1 research outputs found

    Evaluaci贸n del bienestar animal en tres plantas de faenamiento municipal del suroeste del Ecuador

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    The research was carried out in three municipal slaughter centers located in the southwest of Ecuador. Two weeks were used as a pre-experimental phase to validate the method, evaluating animal welfare indicators during entry into the access chute, knockout box, stunning and bleeding. Animal welfare was evaluated on direct, indirect, sensitivity and post mortem head inspection indicators. The sample consisted of 102 animals in Center A and 400 in centers B and C. In A (95.1%) the cattle were stung at least once on the sleeve, in B (41%) slips were observed, while in C (39.3%) vocalizations were recorded. Regarding the knockout box, 26.3% slipped (C), 15.7% fell, 20.6% vocalized (A), and 13.7% attempted to escape (A). The proportion of animals that fell at the first shot was 52.9% (A) and 88% (B and C) with an interval between stunning and bleeding of less than one minute of 4.9% (A), 0.8% (B) and 0.3% (C). Center A presented the most frequent sensitivity indicators after stunning such as rhythmic breathing (99.8%), corneal reflex (99.8%) and head elevation (98.3%). Post mortem head inspection reflected 17.6% (A), 51.0% (B) and 28.5% (C) of shot accuracy with respect to the ideal target less than 2 cm. In conclusion, the municipal slaughterhouses in the southwest of Ecuador presented poor animal welfare management, failing to comply with international standards, negatively affecting the welfare of cattle in the premortem, stunning and bleeding procedures.La investigaci贸n se realiz贸 en tres centros de faenamiento municipal ubicados al suroeste de Ecuador. Se emplearon dos semanas como fase pre-experimental para la validaci贸n del m茅todo, evalu谩ndose indicadores de bienestar animal durante el ingreso a la manga de acceso, caj贸n de noqueo, aturdimiento y sangr铆a. Se evalu贸 el bienestar animal sobre indicadores directos, indirectos, de sensibilidad y de inspecci贸n post mortem en cabeza. La muestra fue de 102 animales en el camal A y 400 en los camales B y C. En el Camal A (95.1%) los bovinos fueron picaneados al menos un vez en la manga, en el Camal B (41%) se observaron resbalones, mientras que, en el Camal C (39.3%) se registraron vocalizaciones. Con respecto al caj贸n de noqueo, 26.3% se resbalaron (Camal C), 15.7% se cayeron, 20.6% vocaliz贸 (Camal A) y 13.7% intent贸 escapar (Camal A). La proporci贸n de animales que cayeron al primer disparo fue de 52.9% (Camal A) y 88% (Camal B y C) con un intervalo entre el aturdimiento y desangrado menor a un minuto de 4.9% (Camal A), 0.8% (Camal B) y 0.3% (Camal C). El Camal A present贸 los indicadores de sensibilidad m谩s frecuentes despu茅s del aturdimiento como respiraci贸n r铆tmica (99.8%), reflejo corneal (99.8%) y elevaci贸n de cabeza (98.3%). La inspecci贸n de la cabeza post mortem reflej贸 17.6% (Camal A), 51.0% (Camal B) y 28.5% (Camal C) de precisi贸n del disparo con respecto al blanco ideal menor de 2 cm. En conclusi贸n, los camales municipales del suroeste del Ecuador presentaron un deficiente manejo del bienestar animal incumpliendo con los est谩ndares internacionales, afectando negativamente el bienestar de los bovinos en los procedimiento premortem, aturdimiento y desangrado