124 research outputs found


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    CV Setiawan Metalia Utama memiliki beberapa masalah dari reservasi yang masih manual dan pencatatan yang belum terkomputerisasi sehingga berpotensi kehilangan data. Melihat hal tersebut maka di bangun sebuah sistem dengan fungsionalitas diantaranya mampu memberikan notifikasi email yang dikelola oleh staf administrasi. Staf administrasi dapat mengelola data transaksi, mengelola data kendaraan, mengelola data laporan keuangan. Direktur dapat melihat data pelanggan, data reservasi kendaraan dan melihat laporan keuangan, member dapat melakukan reservasi kendaraan, mengelola data akun pribadi dan melakukan konfirmasi pembayaran. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan model Waterfall. Bahasa Pemrograman yang digunakan adalah PHP dengan framework Codeigniter dan menggunakan database MySQL. Tools dan Editor yang digunakan adalah XAMPP dan Netbeans 8.0.Aplikasi Jasa Ekspedisi Angkutan Berat Berbasis Web digunakan oleh 4 pengguna yaitu Staf Administrasi, Direktur Member dan Non Member.Dengan adanya sistem yang telah dibuat mampu menyediakan fitur reservasi online, mampu memberikan informasi kendaraan sewa yang tersedia, dan mampu mengelola proses pembayaran reservasi. Kata Kunci: Jasa, Ekspedisi, Angkutan Berat, Aplikasi We

    Analisis Data Geofisika Mengunakan Metode Magnetik Dalam Eksplorasi Sumber Daya Mineral Di Daerah Bukit ”X”, Terengganu Malaysia

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    The study area geographically included in Terengganu Region, Eastern part of Peninsular Malaysia. Geographic of the study area is located between 01° 32 '48 "N and 104° 12' 13" E. The research objective is to analyze determine the condition of the anomaly, the data modeling, mineral and lithological research using magnetic data area. Method used is by using the magnetic precession Proton Magnetometer (PPM). Results of the study concluded on the Map RTP magnetic anomaly has a value of 80928.2 nT – 160203.7 nT, maps RTP regional anomalies have value 1409.3 nT – -1176.4 nT, maps RTP residual anomaly values –155170.61 nT – 160203.7 nT maps THD regional anomalies have value -1176.4 nT – 1911.7 nT, Map THD anomalous residual value 4089819.7 nT – 33961035.1 nT, minerals are arsenopyrite, Chromite, cassiterite, Sphalerit and chalcopyrite. Directions fault dominated by the west-east and lithologic constituent in the form of granite, sandstone, silt, amphibolite and schist Keywords: Terengganu, geophysic, magnetic, RTE, TH


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    Underground mining is one of the mining systems that has a high potential risk of work accidents. One of the potential dangers is the emergence of gasses that can cause disruption of the respiratory system in humans. To minimize this risk, it is necessary to periodically monitor the gas that appears in the work area. This study aims to design a laboratory environmental monitoring system for underground mining using Arduino Uno as a controller that uses sensors of temperature, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and wind speed. Sensor data is sent wirelessly to the main monitoring system with point to point topology. The design of the software is carried out as a place to store data from the sensor which is then displayed in a monitoring information system in real time. From the results of system testing, sensor data is taken in a span of 1 second which is generated by a system with an accuracy rate of 99.9%. Overall, the system can be used properly to real monitor the environmental quality of underground mines

    A Semiotic Analysis on the Logos of Three Cafes in Malang

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    Keywords: Semiotics, Logo, Sign, Connotation, Icon, Index, Symbol.Cafe is very popular in Malang and it usually has a logo to show the characteristics of the cafe and all identities or all aspects of the cafe. In this research, the researcher chooses three logos of cafes in Malang. Then, to get the meaning of the logos, the researcher analyzes them by using semiotic study. This research has three problems of the study to be answered: (1) What typology of signs are found on the logos of three cafes in Malang? (2) What are the connotations of the logos of three cafes in Malang?, and (3) What are the relationships between the sign connotation of the logos of cafes and the history, concept and goals of the cafes?Descriptive qualitative research with content or document analysis is applied in this research. The data analysis is conducted by applying Pierce's theory (1931 in Chandler 2007) that is typology of sign. In order to interpret the meaning of the signs found, connotation theory offered by Chandler (2007) and Fiske (2012) are also used. Purposive sampling is used in this research to select the objects. In this research, the researcher selected Uno cafe, Mochi Maco cafe, and Omah Coffee Cafe.The result of this research discovers that the icon, index, and symbol are found in the logos. The iconic signs are mostly applied and the symbolic signs are used more than the indexical one. The meaning of signs combination found in the logos is interpreted through connotation theory. In accordance with the analysis, the three cafes represent their characteristics through their logos and the three logos of cafes show relationships between the signs connotation and the history, concept, and goals of the cafes. Moreover, the three logos represent characteristics and relation between the sign connotation of the logo and the history, concept, and goal of the café through their symbolic signs in their names.The researcher finally suggests the next researchers analyze other objects as the data source conducting a research related to semiotics study such as posters, novel covers, posters and different logos of cafes in areas other than Malang

    Local Generating Map System Using Rviz ROS and Kinect Camera for Rescue Robot Application

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    This paper presents a model to generate a 3D model of a room, where room mapping is very necessary to find out the existing real conditions, where this modeling will be applied to the rescue robot. To solve this problem, researchers made a breakthrough by creating a 3D room mapping system. The mapping system and 3D model making carried out in this study are to utilize the camera Kinect and Rviz on the ROS. The camera takes a picture of the area around it, the imagery results are processed in the ROS system, the processing carried out includes several nodes and topics in the ROS which later the signal results are sent and displayed on the Rviz ROS. From the results of the tests that have been carried out, the designed system can create a 3D model from the Kinect camera capture by utilizing the Rviz function on the ROS. From this model later every corner of the room can be mapped and modeled in 3

    Local Generating Map System Using Rviz ROS and Kinect Camera for Rescue Robot Application

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    This paper presents a model to generate a 3D model of a room, where room mapping is very necessary to find out the existing real conditions, where this modeling will be applied to the rescue robot. To solve this problem, researchers made a breakthrough by creating a 3D room mapping system. The mapping system and 3D model making carried out in this study are to utilize the camera Kinect and Rviz on the ROS. The camera takes a picture of the area around it, the imagery results are processed in the ROS system, the processing carried out includes several nodes and topics in the ROS which later the signal results are sent and displayed on the Rviz ROS. From the results of the tests that have been carried out, the designed system can create a 3D model from the Kinect camera capture by utilizing the Rviz function on the ROS. From this model later every corner of the room can be mapped and modeled in 3

    Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Electrical Arc Furnace Slag Pada Pembuatan Self Compacting Concrete

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    Abstrak Self compacting concrete merupakan beton dengan kemampuan filling ability, passing ability, dan placing ability tinggi. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan merancang penggunaan electrical arc furnace slag sebagai subtitusi kerikil dan fly ash 30% dari semen sebagai filler. Variasi EAFS sebesar 0%, 10%, 30%, dan 50% dari berat kerikil. Pengujian meliputi karakteristik beton segar (slump flow test, v-funnel test, dan l-box test), yaitu berat volume, kuat tekan, dan porositas. Hasil pengujian slump flow test menunjukkan SCC EAFS 0% menghasilkan filling ability terbaik dengan waktu flow (8 sekon). Pengujian passing ability menunjukkan SCC EAFS 10% memiliki kemampuan passing ability terbaik dengan nilai H2/H1 (0,993). Pengujian tingkat viskositas menghasilkan viskositas terendah pada SCC EAFS 50%. Hasil pengujian berat volume, SCC EAFS 50% memiliki berat volume tertinggi umur 28 hari (2573,70 kg/m3). Pengujian kiuat tekan tertinggi pada penggunaan EAFS 30% dengan kuat tekan umur 28 hari (44,37 Mpa). Kadar porositas, variasi dengan tingkat poroitas terkecil pada SCC EAFS 30% (2,03%). Kadar penggunaan EAFS 50% dengan berat volume tertinggi, menghasilkan kuat tekan lebih rendah umur 28 hari (35,63 Mpa) karena faktor porositas tertinggi (2,63%). Kata kunci : Self compacting concrete, fly ash, berat volume, kuat tekan, porositas. Abstract Self compacting concrete is a concrete with high filling ability, passing ability and placing ability. This experimentally study was conducted content by designing the use of electrical arc furnace slag (EAFS) as a substitution of gravel and 30% fly ash from cement as a filler. EAFS variations are 0%, 10%, 30%, and 50% of the weight of the gravel. Tests include characteristics of fresh concrete (slump flow test, v-funnel test, and l-box test), namely volume weight, compressive strength, and porosity. The results of the slump flow test showed that 0% SCC EAFS produced the best filling ability with flow time (8 seconds). The passing ability test shows 10% SCC EAFS has the best passing ability with H2 / H1 (0.993). The viscosity test results in the lowest vicocity at 50% EAFS SCC. The results of the volume testing, 50% SCC EAFS has the highest volume weight at 28 days (2573.70 kg / m3). The highest compressive strength test was used on 30% EAFS with 28 days compressive strength (44.37 Mpa). Porosity level, variation with the smallest porosity level in 30% EAFS SCC (2.03%). The level of use of 50% EAFS with the highest volume weight resulted in a lower compressive strength of 28 days (35.63 MPa) due to the highest porosity factor (2.63%). Keywords: Self compacting concrete, fly ash, EAFS, compressive strength, porosity

    Rancang Bangun Farming Box Dengan Pengaturan Suhu Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Controller

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    Implementation of control systems has been carried out in many fields of science. One of it applications is in the agriculture fields. In this research we implemented a control system on farming in a box. Farming in a box is a system that uses old shipping containers for the purpose of growing plants in any environment. Inside shipping containers is fully assembled hydroponic pipe with air temperature control. In this research was built a little farming box from acryclic to imitate a shipping container. Main focus of this research is design an air temperature control using fuzzy logic controller. Fuzzy logic controller was choosen because many existing farming box use on off controller. In some application, fuzzy logic controller has better performance than on off controller. Farming box temperature is controlled by blowing cool air using an electric fan. In this case, cool air is produced by cold side of peltier. Electric fan speed is controlled by pulse width modulation signal (PWM) that generated from microcontroller. Air temperature data feedback is obtained from DHT 11 sensor that installed in a acrylic box. Sensor is physically connected with microcontroller and Fuzzy logic controller is embedded in microcontroller as an algorithm. Fuzzy logic controller was design with error temperature and error difference as an input, and duty cycle of PWM signal as output. Fuzzy logic controller system performs to reduce the temperature from 31,6 ° C to set poin 28° C in 71 seconds. Steady state error obtained by 1.28% and better than uncontrolled system that obtain steady state error 7,14%

    Analisis Yuridis Klasifikasi Kecelakaan Kerja Saat Work From Home Yang Dapat Ditanggung Program Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja

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    Metode Work From Home (WFH) menjadikan rumah sebagai tempat kerja sekaligus lingkungan kerja sehingga dapat dimaknai bahwa rumah harus memenuhi unsur-unsur tempat kerja dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi lingkungan kerja yang memiliki sumber-sumber bahaya dan berpotensi menimbulkan kecelakaan kerja atau Penyakit Akibat Kerja (PAK). Jika pekerja mengalami kecelakaan kerja saat WFH maka berhak untuk mendapatkan manfaat dari Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja (JKK). Persoalannya dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku hanya mengatur pemberian manfaat JKK terhadap kecelakaan kerja yang bersifat konvensional sehingga menimbulkan kekaburan norma jika diterapkan pada peristiwa kecelakan kerja saat WFH. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka perlu diketahui apa peristiwa yang dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai kecelakaan kerja saat WFH dan bagaimana prosedur pelaporan klaim JKK terhadap pekerja yang mengalami kecelakaan kerja saat WFH. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan konseptual dan perundang-undangan dilengkapi dengan bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan bahan non-hukum yang dianalisis secara preskriptif menggunakan interpretasi ekstensif dan gramatikal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peristiwa yang dapat diklasifikasi kecelakaan kerja atau PAK saat WFH ialah peristiwa yang memiliki hubungan kausalitas dan terkait dengan hubungan kerja. Prosedur pelaporan klaim JKK terkait kecelakaan kerja saat WFH dapat merujuk pada PP Nomor 44 Tahun 2015 jo. PP Nomor 82 Tahun 2019 dan diatur lebih lanjut melalui Permenaker Nomor 5 Tahun 2021. Pembeda dalam prosedur pelaporan klaim JKK antara kecelakaan kerja konvensional dengan kecelakaan kerja saat WFH ialah adanya keluarga pekerja yang berada di rumah bersama pekerja yang bertindak sebagai pelapor sekaligus saksi