3 research outputs found

    Sustainable Synthesis of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters from Monkfish Liver Oil

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    The search for economic and sustainable sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) within the framework of the circular economy is encouraged by their proven beneficial effects on health. The extraction of monkfish liver oil (MLO) for the synthesis of omega-3 ethyl esters was performed to evaluate two blending systems and four green solvents in this work. Moreover, the potential solubility of the MLO in green solvents was studied using the predictive simulation software COnductor-like Screening MOdel for Realistic Solvents (COSMO-RS). The production of ethyl esters was performed by one or two-step reactions. Novozym 435, two resting cells (Aspergillus flavus and Rhizopus oryzae) obtained in our laboratory and a mix of them were used as biocatalysts in a solvent-free system. The yields for Novozym 435, R. oryzae and A. flavus in the one-step esterification were 63, 61 and 46%, respectively. The hydrolysis step in the two-step reaction led to 83, 88 and 93% of free fatty acids (FFA) for Novozym 435, R. oryzae and A. flavus, respectively. However, Novozym 435 showed the highest yield in the esterification step (85%), followed by R. oryzae (65%) and A. flavus (41%). Moreover, selectivity of polyunsaturated fatty acids of R. oryzae lipase was evidenced as it slightly esterified docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in all the esterification reactions tested.This research was funded by Interreg POCTEFA program (EFA253/16 BIOPLAST) and the PhD student aid program “Jade Plus” financed by Banco Santander of which Johanna Aguilera Oviedo is a beneficiary

    Obtención de productos de interés industrial a partir de residuos agroalimentarios mediante procesos quimioenzimáticos

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    Es va realitzar l'aprofitament de residus agroalimentaris com la biomassa lignocel·lulòsica (BML) i el fetge de rap, per a l'obtenció de compostos d'interès industrial dins de l'enfocament de l'economia circular i la química verda. La memòria de recerca es va organitzar en set seccions, la primera és introductòria i en la segona es descriuen els objectius. A la tercera, es descriu l'extracció d'oli de fetge de rap, l'ús del programa COSMO-RS per a estudis de solubilitat amb solvents verds, a més de l'obtenció d'àcids grassos lliures, glicerol i èsters etílics per biocatàlisi. A la quarta i cinquena es descriu la síntesi i caracterització de compostos donadors d'hidrogen i solvents eutèctics (DES). A la sisena, estudis teòrics de solubilitat dels DES (amb el COSMO-RS), assaigs experimentals per al fraccionament BML i l'obtenció de cel·lulosa i lignina. Finalment, una discussió general i les conclusionsSe realizó el aprovechamiento de residuos agroalimentarios como la biomasa lignocelulósica (BML) y el hígado de rape, para la obtención de compuestos de interés industrial dentro del enfoque de la economía circular y la química verde. La memoria de investigación se organizó en siete secciones, la primera es introductoria y en la segunda se describen los objetivos. En la tercera, se describe la extracción de aceite de hígado de rape, el uso del programa COSMO-RS para estudios de solubilidad con solventes verdes, además de la obtención de ácidos grasos libres, glicerol y ésteres etílicos por biocatálisis. En la cuarta y quinta se describe la síntesis y caracterización de compuestos donadores de hidrogeno y solventes eutécticos (DES). En la sexta, estudios teóricos de solubilidad de los DES (con el COSMO-RS), ensayos experimentales para el fraccionamiento BML y la obtención de celulosa y lignina. Por último, una discusión general y las conclusiones.The use of agri-food waste such as lignocellulosic biomass (LBM) and monkfish liver was used to obtain compounds of industrial interest within the circular economy and green chemistry approach. The research report is organised in seven sections, the first is introductory and the second describes the objectives. The third section describes the extraction of monkfish liver oil, the use of the COSMO-RS programme for solubility studies with green solvents, and the obtaining of free fatty acids, glycerol and ethyl esters by biocatalysis. The fourth and fifth sections describe the synthesis and characterisation of hydrogen donor compounds and eutectic solvents (DES). In the sixth, theoretical solubility studies of DES (with COSMO-RS), experimental tests for BML fractionation and obtaining cellulose and lignin. Finally, a general discussion and conclusions