26 research outputs found

    Standardization Framework for Sustainability from Circular Economy 4.0

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    The circular economy (CE) is widely known as a way to implement and achieve sustainability, mainly due to its contribution towards the separation of biological and technical nutrients under cyclic industrial metabolism. The incorporation of the principles of the CE in the links of the value chain of the various sectors of the economy strives to ensure circularity, safety, and efficiency. The framework proposed is aligned with the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development regarding the orientation towards the mitigation and regeneration of the metabolic rift by considering a double perspective. Firstly, it strives to conceptualize the CE as a paradigm of sustainability. Its principles are established, and its techniques and tools are organized into two frameworks oriented towards causes (cradle to cradle) and effects (life cycle assessment), and these are structured under the three pillars of sustainability, for their projection within the proposed framework. Secondly, a framework is established to facilitate the implementation of the CE with the use of standards, which constitute the requirements, tools, and indicators to control each life cycle phase, and of key enabling technologies (KETs) that add circular value 4.0 to the socio-ecological transition

    Aspects of sustainability and design engineering for the production of interconnected smart food packaging

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    In the present work, the problem of food wastage and the concept of sustainability are studied. An analysis of Life Cycle Assessment as a tool and of the innovative concept of Cradle to Cradle is also carried out, together with an exhaustive comparison of these two approaches. Based on these concepts, an integrated methodology is proposed for the design of interconnected smart products. The smart packaging systems currently available are studied theoretically and a practical case is analysed using the proposed methodology through the design and Life Cycle Assessment of a smart interconnected container that is able to detect the ethylene emitted by climacteric fruit, thereby minimizing food wastage. For the case under study, a major impact is observed of the selected plastics in the resources category, and of the smart system in the human health category

    Optimal Representation of Anuran Call Spectrum in Environmental Monitoring Systems Using Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The analysis and classi铿乧ation of the sounds produced by certain animal species, notably anurans, have revealed these amphibians to be a potentially strong indicator of temperature 铿倁ctuations and therefore of the existence of climate change. Environmental monitoring systems using Wireless Sensor Networks are therefore of interest to obtain indicators of global warming. For the automatic classi铿乧ation of the sounds recorded on such systems, the proper representation of the sound spectrum is essential since it contains the information required for cataloguing anuran calls. The present paper focuses on this process of feature extraction by exploring three alternatives: the standardized MPEG-7, the Filter Bank Energy (FBE), and the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coef铿乧ients (MFCC). Moreover, various values for every option in the extraction of spectrum features have been considered. Throughout the paper, it is shown that representing the frame spectrum with pure FBE offers slightly worse results than using the MPEG-7 features. This performance can easily be increased, however, by rescaling the FBE in a double dimension: vertically, by taking the logarithm of the energies; and, horizontally, by applying mel scaling in the 铿乴ter banks. On the other hand, representing the spectrum in the cepstral domain, as in MFCC, has shown additional marginal improvements in classi铿乧ation performance.University of Seville: Telef贸nica Chair "Intelligence Networks

    Propuesta de fabricaci贸n fractal distribuida para la optimizaci贸n de la sostenibilidad de la industria aeron谩utica en industria 4.0

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    Los programas de Horizonte 2020 y el conjunto de investigaciones propuestas a nivel internacional relacionadas con la Cuarta Revoluci贸n Industrial y la Industria 4.0 reflejan el inter茅s y la necesidad de ampliar el alcance del dise帽o, simulaci贸n, optimizaci贸n, as铆 como la ejecuci贸n y gesti贸n de los sectores de fabricaci贸n en los sistemas productivos, desde el punto de vista de la digitalizaci贸n y automatizaci贸n, para el alcance de los objetivos de la sostenibilidad: (1) el control y prevenci贸n de la contaminaci贸n; (2) la reducci贸n del impacto y del da帽o ambiental y social; y (3) el aseguramiento de la viabilidad t茅cnica, econ贸mica y de calidad de los resultados. La propuesta de nuevas formas organizativas (entre ellas la organizaci贸n fractal), as铆 como nuevos entornos de fabricaci贸n digitalizados con nuevas tecnolog铆as conectadas (facilitadores digitales y tecnol贸gicos), son una oportunidad para las actividades de I+D+i en el 谩rea de conocimiento de la fabricaci贸n en todos los sectores industriales, entre ellos, el de la industria aeron谩utica.The programs Horizon 2020 and the set of internationally proposed research areas regarding the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Industry 4.0 reflect the interest and need to extend the scope of design, simulation, optimization, as well as the execution and management of manufacturing sectors in production systems from the point of view of digitalization and automation to achieve the objectives of sustainability: (1) controlling and preventing pollution; (2) reducing the impact as well as environmental and social damage; and (3) assuring technical, economic and quality viability of the results. The proposal of new organizational forms (including fractal organization), as well as new digitalized manufacturing environments with new connected technologies (digital and technological facilitators) are opportunities for R+D+I activities in the knowledge area of manufacturing in all industrial sectors, including the aeronautical industry.Plan Propio de la Universidad de Sevilla Proyecto: 2017/0000096

    Planes de Emergencia Exterior en accidentes graves de industrias qu铆micas. Formulaci贸n de un modelo de referencia

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    In this document, a complete methodological proposal on the realization of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is developed, to serve as guide to industries in which dangerous chemical substances are present and affected by the Directive 2012/18/UE and the Royal Decree 840/2015. First, a search on the best available techniques and current legislation is realized, pointing all the necessary steps previous to the realization of the actual EAP, and the variety of documents apart from the EAP that must be generated to complement it. Once all the previous information has been gathered, the methodology on the elaboration of an EAP is proposed, including information related to the industry, the chemicals present in it, the risks and accidents probabilities, the installation organization for emergencies, the Administration cooperation, the population information, the actuation, etc. This document, as mentioned, comprises every necessary step to achieve in an optimal way a complete EAP. This is advantageous related to this prevention field, as it includes information and documents that complement the EAP and eases its elaboration and comprehension, which is not covered currently in the Best Available TechniquesEn el presente trabajo se plantea una propuesta metodol贸gica de realizaci贸n de un Plan de Emergencia Exterior (PEE), para servir como gu铆a a industrias donde haya presentes sustancias qu铆micas peligrosas y afectadas por la Directiva 2012/18/UE y el Real Decreto 840/2015. En primer lugar se realiza un exhaustivo estado del arte relativo a las mejores t茅cnicas disponibles referentes a planes de emergencia para accidentes graves en industrias qu铆micas, as铆 como el estudio de la legislaci贸n vigente, indicando los documentos y procedimientos a tener en cuenta en un PEE. Con la informaci贸n especificada se desarrolla una gu铆a de implantaci贸n que incluye una propuesta metodol贸gica para la elaboraci贸n de un PEE completo, incluyendo informaci贸n sobre la industria, sustancias presentes, riesgos y probabilidades de accidentes, organizaci贸n de la instalaci贸n frente a emergencias, cooperaci贸n con la administraci贸n, informaci贸n a la poblaci贸n, actuaci贸n, etc. Este trabajo realizado engloba todos los pasos necesarios para facilitar y optimizar la elaboraci贸n de los Planes de Emergencia Exterior, suponiendo un importante avance en este campo de la prevenci贸n, pues incluye tambi茅n informaci贸n y documentos complementarios al PEE que facilitan su elaboraci贸n y comprensi贸n, lo cual no queda reflejado en la actualidad dentro de las Mejores T茅cnicas Disponibles

    Neurodise帽o y neurousabilidad de autom贸viles. Una propuesta desde la ingenier铆a neurokansei-chisei

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    En este trabajo de investigaci贸n se plantea una innovaci贸n metodol贸gica en los procesos de dise帽o y desarrollo de productos industriales, con enfoque en el usuario. El objetivo central es el planteamiento de un modelo de orientaci贸n neurocient铆fica para la aplicaci贸n de la Ingenier铆a Kansei-Chisei al dise帽o de productos en el sector del autom贸vil. Esta propuesta participa en la ampliaci贸n del concepto de ergonom铆a aplicada a productos y a entornos de trabajo, la cual ha evolucionado desde los conceptos de ergonom铆a cl谩sica o ergonom铆a f铆sica hacia otros 谩mbitos relacionados con la incorporaci贸n e interacci贸n emocional y racional del dise帽o. En el 谩mbito de la ergonom铆a, el dise帽o productos ha evolucionado de una concepci贸n racional centrada exclusivamente en la eficiencia pr谩ctica, a planteamientos de concepci贸n emocional mediante la incorporaci贸n de soluciones de dise帽o afectivo por Ingenier铆a Kansei. El objetivo final de la Ingenier铆a Kansei Chisei es establecer la relaci贸n entre emoci贸n, raz贸n y propiedades veh铆culo, de tal manera que los resultados puedan ser utilizados para mejorar el confort y la eficiencia del producto.In this research work, is proposed a methodological innovation in the design and development processes of industrial products, with a focus on the user. The central aim is the approach of a neuroscientific orientation model for the application of Kansei-Chisei Engineering to the design of products in the automotive sector. This proposal participates in the expansion of the concept of ergonomics applied to products and work environments, which has evolved from the concepts of classical ergonomics or physical ergonomics to other areas related to the incorporation and emotional and rational interaction of design. In the field of ergonomics, product design has evolved from a rational conception focused exclusively on practical efficiency, to approaches of emotional conception through the incorporation of affective design solutions by Kansei Engineering. The final objective of the Kansei-Chisei Engineering is to establish the relationship between emotion, reason and vehicle properties, in such a way that the results can be used to improve the comfort and efficiency of the product.Plan Propio de la Universidad de Sevilla Proyecto: 2017/0000096

    Exploring Symmetry of Binary Classification Performance Metrics

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    Selecting the proper performance metric constitutes a key issue for most classification problems in the field of machine learning. Although the specialized literature has addressed several topics regarding these metrics, their symmetries have yet to be systematically studied. This research focuses on ten metrics based on a binary confusion matrix and their symmetric behaviour is formally defined under all types of transformations. Through simulated experiments, which cover the full range of datasets and classification results, the symmetric behaviour of these metrics is explored by exposing them to hundreds of simple or combined symmetric transformations. Cross-symmetries among the metrics and statistical symmetries are also explored. The results obtained show that, in all cases, three and only three types of symmetries arise: labelling inversion (between positive and negative classes); scoring inversion (concerning good and bad classifiers); and the combination of these two inversions. Additionally, certain metrics have been shown to be independent of the imbalance in the dataset and two cross-symmetries have been identified. The results regarding their symmetries reveal a deeper insight into the behaviour of various performance metrics and offer an indicator to properly interpret their values and a guide for their selection for certain specific applications.University of Seville (Spain) by Telef贸nica Chair 鈥淚ntelligence in Networks

    Methodological proposal of neurodesign of products from the somatic markers of Damasio

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    La hip贸tesis de los marcadores som谩ticos de Damasio constituye un instrumento a partir del cual se ofrece una explicaci贸n a la forma en que se articula la emoci贸n y el pensamiento racional en los procesos cognitivos, recogida en su libro el error de Descarte. En el mismo, se establece que en los procesos de interacci贸n con el medio objetual, son la emociones las herramientas a partir de las cuales se toman las decisiones de interacci贸n y uso para la formaci贸n de los marcadores som谩ticos que constituyen el elenco experiencial de uso. Este enfoque te贸rico, que si bien constituye una hip贸tesis, es una oportunidad para la formulaci贸n de un marco metodol贸gico de neurodise帽o, objeto del presente trabajo. En el mismo, se formula un modelo de neurodise帽o multisensorial en base al concepto de marcadores som谩ticos de Damasio y posteriormente se aplica a un producto industrial. En la parte final, se realiza la valoraci贸n de la metodolog铆a propuesta en base al estado de conocimiento de la neurociencia actual y se indica posibles l铆neas de actuaci贸n para el desarrollo del neurodise帽o de productos.The hypothesis of the somatic markers of Damasio constitutes an instrument from which an explanation is offered to the way articulation of the emotion and the rational thought in the cognitive processes, collected in his book the error of Discard. In the same, it is stable that in the processes of interaction with the context, emotions are the tools from which the decisions of interaction and use are made for the formation of the somatic markers that constitute the experiential cast of use. This theoretical approach, which constitutes a hypothesis, is an opportunity for the formulation of a methodological framework of neurodesign object of the present work. In the same, a model of multisensory neurodevelopment is formulated based on the concept of somatic markers of Damasio and later applied to an industrial product. In the final part, the evaluation of the proposed methodology is carried out based on the state of knowledge of the current neuroscience and indicates possible lines of action for the development of the neurodesign of products

    Optimizaci贸n de sistemas de prevenci贸n de riesgos laborales en entornos de trabajo conectados e inteligentes. Aplicaci贸n a la construcci贸n 4.0

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    Los programas de Horizonte 2020 y el conjunto de l铆neas de investigaci贸n propuestas internacionalmente relacionadas con la Cuarta Revoluci贸n Industrial o Industria 4.0, reflejan el inter茅s y necesidad de ampliar el alcance de la gesti贸n de los riesgos ocupacionales en los sistemas productivos desde el punto de vista de la digitalizaci贸n y automatizaci贸n para asegurar la protecci贸n integral del trabajador. Partiendo de esta situaci贸n, y teniendo en cuenta el auge que en los 煤ltimos a帽os est谩 teniendo la Industria 4.0 a trav茅s del inicio de la Cuarta Revoluci贸n Industrial en todos los sectores de actividad, habr铆a que plantearse (1) cu谩les son los facilitadores tecnol贸gicos y digitales m谩s id贸neos para alcanzar la automatizaci贸n y digitalizaci贸n fomentada para el alcance de los sistemas de construcci贸n inteligentes (Construcci贸n 4.0), (2) c贸mo conseguir una integraci贸n eficiente entre tecnolog铆a y trabajador (productos inteligentes, wearables) y (3) la forma de configurar dicha integraci贸n, como soluci贸n al r谩pido aumento de la incorporaci贸n de nuevas tecnolog铆as, sistemas TIC y digitalizaci贸n. En este contexto se desarrolla el presente art铆culo: teniendo en cuenta que el dise帽o actual de los dispositivos inteligentes a煤n no est谩 adaptado a entornos ocupacionales y considerando los nuevos retos para la construcci贸n 4.0.The Horizon 2020 programs and the set of internationally proposed research lines related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 reflect the interest and need to broaden the scope of the management of occupational risks in the production systems from the point of view of digitization and automation to ensure the full protection of the worker. Starting from this situation, and taking into account the boom that Industry 4.0 is having in recent years through the start of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in all sectors of activity, we should consider (1) what the technological and digital facilitators are best suited to achieve the automation and digitalization promoted for the scope of intelligent construction systems (Construction 4.0), (2) how to achieve an efficient integration between technology and worker (intelligent products, wearables) and (3) how to configure such integration, as a solution to the rapid increase in the incorporation of new technologies, ICT systems and digitalisation. In this context the present article is developed: bearing in mind that the current design of intelligent devices is not yet adapted to occupational environments and considering the new challenges for construction 4.0

    El factor humano en la prevenci贸n de riesgos laborales en los nuevos entornos de trabajo en la construcci贸n 4.0

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    A pesar de los grandes avances alcanzados en prevenci贸n de riesgos laborales, hoy en d铆a cuatro personas mueren por minuto a causa de enfermedades profesionales y accidentes de trabajo, muchos de ellos atribuidos a los comportamientos peligrosos de los trabajadores o a sus caracter铆sticas individuales. Para minimizarlos, los campos de aplicaci贸n de la prevenci贸n de riesgos laborales se han centrado en los 煤ltimos a帽os sobre el factor humano, siendo actualmente una de las l铆neas de estudio e investigaci贸n prioritarias de la IV Revoluci贸n Industrial. La industria 4.0 requiere operadores cualificados para el control y la gesti贸n del conjunto de procesos digitalizados, este salto tecnol贸gico debe ser asumido por los trabajadores, no como una barrera o un limitante de sus capacidades, sino como herramienta de apoyo. Al aprovechar de forma eficiente los sistemas tecnol贸gicos de la cuarta revoluci贸n industrial optimizan tiempo, recursos y fomentan un entorno laboral con menos riesgos. En este contexto el presente trabajo analiza las oportunidades existentes del desarrollo de nuevos modelos de prevenci贸n y control de los riesgos en los contextos ocupacionales de la Construcci贸n 4.0 desde la ergonom铆a cognitiva y el error humano.Despite the great advances made in the prevention of occupational risks, four people die per minute today due to occupational diseases and work accidents, many of them attributed to the dangerous behavior of workers or their individual characteristics. To minimize them, the fields of application of the prevention of occupational risks have focused in the last years on the human factor, being currently one of the priority study and research lines of the IV Industrial Revolution. Industry 4.0 requires qualified operators to control and manage the set of digitized processes, this technological leap must be assumed by the workers, not as a barrier or a limitation of their capabilities, but as a support tool. By efficiently leveraging the technological systems of the fourth industrial revolution, they optimize time, resources and foster a work environment with fewer risks. In this context, the present work analyzes the existing opportunities for the development of new models for the prevention and control of risks in the occupational contexts of Construction 4.0 from cognitive ergonomics and human error.Plan Propio de la Universidad de Sevilla Proyecto: 2017/0000096