349 research outputs found

    Avaliação de girassol durante o armazenamento, para uso como semente ou para extração de oleo

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    Orientador : Benedito Carlos BenedettiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia AgricolaMestrad

    Weed identification in sugarcane plantation through images taken from remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) and kNN classifier

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    The sugarcane is one of the most important crops in Brazil, the world´s largest sugar producer and the second largest ethanol producer. The presence of weeds in the sugarcane plantation can cause losses up to 90% of the production, caused by the competition for light, water and nutrients, between the crop and the weeds. Usually sugarcane plantations occupy large fields, and due to this, the weeds control is mostly chemical, which is more practical and cheaper than mechanical control. In the chemical control, the dosage and type of herbicides has been calculated by sampling, which causes problems of waste and misapplication of herbicides, since the degree of infestation may be variant from one location to another, as well as the species presents in the plantation. In order to avoid unnecessary waste in the herbicides application, there are some studies about weed identification using images taken from satellites, solution that have proved to have the advantage of covering the whole plantation, solving the problems of sample surveying, nevertheless, this method its dependent of a high weed density to ensure a good pattern recognition and its affected by the influence of clouds in the imagery quality. This work proposes a system for weed identification based on pattern recognition in imagery taken from a Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA). The RPA is able to fly at low altitude, so it is possible to take images closer to the plants and make the weed identification even in low infestation levels. In an initial evaluation, the system reached an overall accuracy of 83.1% and kappa coefficient of 0.775, using k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) classifier.5621121

    Bread preservation with use of edible packaging

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    We live in a world that usually use plastic bags either to go shopping or to pack the snack for a short trip. However, packaging makes life easier and serves as protection for products such as food. Bread is a common food product that needs packaging in order to be protected at storage and transportation. Therefore, with aim of reducing petroleum derived packagin g consumption it was developed an edible film from potato starch to packeg bread and some quality characteristics like water content, firmness and weight loss were evaluated, showing that edible film can be used as a packagingPostprint (published version

    Maize seeds submitted to thermotherapy and analyzed by dynamic speckle

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    The quality of the seeds used for sowing is fundamental for a high productivity and quality of the crop. Therefore, eradicating pathogens is essential for the plant to develop in the best possible way. The eradication of those pathogens can be accomplished by means of treatments that consist of the application of substances to the seeds or by performing physical procedures. Thermotherapy is a physical treatment, in which the seed is exposed to a given thermal energy, such as heated air or steam, and can be highly efficient for controlling those pathogens, in addition to reducing environmental damage and costs. The present work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of thermotherapy in two ways: wet heat (water) and dry heat (water vapor), both at 60 °C, alternating the exposure time to the thermal sources. The treatment with humid heat with a time of exposure of 5 min was the most efficient, since it presented higher germination percentages (83%) and less occurrence of Fusarium sp. (33%). It was observed that the most efficient thermotherapy is in the control of Fusarium, the most aggressive is for the quality of the seed. The quality of the treatments was evaluated through standard methodologies, according to the rules for seed analysis, such as germination and sanitation tests. Biospeckle laser was used to identify the microbial activity in these seeds, through activity maps generated by laser speckle contrast analysis (LASCA) processing. In this way, the research involving thermotherapy can be done by varying the temperature and the time of exposure to obtain values that considerably reduce the pathogenic agents and preserve the quality, in order to maintain the values of germination and vigor acceptable for commercialization.811512

    Adubação orgânica e os agricultores familiares de santo Antônio da Patrulha-RS / Organic fertilization and the family farmers of santo Antônio da Patrulha-RS

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    Em Santo Antônio da Patrulha-RS existe um grupo de agricultores com certificação orgânica de produção de alimentos fornecida pela Rede de Agroecologia Ecovida, através do sistema participativo. A FURG, através do seu Campus no município, atua junto a esses produtores, e em 2020 foi criado na Universidade um Núcleo de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica. Além da divulgação da agroecologia, diferentes atividades são realizadas para auxiliar os produtores, sendo que uma delas envolve a realização de análises de amostras de solos das propriedades destes agricultores. Este artigo descreve os métodos de adubação orgânica usados pelos produtores, além dos resultados de análises de solos de amostras destas propriedades, que comprovam a efetividade destas práticas para obtenção de boa qualidade do solo e produtividade de alimentos

    Impacto financeiro do desperdício de alimentos em uma unidade produtora de refeições

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    The survival of new Meal Production Units (MPU) depends on their knowledge of the market requirements, the quality of the final product, services offered and competitive prices. The waste of food in the production stages can result in an increase of the final product cost and a decrease in the company’s profitability. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the financial impact caused by the waste of food in a UPR and highlight measures that can contribute to minimize these losses. For this, we performed a weighing of the unusable leftovers for a period of seven days, after the end of the distribution schedule. In this same period the number of meals served was also obtained. From the values found, it was estimated the monthly and annual financial projection of the waste. In the studied UPR, a median of 27.25 kg of food was found, still in consumption conditions, discarded, which generates a waste of financial resources around R 1,852.20(Onethousand,eighthundredandfiftytwoReaisandtwentyCents)perday.Simplemeasuressuchasplanning,organization,supervisionandemployeeawarenesscancontributesignificantlytoreducethiswasteandreducethefinancialdamagegeneratedandalsofavorasafeandtastyfoodforthediners.LasupervivenciadenuevasUnidadesProductorasdeComidas(UPC)dependedesusconocimientossobrelasexigenciasdelmercado,calidaddelproductofinal,serviciosofertadosyprecioscompetitivos.Eldesperdıˊciodealimentosenlasetapasdeproduccioˊnpuederesultarenaumentodelcostedelproductofinalydisminucioˊndelalucratividadedelaempresa.Asıˊ,elobjetivodeesteestudiofueevaluarelimpactofinancierocausadoporeldesperdıˊciodealimentosenunaUPRydestacarmedidasquepuedencontribuirparaminimizaresaspeˊrdidas.Paraesto,serealizoˊpesagemdelassobrasnoaprovechabaisporunperiododesietedıˊas,despueˊsdelteˊrminodelhorariodedistribucioˊn.Enestemismoperiodotambieˊnfueronobtenidoselnuˊmerodecomidasservidas.Apartirdelosvaloresencontrados,seestimoˊlaproyeccioˊnfinancieramensualyanualdeldesperdıˊcio.EnlaUPRestudiada,fueencontradaunamedianade27,25kilosdealimentos,auˊnencondicionesdeconsumo,descartadosloquegeneradesperdıˊcioderecursosfinancierosentornoaR 1,852.20 (One thousand, eight hundred and fifty-two Reais and twenty Cents) per day. Simple measures such as planning, organization, supervision and employee awareness can contribute significantly to reduce this waste and reduce the financial damage generated and also favor a safe and tasty food for the diners.La supervivencia de nuevas Unidades Productoras de Comidas (UPC) depende de sus conocimientos sobre las exigencias del mercado, calidad del producto final, servicios ofertados y precios competitivos. El desperdício de alimentos en las etapas de producción puede resultar en aumento del coste del producto final y disminución de la lucratividade de la empresa. Así, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el impacto financiero causado por el desperdício de alimentos en una UPR y destacar medidas que pueden contribuir para minimizar esas pérdidas. Para esto, se realizó pesagem de las sobras no aprovechabais por un periodo de siete días, después del término del horario de distribución. En este mismo periodo también fueron obtenidos el número de comidas servidas. A partir de los valores encontrados, se estimó la proyección financiera mensual y anual del desperdício. En la UPR estudiada, fue encontrada una mediana de 27,25 kilos de alimentos, aún en condiciones de consumo, descartados lo que genera desperdício de recursos financieros en torno a R 1.852,20 (Un mil, ochocientos y cincuenta y dos reales y veinte centavos) por día. Medidas simples como planificación, organización, supervisión y conscientização de los colaboradores pueden contribuir significativamente para reducir este desperdício y disminuir el perjuicio financiero generado y aún favorecer una alimentación segura y saborosa a los comensais.RESUMO A sobrevivência de novas Unidades Produtoras de Refeições (UPR) depende de seus conhecimentos sobre as exigências do mercado, qualidade do produto final, serviços oferecidos e preços competitivos. O desperdício de alimentos nas etapas de produção pode resultar em aumento do custo do produto final e diminuição da lucratividade da empresa. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o impacto financeiro causado pelo desperdício de alimentos em uma UPR e destacar medidas que podem contribuir para minimizar essas perdas. Para isto, realizou-se pesagem das sobras não aproveitáveis por um período de sete dias, após o término do horário de distribuição. Neste mesmo período também foram obtidos o número de refeições servidas. A partir dos valores encontrados, estimou-se a projeção financeira mensal e anual do desperdício. Na UPR estudada, foi encontrada uma mediana de 27,25 quilos de alimentos, ainda em condições de consumo, descartados o que gera desperdício de recursos financeiros em torno de R 1.852,20 (Um mil, oitocentos e cinquenta e dois reais e vinte centavos) por dia. Medidas simples como planejamento, organização, supervisão e conscientização dos colaboradores podem contribuir significativamente para reduzir este desperdício e diminuir o prejuízo financeiro gerado e ainda favorecer uma alimentação segura e saborosa aos comensais. Palavras-chave: Desperdício de Alimento. Alimentação Coletiva. Gestão em serviço de alimentação. Unidade de alimentação e nutrição. Controle de custos.   ABSTRACT The survival of new Meal Production Units (MPU) depends on their knowledge of the market requirements, the quality of the final product, services offered and competitive prices. The waste of food in the production stages can result in an increase of the final product cost and a decrease in the company’s profitability. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the financial impact caused by the waste of food in a UPR and highlight measures that can contribute to minimize these losses. For this, we performed a weighing of the unusable leftovers for a period of seven days, after the end of the distribution schedule. In this same period the number of meals served was also obtained. From the values found, it was estimated the monthly and annual financial projection of the waste. In the studied UPR, a median of 27.25 kg of food was found, still in consumption conditions, discarded, which generates a waste of financial resources around R 1,852.20 (One thousand, eight hundred and fifty-two Reais and twenty Cents) per day. Simple measures such as planning, organization, supervision and employee awareness can contribute significantly to reduce this waste and reduce the financial damage generated and also favor a safe and tasty food for the diners. Keywords: Food Waste. Collective Feeding. Management in food service. Food and nutrition unit. Cost control.   RESUMEN La supervivencia de nuevas Unidades Productoras de Comidas (UPC) depende de sus conocimientos sobre las exigencias del mercado, calidad del producto final, servicios ofertados y precios competitivos. El desperdício de alimentos en las etapas de producción puede resultar en aumento del coste del producto final y disminución de la lucratividade de la empresa. Así, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el impacto financiero causado por el desperdício de alimentos en una UPR y destacar medidas que pueden contribuir para minimizar esas pérdidas. Para esto, se realizó pesagem de las sobras no aprovechabais por un periodo de siete días, después del término del horario de distribución. En este mismo periodo también fueron obtenidos el número de comidas servidas. A partir de los valores encontrados, se estimó la proyección financiera mensual y anual del desperdício. En la UPR estudiada, fue encontrada una mediana de 27,25 kilos de alimentos, aún en condiciones de consumo, descartados lo que genera desperdício de recursos financieros en torno a R$ 1.852,20 (Un mil, ochocientos y cincuenta y dos reales y veinte centavos) por día. Medidas simples como planificación, organización, supervisión y conscientização de los colaboradores pueden contribuir significativamente para reducir este desperdício y disminuir el perjuicio financiero generado y aún favorecer una alimentación segura y saborosa a los comensais. Palabras clave: Desperdício de Alimento. Alimentación Colectiva. Gestión en servicio de alimentación. Unidad de alimentación y nutrición. Control de costes

    Global Women’s Breakfast (GWB): #UnidaspelaQuímica

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    Global Women’s Breakfast (GWB): #BoundbyChemistry. Global Women’s Breakfast is an initiative of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, aiming to give women scientists, from all over the world, the opportunity to know each other, communicating virtually and sharing their experiences. Many countries joined this initiative and Portugal was not an exception, with its participation already at the first Networking Breakfast in 2011, celebrating the year of the centenaries of Marie Curie Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the Portuguese Chemical Society and the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa as well. The success of these networking breakfasts, involving students, young researchers, and scientists, encouraged its further organization in Portugal, annually since 2019. This article describes the interventions of Portuguese women scientists, coming from Institutions throughout Portugal, in the Global Women’s Breakfast as partners in their mission as scientists, creative and open to international collaborations. Global Women's Breakfast é uma iniciativa criada pela International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry para dar oportunidade às mulheres cientistas de todo o mundo de se conhecerem, comunicando virtualmente e compartilhando as suas experiências. A adesão dos países foi muito elevada e Portugal não foi exceção, participando já no primeiro Networking Breakfast em 2011, Ano Internacional da Química, no qual se celebraram os centenários do Prémio Nobel da Química a Marie Curie, da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química e da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. O sucesso destes pequenos-almoços em rede, que envolvem estudantes, jovens investigadoras e cientistas, encorajou a continuação da participação de Portugal anualmente, desde 2019. Este artigo descreve a intervenção de mulheres cientistas portuguesas, pertencentes a instituições de Norte a Sul do país, no Global Women’s Breakfast, cúmplices na sua missão de cientistas, criativas e abertas à colaboração internacional

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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      Considering the increasing prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the need for effective and safe therapeutic interventions, this research aimed to conduct a comparative analysis between lisdexamfetamine and methylphenidate in the treatment of ADHD. To this end, a comprehensive qualitative literature review was conducted, using sources such as Scielo, Google Scholar, scientific journals, institutional repositories, and virtual libraries, without specific time period limitations. Thus, it was observed that both medications demonstrated efficacy in reducing ADHD symptoms. Lisdexamfetamine showed a more prolonged and consistent effect on dopaminergic neurotransmission and a potentially more favorable side effect profile, with fewer reports of severe adverse effects compared to methylphenidate. Methylphenidate, in turn, showed significant efficacy, especially in the short term. It is concluded that both lisdexamfetamine and methylphenidate are valid therapeutic options for the treatment of ADHD, with specific advantages in different clinical contexts. The choice between these medications should consider the individual characteristics of patients and the available evidence of efficacy and safety, contributing to the optimization of treatment and the improvement of the quality of life of patients with ADHD.Considerando a crescente prevalência do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) e a necessidade de intervenções terapêuticas eficazes e seguras, esta pesquisa objetivou realizar uma análise comparativa entre lisdexanfetamina e metilfenidato no tratamento do TDAH. Para tanto, procedeu-se a uma revisão bibliográfica qualitativa abrangente, utilizando fontes como Scielo, Google Acadêmico, revistas científicas, repositórios institucionais e bibliotecas virtuais, sem limitação de período específico. Desse modo, observou-se que ambos os medicamentos demonstraram eficácia na redução dos sintomas do TDAH. A lisdexanfetamina apresentou um efeito mais prolongado e consistente na neurotransmissão dopaminérgica e um perfil de efeitos colaterais potencialmente mais favorável, com menos relatos de efeitos adversos graves em comparação ao metilfenidato. O metilfenidato, por sua vez, mostrou eficácia significativa, especialmente em curto prazo. Conclui-se que tanto a lisdexanfetamina quanto o metilfenidato são opções terapêuticas válidas para o tratamento do TDAH, com vantagens específicas em diferentes contextos clínicos. A escolha entre esses medicamentos deve considerar as características individuais dos pacientes e as evidências de eficácia e segurança disponíveis, contribuindo para a otimização do tratamento e a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos pacientes com TDAH