25 research outputs found

    Hello, World: An Internationalization at Home Project for Computing for Social Good

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    Information technology has connected our world and its citizens in incredible ways. Despite this connectedness, students are often isolated within their “online bubbles” of their own university, city, or country. Technology provides a great opportunity to connect them to a broader global experience. We have developed and piloted a cross-institution activity as part of an Internationalization at Home (IaH) initiative to expose first year computer science students to the concept of computing for social good in an international context. We explore how differences in culture can influence students’ perceptions and approaches to computing for social good. Specifically, we had students from a Mexican and Canadian university discuss how computing for social good could be used to solve issues they faced in their communities. Students participated in surveys where they proposed and ranked applications for social good. The students also participated in a videoconference discussion with the students of the other school to discuss their choices. Thematic analysis revealed that the students had much more in common with each other than they had differences. Both groups not only focused on similar areas of interest, but they also tended to focus on solving issues faced by their local communities. The majority students felt they were more similar to their peers of the other culture than they were different. Finally, while our report shows the students had much similarity, the students reported that the experiences in participating were surprising and new. Faculty Mentor: Cameron Macdonell Department: Computer Science

    The educational background of the gifted Indian pre-school child

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    The study focussed on determining whether there were any distinguishing characteristics that comprised the background of the gifted Indian pre-school child. The paucity of literature on the Indian pre-school child forced the researcher to rely on international studies. The theoretical composition of the study reviewed personality and normative development, as well as cognitive development of the gifted pre-school child. Family background and stimulatory activities that parents engaged children in, were also explored. The empirical investigation combined the use of quantitative and qualitative techniques. Initially, parents, teachers and peers were responsible for selecting the research sample. The sample of eighty-three children was subjected to the administration of the JSAIS. Of this twentyfive were selected in order for the questionnaire to be administered to their parents. Results of the questionnaire indicated that parents undertook to stimulate their children by engaging them in activities that they were of the opinion would promote their intellectual development. The results of the questionnaire were corroborated by interviews that were conducted with six of the parents. Relevant excerpts from five of the interviews are presented as well as a full interview with one of the parents. The results reveal that parents continuously strive to stimulate their children so that they can ensure that the potential that they believe their children possess can be actualised.Psychology of EducationM. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling

    Drawing attention : activating void typologies

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    Abstract: Please refer to full text to view abstractM.Tech. (Architecture

    Isolation - Reflection - Transformation

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    This photo series depicts people during the COVID-19 pandemic. The photos are titled “Isolation,” “Reflection,” and “Transformation.” For many, the pandemic has been a journey of self-discovery, amidst adaptation to a new world where we are required to stay apart from one another

    The perceptions of the school management team regarding the institutional development and support officials.

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    Die Inrigting ontwikkelings en ondersteuningsbeampte ( IOOB) in die departement van onderwys vervul ‘n belangrike rol om te verseker dat onderwys transformeer en dat die skool se bestuurspan georiënteer word om ‘n kultuur van onderwys en onderrig te bewerkstellig. Onlangse konsepte van onderwysleierskap demonsteer ‘n beweging weg van tradisioneel-outoritêre modelle, na ‘n meer demokratiese en deelnemende wyse. Die doel van die navorsing was om die persepsies van die skool se bestuurspan ten opsigte van die rol van die Inrigting ontwikkelings en ondersteuningsbeampte (IOOB) in the Ekurhuleni-Oos Distrik 5, te ondersoek. Die IOOB’s moet die skole se bestuurspanne toerus en ontwikkel, sodat die gehalte van onderwys en onderrig kan verbeter. ‘n Gestruktureerde vraelys wat bestaan uit 32 items is aan distrik 5 se skole se bestuurspanne uitgedeel, sodat hulle persepsies van die IOOB’s vasgestel kon word. Vrae is geformuleer in verband met aspekte van onderwysbestuur en onderrig. Die voltooide vraelyste is aan STATKON by the Universiteit van Johannesburg oorhandig, waar die data verwerk is. Die ontleding en interpretasie van die empiriese data is bespreek. Die konstrukgeldigheid van die navorsingsinstrument is deur middel van twee opeenvolgende faktoranalitiese prosedures ondersoek en sodoende is die 32 items tot twee faktore gereduseer, naamlik: • Die doeltreffende leierskap en bestuur van die IOOB, bestaande uit 14 items met ‘n betroubaarheidskoëffisiënt van 0,967; • Die ingrypingstrategie en ondersteuning van die IOOB, bestaande uit 18 items met ‘n betroubaarheidskoëffisiënt van 0,964.Die statistiese ontleiding van die navorsing is beperk tot ‘n vergelyking van een voorbeeld van twee onafhanklike groepe en een voorbeeld van drie of meer onafhanklike groepe. Hipoteses is gestel en meervoudige statistiese tegnieke is gebruik om die data te ontleed en te interpreter. Na hierdie oorsigtelike opsomming van die aspekte wat in die huidige navorsing aangeraak is, word belangrike bevindings wat uit die navorsing voorspruit gemaak.Prof. B.R. Groble

    Recent Developments in Ultrasound-Promoted Aqueous-Mediated Greener Synthesis of Biologically Vital Indole Derivatives

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    The extensive range of uses of N-heterocycles as potent bioactive motifs has attracted researchers to expand newer methods for their efficient synthesis. Particularly, indoles are widely known for their prevalent pharmacological properties. Green chemistry provides various synthetic tools viz. alternative energy resources, nonconventional solvents, nano-catalysts, etc. Modern strategies of using ultrasound as an alternative energy resource in organic synthesis has led to the development of environment friendly and cost-effective techniques. The chemical and mechanical effects of ultrasound waves impart significant enhancement in both stoichiometric and catalytic reactions. The exclusive physicochemical properties of water offer widespread utility for carrying out organic reactions in this medium. The aim of this review article is to provide an inclusive summary of the combined use of ultrasound and aqueous media for the facile synthesis of biologically vital indole derivatives. 1 Introduction 2 Synthesis of Biologically Vital Indoles 2.1 Spirocyclic Indoles 2.2 Non-spiro 3-Substituted Indoles 2.3 Miscellaneous Indole Syntheses 3 Conclusion

    The correlation of Ki-67 (MIB-1) proliferation index and progesterone receptor status with histological grade of meningioma: An observational study

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    Context: Five year rate for recurrence of symptoms regardless of method of treatment is 19.2% for benign tumors and 32.4% for malignant tumors. Behavior of meningiomas depends upon its histological type, grade, proliferation markers and PR status. Aims: To correlate the WHO grade, PR status and Ki-67 labeling index of meningiomas to correlate with other histologic and demographic parameters of prognostic significance. Material and methods: A total of 120 cases were taken over a period of 2 years. Routine H&E stain sections used for histological typing and grade of meningioma. Immunohistochemistry done for Ki-67 and Progestrone receptor using immunoperoxidase method. The various grades of meningiomas than correlated with Ki-67 labeling index and PR status and appropriate statistical calculations done. Results: The peak age distribution is between 31 to 50 years with mean age of 49.45 years, male to female ratio being 1:2.3. Maximum cases were of grade I (88.33%) followed by grade II(6.66%) and grade III(5%). There was no significant difference between mean age of different grades (p>0.05). The difference between mean Ki-67 labeling index between grade I and II, grade II and III and grade I and III all were significant (p<0.0001). The PR status difference between grade I and II tumor was significant (p=0.0007), however between grade II and III could not be calculated as none of these tumor showed PR positivity. The Pearson correlation coefficient between PR status with Ki67 labeling index came out to be -1.0, that shows highly significant negative correlation. Conclusion: This study shows an inverse correlation between WHO 2016 grades of meningioma and PR status while shows a linear relation with Ki-67 labeling index