45 research outputs found


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    Artykuł ten jest próbą przedstawienia działalności sieci placówek, instytucji i organizacji zajmujących się współpracą polsko-niemiecką w dziedzinie kultury w Polsce i w Niemczech. Zawiera omówienie najważniejszych podstaw prawnych oraz przybliża modele funkcjonowania i misje organizacji państwowych, placówek dyplomatycznych, fundacji, miast partnerskich, towarzystw, współpracę młodzieży, działalność mediów na tym polu oraz najważniejsze wydarzenia kulturalne ostatnich lat

    Study of the impact of managers' attitudes towards creativity in terms of taking up creative activities

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    PURPOSE: This article deals with the issues of managers' attitudes towards creativity and their impact on the development of creative organizations. The scientific aim of the article is to explain and extend the conceptualization in the field of creative activities performed by managers and the relationships that occur with the relevant characteristics determining the development of creative activities.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The consideration formed the basis for the formulation of the research hypothesis: There is a relationship between the selected attitudes of managers and creative activities. To verify such a hypothesis, the results of survey study conducted among among managers working in creative organizations who acquire knowledge in educational institutions were used.FINDINGS: The results of the research showed the existence of significant relationships between the selected characteristics that determine appropriate attitudes toward creativity and the performance of creative activities. It turns out that a manager who performs creative activities is characterized by only selected attitudes from among the many presented in this article.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The obtained research results are of particular importance for the development of appropriate attitudes of managers towards creativity in organizations. The indication of guidelines that may change this state of affairs and the developed research allowed us to identify of areas whose improved functioning could affect their more effective development and meet the requirements of competitiveness in the form of a greater number of new ideas generated.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The obtained research results showed which organizational conditions are most conducive to the development of creativity. The results obtained will allow organizations to focus on these elements in order to achieve better results in the form of more innovations.peer-reviewe

    A survey of the state of dietary knowledge of students of the medical faculty of Polish Medical Universities

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    Introduction: Proper nutrition is an important element in pursuit of health. Appropriate selection of macro- and micro-ingredients allows to maintain the correct weight, avoid nutritional deficiencies and many health problems. Despite the fact that the topic of nutrition is primarily the concern of nutritionists, knowledge of nutrition is often helpful also for doctors.Aim is to examine the state of knowledge of medical students studying in Poland on the principles of healthy eating.Material and Methods: An anonymous online survey was conducted. The responses of 140 students of medicine from Polish medical universities were analyzed.  Results: Despite the fact that 52.1% of the respondents declared that they are interested in the topic of healthy eating, only 40.3% of the respondents correctly stated that buckwheat is a good source of magnesium in the diet. 72.7% of respondents wrongly thought that olive oil is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. 78.1% of respondents correctly stated that canned food with a high salt content is a risk factor for stomach cancer. 52.5% of respondents believe that coffee increases the excretion of magnesium in the urine. The same number of respondents correctly considered green tea to be a source of substances similar to caffeine. 59.7% of respondents correctly stated that onions, leeks and cabbage should be avoided while following the diet recommended in irritable bowel syndrome.Conclusion: Despite the expressed interest in the subject of healthy eating by the majority of the surveyed students, the results of the study suggest that the dietetary knowledge of students of the medical faculty of Polish Medical Universities is not very good. In some questions, only about half of the respondents gave correct answers

    Human ADSC xenograft through IL-6 secretion activates M2 macrophages responsible for the repair of damaged muscle tissue

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    Background: Adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (ADSCs) are multipotent stromal cells. The cells secrete a number of cytokines and growth factors and show immunoregulatory and proangiogenic properties. Their properties may be used to repair damaged tissues. The aim of our work is to explain the muscle damage repair mechanism with the utilization of the human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hADSCs). Methods: For the hADSCs isolation, we used the subcutaneous adipose tissue collected during the surgery. The murine hind limb ischemia was used as a model. The unilateral femoral artery ligation was performed on 10–12-week-old male C57BL/6NCrl and NOD SCID mice. The mice received PBS− (controls) or 1 × 106 hADSCs. One, 3, 7, 14 and 21days after the surgery, we collected the gastrocnemius muscles for the immunohistochemical analysis. The results were analyzed with relevant tests using the Statistica software. Results: The retention time of hADSCs in the limb lasted about 14 days. In the mice receiving hADSCs, the improvement in the functionality of the damaged limb occurred faster than in the control mice. More new blood vessels were formed in the limbs of the mice receiving hADSCs than in limbs of the control mice. hADSCs also increased the infiltration of the macrophages with the M2 phenotype (7-AAD−/CD45+/F4/80+/CD206+) into the ischemic limbs. hADSCs introduced into the limb of mice secreted interleukin-6. This cytokine stimulates the emergence of the proangiogenic M2 macrophages, involved, among others, in the repair of a damaged tissue. Both macrophage depletion and IL-6 blockage suppressed the therapeutic effect of hADSCs. In the mice treated with hADSCs and liposomes with clodronate (macrophages depletion), the number of capillaries formed was lower than in the mice treated with hADSCs alone. Administration of hADSCs to the mice that received siltuximab (human IL-6 blocker) did not cause an influx of the M2 macrophages, and the number of capillaries formed was at the level of the control group, as in contrast to the mice that received only the hADSCs. Conclusions: The proposed mechanism for the repair of the damaged muscle using hADSCs is based on the activity of IL-6. In our opinion, the cytokine, secreted by the hADSCs, stimulates the M2 macrophages responsible for repairing damaged muscle and forming new blood vessels

    Prevalence, risk factors and treatment of arterial hypertension in dwellers of Boguszyce village

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    Wstęp Nadciśnienie tętnicze jest jednym z podstawowych czynników ryzyka chorób krążenia zwłaszcza wśród mieszkańców wsi. Celem obecnej pracy była ocena częstości występowania, czynników ryzyka oraz leczenia nadciśnienia tętniczego wśród mieszkańców wsi Boguszyce w powiecie oleśnickim na Dolnym Śląsku.Materiał i metody Badania przeprowadzono u dorosłych mieszkańców wsi Boguszyce. Badania przeprowadzali przeszkoleni studenci medycyny i lekarze, odwiedzający mieszkańców wsi w ich domach. Badanie obejmowało pomiar masy ciała, wzrostu oraz dwukrotny pomiar ciśnienia tętniczego metodą Korotkowa. Ponadto przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe, którego celem była ocena wiedzy na temat nadciśnienia tętniczego oraz współistniejących czynników ryzyka. Wyniki Badania antropometryczne i ankietowe przeprowadzono u 409 osób, czyli 50% dorosłych mieszkańców Boguszyc. U pozostałych mieszkańców nie wykonano badań z powodu nieobecności w domu (3-krotna próba) lub braku zgody na badania. Wśród badanych mężczyźni stanowili 40,83%, a kobiety 59,17%. Nadciśnienie tętnicze stwierdzono u 51% mieszkańców, z czego 53% wcześniej nie miało rozpoznanego nadciśnienia. Średni wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI) badanej grupy wynosił 27,25 i był istotnie wyższy u chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym niż u zdrowych (30,5 vs. 24; p < 0,001). Wśród osób leczonych 68% przyjmowało przepisane leki, a 18,5% było leczonych skutecznie. Wśród przepisywanych leków przeważały &#946;-adrenolityki, inhibitory konwertazy angiotensyny i diuretyki. Zwracał uwagę brak substytucji potasem mimo częstego stosowania leków moczopędnych. Wnioski Wśród mieszkańców wsi Boguszyce odsetek chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze jest znacznie wyższy niż średnia w Polsce. Wśród chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze występuje rozbieżność między subiektywną a obiektywną oceną skuteczności leczenia. Przyczyną niskiego odsetka skuteczności leczenia nadciśnienia tętniczego jest między innymi nieprzestrzeganie zaleceń lekarskich oraz styl życia i nawyki żywieniowe mieszkańców Boguszyc.Background Arterial hypertension is the most common cardiovascular risk factor especially in village dwellers. The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence and risk factors of arterial hypertension in dwellers of the village of Boguszyce in Oleśnica district in Lower Silesia. Material and methods The study group consisted of dwellers of the village of Boguszyce. Examinations were carried out by the trained medical students and physicians visiting village dwellers at their homes. They determined the body mass, height, and measured blood pressure two times based on the Korotkov method. A custom questionnaire was carried out to determine medical history and coexisting risk factors. Results Examinations were carried out in 409 persons (50% of adult village population). The remaining half of village population was not examined due to following reasons: absence at home (3 separate visits), lack of consent. The studied group consisted of 40.83% men and - 59.17% women. Arterial hypertension was diagnosed in 51% of studied population; 53% of this group was not diagnosed earlier with AH. Mean BMI in the study group was 27.25 and was significantly higher in adults with hypertension (30.5 vs. 24; p < 0.001). 68% of adults treated for hypertension took prescribed medications but only 18.5% were treated succesfully. Main presribed antihypertensives were betablockers, ACEI and diuretics. In spite of frequent use of diuretices potassium substitution was rare. Conclusions Arterial hypertension is more common in village dwellers than in general polish population. There is significant discrepancy between perception of treatment results and objective hypertension control. The noncompliance to physicians&#8217; recommendations, the life style and eating habits of the dwellers of Boguszyce, resulting in low physical activity and high percentage of overweight are the chief reasons for high prevalence and low effectiveness of the treatment of hypertension

    NGS analysis of collagen type I genes in Polish patients with Osteogenesis imperfecta: a nationwide multicenter study

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare genetic disorder of the connective tissue. It presents with a wide spectrum of skeletal and extraskeletal features, and ranges in severity from mild to perinatal lethal. The disease is characterized by a heterogeneous genetic background, where approximately 85%–90% of cases have dominantly inherited heterozygous pathogenic variants located in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes. This paper presents the results of the first nationwide study, performed on a large cohort of 197 Polish OI patients. Variants were identified using a next-generation sequencing (NGS) custom gene panel and multiplex ligation probe amplification (MLPA) assay. The following OI types were observed: 1 (42%), 2 (3%), 3 (35%), and 4 (20%). Collagen type I pathogenic variants were reported in 108 families. Alterations were observed in α1 and α2 in 70% and 30% of cases, respectively. The presented paper reports 97 distinct causative variants and expands the OI database with 38 novel pathogenic changes. It also enabled the identification of the first glycine-to-tryptophan substitution in the COL1A1 gene and brought new insights into the clinical severity associated with variants localized in “lethal regions”. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the clinical and genetic aspects of OI


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    Artykuł ten jest próbą przedstawienia działalności sieci placówek, instytucji i organizacji zajmujących się współpracą polsko-niemiecką w dziedzinie kultury w Polsce i w Niemczech. Zawiera omówienie najważniejszych podstaw prawnych oraz przybliża modele funkcjonowania i misje organizacji państwowych, placówek dyplomatycznych, fundacji, miast partnerskich, towarzystw, współpracę młodzieży, działalność mediów na tym polu oraz najważniejsze wydarzenia kulturalne ostatnich lat

    Management of the process of juvenile delinquency in consideration of psychosocial conditions.

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    Przestępczość osób nieletnich to narastający problem na całym świecie. Walką z tym zjawiskiem zajmują się specjaliści z wielu dziedzin m.in. prawa, kryminologii, psychologii. Wysoka skala przestępczości, szczególnie osób nieletnich, spowodowała szereg badań nad czynnikami je determinującymi, które dowodzą wpływ uwarunkowań psychologicznych i społecznych na patologiczny rozwój jednostki. Przeciwdziałanie przestępczości to przede wszystkim zadanie polityki społecznej państwa, wymiaru sprawiedliwości a także jednostek wychowawczych.Juvenile delinquency is a growing problem worldwide. The fight against this phenomenon is dealt with specialists in many fields, among others, law, criminology and psychology. The high crime rate, particularly amongst minors, has caused a number of studies on the factors determining them, which show the influence of psychological and social conditions on the pathological development of the individual. Preventing crime is primarily a task of state social policy, justice and educational units