to explore if these questions are seen as separated or interacted with each other. By using discourse analysis five different themes are found in the material. The themes are âWhat do the words gender equality and diversity really mean?â, âA question about equityâ, âA question about profitabilityâ, âThe citizen perspectiveâ, âIntersectionalityâ, âGender equality and diversity â a question of priority?â. The results show that the word diversity is understood differently in the programs and plans. Diversity is associated with equity and profitability meanwhile gender equality is seen from a equity perspective. Many of the programs are referring to laws that donât exist anymore, which can question the priority. The plans and programs does not include an intersectional understanding of discrimination