2,025 research outputs found
A investigação na disciplina da orientação: Processos de formação a partir da percepção do grupo de estudantes
Writing this article responds to the necessity to systematize the experiences, reflections, and discussions about the process of research training from the student’s perspective in the major of Counseling program at the National University (UNA). The aim is to explore the work requirements in the research field and to determine the applicability of pedagogical strategies in professional daily work. This research has an exploratory quantitative design, in which 15 students of the course Research Methodology, from the bachelor’s degree program in Counseling in 2014, 2015, 2016 y 2017, carried out an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to this curricular area to pick up information in the category “Perception of the Academic Training in Research.” Besides, they completed an open-questioned and semi-structured questionnaire regarding the characteristics that the person from the Counseling major needs to become a researcher, as well as the applicability of research in the everyday professional work. One of the main conclusions is the necessity of highlighting the significance of research in the guidance counselors’ professional area, and the importance that integrality of processes has around the professional endeavor and the academic training.Este artículo surge ante la necesidad de sistematizar las experiencias vividas, reflexiones y discusiones en torno a los procesos de formación investigativa en la carrera de Orientación de la Universidad Nacional, desde la perspectiva estudiantil. Con este fin, se plantea el objetivo de indagar los requerimientos laborales en el área de investigación, así como si la estrategia pedagógica empleada en esta materia es aplicable al quehacer profesional. El estudio es cuantitativo con alcance exploratorio; en este, se les solicitó a 15 estudiantes del curso Metodología de investigación de la licenciatura en Orientación en los años: 2014, 2015, 2016 y 2017 que realizaran un análisis de fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas (FODA) a este eje curricular, para recoger información en la categoría “percepción de la formación académica en investigación”, y completaran un cuestionario con preguntas abiertas y semi-estructuradas, en las categorías “características de una persona orientadora-investigadora” y “aplicabilidad de la investigación en el quehacer profesional”. Dentro de las principales conclusiones, destaca la trascendencia de la investigación en la vida profesional de la persona Orientadora, y la importancia de la integralidad de estos procesos en todo el quehacer profesional y de formación académica.Este artigo decorre da necessidade de sistematizar as experiências, reflexões e discussões sobre os processos de formação em pesquisa na carreira de Orientação, da Universidade Nacional, desde a perspectiva das pessoas estudantes. Para tanto, propõe-se o objetivo de investigar as exigências trabalhistas na área de pesquisa, bem como se a estratégia pedagógica utilizada nessa área é aplicável ao trabalho profissional. O estudo é quantitativo com transfundo exploratório. Nesse sentido, 15 alunos do curso de Metodologia da Pesquisa do Bacharelado em Orientação nos anos: 2014, 2015, 2016 e 2017 foram convidados a realizar uma análise de forças, oportunidades, fraquezas e ameaças (FODA, segundo as siglas do espanhol) a este eixo curricular, coletar informações na categoria “percepção da formação acadêmica em pesquisa” e preencher um questionário com perguntas abertas e semiestruturadas, nas categorias “características de um orientador-pesquisador” e “aplicabilidade da pesquisa no trabalho profissional”. Entre as principais conclusões, destaca-se a importância da pesquisa na vida profissional da pessoa orientadora e a importância da integralidade desses processos em todo o trabalho profissional e formação acadêmica
FaceQvec: Vector Quality Assessment for Face Biometrics based on ISO Compliance
© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper we develop FaceQvec, a software component for estimating the conformity of facial images with each of the points contemplated in the ISO/IEC 19794-5, a quality standard that defines general quality guidelines for face images that would make them acceptable or unacceptable for use in official documents such as passports or ID cards. This type of tool for quality assessment can help to improve the accuracy of face recognition, as well as to identify which factors are affecting the quality of a given face image and to take actions to eliminate or reduce those factors, e.g., with postprocessing techniques or re-acquisition of the image. FaceQvec consists of the automation of 25 individual tests related to different points contemplated in the aforementioned standard, as well as other characteristics of the images that have been considered to be related to facial quality. We first include the results of the quality tests evaluated on a development dataset captured under realistic conditions. We used those results to adjust the decision threshold of each test. Then we checked again their accuracy on a evaluation database that contains new face images not seen during development. The evaluation results demonstrate the accuracy of the individual tests for checking compliance with ISO/IEC 19794-5. FaceQvec is available online 1 . 1 https://github.com/uam-biomemcs/FaceQvecThis work has been supported by projects TRESPASSETN (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019-860813), PRIMA (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019-860315), and BIBECA (RTI2018-101248-B-IOO MINECO). This work has been also funded by VERIDAS DIGITAL AUTHENTICATION SOLUTIONS SL under the FUAM contract 465020 (project VERIDAS-FACIAL-Q). JH-O is supported by a FPI fellowship from UAM. LFG is supported by a Marie Curie PhD Fellowship under TRESPASS-ETN
Identities of Choi-Lee-Srivastava involving the Euler-Mascheroni’s constant
We give an elementary deduction of the Choi-Lee-Srivastava’s identities involving the Euler Mascheroni’s constant, thus from them is immediate the identity of Wilf
Average radial integrability spaces of analytic functions
Article number 109262In this paper we introduce the family of spaces RM(p, q),
1 ≤ p, q ≤ +∞. They are spaces of holomorphic functions
in the unit disc with average radial integrability. This
family contains the classical Hardy spaces (when p = ∞)
and Bergman spaces (when p = q). We characterize the
inclusion between RM(p1, q1) and RM(p2, q2) depending on
the parameters. For 1 < p, q < ∞, our main result provides a
characterization of the dual spaces of RM(p, q) by means
of the boundedness of the Bergman projection. We show
that RM(p, q) is separable if and only if q < +∞. In fact,
we provide a method to build isomorphic copies of ∞ in
RM(p, ∞).Feder (UE) PGC2018-094215-B-100Junta de Andalucía(España) FQM-104Junta de Andalucía(España) FQM13
Integration Operators in Average Radial Integrability Spaces of Analytic Functions
In this paper we characterize the boundedness, compactness,
and weak compactness of the integration operators
Tg(f)(z) = ˆ z
(w) dw
acting on the average radial integrability spaces RM(p, q). For these
purposes, we develop different tools such as a description of the bidual of
RM(p, 0) and estimates of the norm of these spaces using the derivative
of the functions, a family of results that we call Littlewood–Paley type
inequalities.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain, and the European Union (FEDER) PGC2018-094215-13-100Junta de Andalucía, Spain FQM133Junta de Andalucía, Spain FQM-10
Participación social ante la crisis económica actual: iniciativas comunitarias en barrios de Sevilla
Validation of the Satisfaction Scale of Basic Psychological Needs in Physical Education with the Incorporation of the Novelty in the Spanish Context
The purpose of the study was to validate to the physical education context, the Spanish version of the Scale of the Satisfaction of Psychological Needs toward the Physical Education classes of Menéndez and Fernández-Rio, with the incorporation of the novelty, since they contemplated its inclusion. In this study, 1444 students participated (mean = 15.34, standard deviation = 1.12) from several schools in Almeria. To analyze the psychometric properties of the scale, several analyses were carried out. The results offered support for both the four-factor structure and the higher-order model called satisfaction. The analysis of invariance with respect to gender showed that the factor structure of the questionnaire was invariant. The Cronbach alpha values were higher than 0.70 in the subscales. The results of this study demonstrated the reliability and validity of the Scale of the Satisfaction of Psychological Needs, with the incorporation of novelty in the Spanish context of Physical Education
A Dangerous Text: Disciplining Deficient Readers and the Policing of the Qur'an in the German Islam Conference
Departing from the premise that the Qur'an has been imagined as a dangerous, almost
subject-like text in the long tradition of the Eurocentric-Orientalist order, this
contribution traces how Germany's Islam Conference has attempted to govern this supposedly
dangerous text by disciplining its readers and policing its interpretations particularly
regarding gender justice and equality. In doing so we argue that the policing of the
Qur'an is an important site of political interventions and as a technology of power
whereby Muslims in contemporary Germany are problematised as deficient and archaic
readers. Moreover, policing the Qur'an as a racialised textual governmentality, we
argue, is a further point of power application within the larger context of refashioning
the racialised figure of the Muslim subject in Germany.
The current status of the sustainable development goals in the world
Sustainable development goals (SDG) incorporate multiple dimensions to measure the progress made by nations in consolidating their economic and human development. Consequently, the main objective of this study is to explore the structures of variation and covariation between the SDGs indicators interpreting and describing their current status by countries and regions of the world. This study assessed 40 SDG indicators reported by 125 countries in the 2021 Sustainable Development Report, using the HJ-Biplot multivariate technique, through which it is possible to analyze the existing relationships between indicators and countries in a multidimensional way. The results indicate that the global North countries currently display solid sustainability characteristics that favor economic growth, though more work is required to protect the environment and promote responsible production and consumption. On the other hand, the countries of the global South with less purchasing power must still work on policies and strategies to promote the health and well-being of their populations, enable access to essential household services (water, sanitation, electricity, and internet, among others), and promote equality
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